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Impact of Taliban and Political Changes on Afghan Youth's Social Issues.

How are the ongoing social issues in Afghanistan, particularly the impact on its younger
generation, exacerbated by the Taliban's deadly harm and recent government changes? Social
issues, which are situations that are harmful to society or a part of it, are present in many parts of
the world. Afghanistan, for instance, is among the countries that have been ravaged by violent
conflicts for a long time. While society changes over time, things that matter to teenagers may
become less significant as people grow older. However, in Afghanistan's society, some of the
most crucial issues affecting young people today are still very much present due to the Taliban's
deadly harm that continued for more than three decades.
Even though the Afghan government has recently made strides in areas like economic
development, lowering inequality, reducing poverty, and improving access to healthcare and
education, many problems still exist, including youth unemployment and poor health, which are
particularly detrimental to Afghanistan's younger generation. Afghanistan's youth are faced with
the enormous problem of an all-time high rate of unemployment. The pandemic has made the
issue worse by causing employment losses throughout the nation. A sizable section of the
population also experiences poor health, which has been connected to both poverty and a lack of
access to healthcare.
it is essential to acknowledge that education is a fundamental right that every child should have
access to, regardless of where they come from. Therefore, as a society, we must take the
responsibility of ensuring that every child receives a quality education. It is not just the
responsibility of the government or non-profit organizations to provide education; individuals
and communities must also contribute their time and resources to guarantee that children have
access to educational opportunities. For example, volunteering at local schools, donating books
and supplies, or contributing to educational programs in disadvantaged areas are all ways that
individuals can help ensure that children receive the education they deserve. Through collective
effort, we can build a more equitable society where every child has the opportunity to achieve
their full potential through education
The lack of access to education in Afghanistan has had significant consequences on the country's
younger generation. With limited opportunities for formal education, many young people,
particularly girls, are forced to abandon their dreams of pursuing higher education and fulfilling
their potential. In addition to this, the lack of education has also limited their ability to participate
in the economic and political spheres of the country, perpetuating cycles of poverty and
underdevelopment. Moreover, the recent Taliban takeover has only exacerbated the situation,
with many fearing that the new regime will curtail educational opportunities for women and
girls, effectively closing the door on their future prospects. Despite these challenges, there are
many dedicated individuals and organizations working to support education in Afghanistan.
Non-profits, community groups, and individuals are coming together to create informal learning
opportunities and support systems, such as mentorship programs and access to online resources.
Through these efforts, it is possible to provide hope and opportunities for Afghanistan's young
people, even in the face of significant challenges.
Youth unemployment in Afghanistan continues to be a big problem that affects both men and
women, despite recent improvements. The World Bank estimates that Afghanistan's youth
unemployment rate will be 18.7% in 2020, with young women more likely than young males to
be unemployed. The COVID-19 epidemic, which has caused employment losses throughout the
nation, worsens this issue. Young people in Afghanistan may experience financial difficulties
and be unable to support their families and communities without access to employment
possibilities. Additionally, this may result in a lack of optimism for the future and potential
engagement in risky behaviors like crime or extremism. Afghanistan's young unemployment
must be addressed using both government policies and community efforts to create more job
opportunities and provide skills training for young people.
In conclusion, the Taliban's terrible damage and recent political upheavals have aggravated
Afghanistan's persistent societal problems, especially their effects on the country's younger
population. Young people in Afghanistan continue to face substantial obstacles due to youth
unemployment, poor health, and a lack of educational opportunities despite advances in areas
like economic growth, poverty reduction, and access to healthcare and education. Communities
and people must work together to address these concerns since no one organisation can tackle
them on its own. The major problems Afghanistan has with women's rights, especially in light of
the Taliban's recent takeover, make the situation much more difficult. To guarantee a better
future for Afghanistan's young, it is essential that all parties involved cooperate to find solutions
to these problems.

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