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Form the words using the correct prefix:

41. possible__impossible 13. rational__irrational____

2. polite__impolite_______ 14. happy__unhappy____

3. legal___illegal_____ 15. function __dysfunctional___

4. regular__irregular____ 16. kind _____unkind_____

5. agree__disagree____ 17. popular __unpopular__

6. formal__informal_____ 18. lead __mislead________

7. logical__illogical_____ 19. obey ___disobery__________

8. proper_improper____ 20. moral ___inmoral_____

9. able___unable_______ 21. connect _disconnect____

10. just___unjust______ 22. equal ____unequal_________

11. appear_disapper_____ 23. honest _dishonest__________

12. patient__impatient___ 24. like __dislike_______

2. Underline the correct word:

1. My friend is very impatient/inpatient.

2. It is inpossible/impossible to be late for the meeting.

3. Tom disagreed/misagreed with his friend to go home.

4, Liz was inhappy/unhappy because she has lost her keys.

5, Paul dislikes/unlikes to wash the plates.

6, This book is very inpopular/unpopular among the girls.

7, Your behavior is inmoral/ immoral.

8. Pam was unpolite/impolite to her sister.

9. This decision is unrational/irrational.

10. We must know all irregular/ unregular verbs.

11. Bill is too inaccurate/unaccurate.

3. Fill in the correct words with prefixes:

1. Your answer is ___incorrect___ (correct).

2. This story is __illogical_____ (logical).

3. The cat _appeared____ (appeared) quickly.

4. We __dislike____ (like) horror films.

5. Try to __connect___ (connect) these wires.

6. You __misused___ (used) this verb.

7. You are __impatient___ (patient), just wait.

8. I was _unhappy___unhappy_ (happy), I’ve come late.

9. The party was _informal____ (formal).

10. He will be __able____ (able) to do it.

11. The facts were _believable____ (believable)

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