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I6 Summary (three-day event)

So the congress or i6 event started on Tuesday September 26th 2023, the first thing and objective
was to find and ask for places where to do my stances based on my major which is embedded
systems engineering. I learned how to play fortnite but most I learned and acquired more
information of AI. AI is mentioned all over the world, in fact, we can say that AI can have access
to the database, an example of this are U.S drones, when the United States military send drones
to the fight, the AI these drones possess acquires their enemy’s data by face recognition. The most
relevant we all saw in this was not only on games, but technology, Governor Mauricio Vila stated
on his speech the term Innovation. It was more related to technology that term. Cyber security
was also relevant in the event, Mexico is the top 6 in the world of cyber-attacks, so Cyber Security
was promoted a lot.

Actually, it’s quite impossible (part of me) dislike something from the event, I always liked
technology, that being said, I liked the entire event. Inside the room of Ek-Balam, UPY campaign,
American consulate, Canada’s scholarships promotions, robot combat, AI talks were the events I
liked the most. I was surprised that this time cosplay wasn’t present, but last year it was. I think
that last year was more exciting than this time because last year there were more campaigns and
more games, by the way, the conferences were about technology and only technology.

After the i6 conference, I became motivated to learn even more, no matter how much job or
homework, this major called embedded systems engineering selected by me, it’s related to all the
conferences I assisted and campaigns I asked for stances, also, I’m a programmer, so that helps
me a lot.

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