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blocks of raw gold ore with zircon

1. Alarm (innactive

2. Non-Detection

3. Negative energy trap

4. Reflects lightning bolt

5. Lightning Bolt trap (innactive)

6. protection from evil (innactive)

7. Silence

Entire cave protected by forbiddance spell, but it's weakening. Emanates from glowing areas upper right.
Movanic Deva is chained in that area.

Howler has black quills laid flat against it’s body to hide white skin.

howler summoned by cult. Cult was able to hold it and cut its vocal cords so it couldn't howl. When the
cult died, howler escaped and has been terrorizing Kassen.

13 dead bodies (10 human, 2 half-elf, 1 elf) attached to deflated fleshy orb by tentacles. Sits on top of
small, flat-top pyramid.

Movanic Deva (Lucux Bellator) held prisoner by mithral chains that create antimagic field. Fleshy tendrils
give 10 negative levels.

Cultus    sanguinolentus Lingua (The cult of the bloody tongue)

Book: The Tredecim Syllabus (explains how to summon and control entities from the Abyss)- Rituals:
Beacon Retriever, fiensish conjuration

52 gp, 170 sp, 900cp

Hematite (13 gp)

Rhodochrosite (8 gp)

Masterwork    (180 gp)

3 Potion of CLW (cr, 50 gp)

Potion lesser restoration (crockery box (about 2” sq)/ cloudy dark brown/ solid
chunk/ smells like cherry/ tastes like tar)
Potion of skinsend (CL3)(Stone phial/ cloudy medium brown/ glows/ watery/
smells like greenery/ tastes salty)

Scroll of Protection from good (CL5)

Scroll of Vanish (CL3)

Dust of Summon Monster 2 (CL3) in small leather pouch

Wand of Whip of spiders (CH 22)

1. Engraved gold scarab (75 gp)

2. Engraved jade scarab (85 gp)
3. Engraved mithral scarab (400 gp)
4. 10 silver scarabs (50gp)

Movanic Deva was captured by the elf (Qhodunssix). A powerful wizard who had the help of other
human cultists. No idea how long ago, but the elf looked older every time he came back and always with
different cultists, but always 13.

This last group summoned a howler some time ago. They cowed it, held it magically and severed its vocal
cords so it couldn’t howl. This same group left the cave several times after summoning it, but it, but the
tunnel was magicked to not allow kit out. The cultists made contact with an entity called Nyarlathotep. A
black mass bubbled up on top of that small ziggurat and sent black tendrils out to each of the cultists’
heads. They sat in a trance like that for hours before they all simply slumped and died. Eventually the
black mass dried up. The magic at the tunnel must have eroded over time or perhaps it faded with the
death of the elf, but recently, the howler was able to leave, but it always came back.

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