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My mother always told me that going up to the second floor was a bad idea. She
had lived on the second floor flat for twenty-two years, she told me, but people
living overhead came and went. Had been for as long she had lived there. Not a
single family in her recollection had ever stayed there for more than six months.

At least five families in her memory ad two in mine had come and gone. The only
person who stayed more than six months was a lone lady. From what my mother
told me, she lasted so long because she had her own rituals the performed but
even, she couldn’t stay for longer.

What exactly haunted the second floor of our house, I didn’t know but it was a
well-known fact that it was haunted. The entire neighborhood new. Nothing ever
happened on the ground floor but when I went to bed at night, I could hear the
sound of furniture being moved.

Thus, I got curious. I wanted to find out exactly what was going on up there. The
stories told by former tenants were much the same. Furniture being thrown
about, windows and doors slamming open and closed. One woman was almost
strangled in bed. Needles to say, that family moved away immediately afterward.
I was deathly afraid of going upstairs. When I was little, the thought of a ghost
living upstairs was enough to stop me from going to the toilet at night.

By the time I was twelve, though, these fears had been laid to rest. Most of my
friend in the neighborhood were also rather curious about the haunting and a
friend of mine asked me if we could go up. The landlord always kept the keys to
that flat with us and I knew exactly where it was. So, smelling an adventure, I said
On weekend afternoon, we decided to put our little plan into action. Too many
cooks spoil the broth, so it was only my friend and I. My mother was asleep after
having lunch, so that made nicking the keys easier.

Too of our trade in hand, my friend and I snuck up the stairs. He was ahead of me,
climbing up the stairs. He was of me, climbing the stairs enthusiastically. There
was nobody living up there at the moment, so there was no electricity. No lights
to push the darkness of the staircase away. Our nerves were being canceled out
by our excitement.

Suddenly, my friend stopped in his tracks. I stopped too and asked him why he
had stopped. At my question, he started. He immediately whirled arounds; eyes
wide. “Didn’t you just run past me up the stairs?” he asked, voice very quiet. I said
nothing. The look on his face didn’t make it seem like he was bluffing. The terror
in his eyes was enough.

We sprinted down the stairs and shot out of the house and into the afternoon
sun. The adventure was never fully realized. To this day, that first floor flat
remains untenanted.

-buat malam tu lapar and g masok

-maso tengah masok tu bunyi air titik kat jambe
-so I checked it and it was nothing
-anyone there
-I ignore itb

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