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0] Arguments: C:\Users\RODRIGO\Downloads\citra-setup-windows.

[12] Operations sanity check succeeded.
[4357] addDownloadable "citra-windows-mingw-20230524-72b82ef.7z"
[4369] addDownloadable "citra-linux-20230514-0768bd8.7z"
[4382] addDownloadable "citra-linux-20230516-391fbec.7z"
[4394] addDownloadable "citra-osx-20230525-e8bfb99.7z"
[4406] addDownloadable "citra-windows-mingw-20230525-e8bfb99.7z"
[12582] Created warning message box "OverwriteTargetDirectory": "Advertencia", "You
have selected an existing, non-empty directory for installation.\nNote that it will
be completely wiped on uninstallation of this application.\nIt is not advisable to
install into this directory as installation might fail.\nDo you want to continue?"
[19519] Tmp and install directories are on the same volume. Volume mount point:
"C:\\" Free space available: "3.80 GiB"
[19519] Installation space required: "548.57 MiB" Temporary space required: "316.32
MiB" Local repository size: "0.00 bytes"
[20598] backup operation: Mkdir
[20598] - arguments: C:/Users/RODRIGO/Desktop
[20599] Done
[20599] perform operation: Mkdir
[20599] - arguments: C:/Users/RODRIGO/Desktop
[20599] Done
[20600] Install size: 1 components
[23460] backup org.citra.nightly.mingw operation: Extract
[23460] - arguments: installer://org.citra.nightly.mingw/1912citra-windows-
mingw-20230524-72b82ef.7z, C:\Users\RODRIGO\Desktop
[23460] Done
[23460] perform org.citra.nightly.mingw operation: Extract
[23460] - arguments: installer://org.citra.nightly.mingw/1912citra-windows-
mingw-20230524-72b82ef.7z, C:\Users\RODRIGO\Desktop
[30520] Done
[30520] backup org.citra.nightly.mingw operation: CreateShortcut
[30520] - arguments: C:\Users\RODRIGO\Desktop/nightly-mingw/citra-qt.exe, C:\
Users\RODRIGO\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Citra/Citra
Nightly.lnk, workingDirectory=C:\Users\RODRIGO\Desktop/nightly-mingw
[30520] Done
[30520] perform org.citra.nightly.mingw operation: CreateShortcut
[30520] - arguments: C:\Users\RODRIGO\Desktop/nightly-mingw/citra-qt.exe, C:\
Users\RODRIGO\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Citra/Citra
[53301] Done
[53302] backup org.citra.nightly.mingw operation: License
[53302] - arguments:
[53302] Done
[53302] perform org.citra.nightly.mingw operation: License
[53302] - arguments:
[53305] Done
[53315] Writing maintenance tool:
[53477] Wrote permissions for maintenance tool.
[53644] Maintenance tool restart: false.

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