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Nazism and rise of Hitler

In 1914 world war one was fought by

Allied powers Central powers
England Germany
France Austro-Hungarian
Russia Ottoman Turkey
USA (1918)
 USA was the biggest reason for Germany to lose in World War one
 The emperor of Germany abdicated
 Weimer republic was formed in a place called Weimar (1919-1933)
 National assembly created federal structure and Democratic constitution for

 People of Germany elected deputies (members) for parliament

 The wiener republic signed the treaty of Versailles in which they imposed many

Effect of treaty of Versailles on Germany

 Germany lost 13% of its territories
 Germany lost 75% of its iron
 Germany lost 26% of its coal
 Allied powers demilitarized Germany
 The war guilt clause Germany-forced to pay compensation of £6billion
 The allied armies also occupied the resources-rich Rhineland for much of the
 The Weimer republic was not well adopted by the people
 German politicians who signed the treaty of Versailles in November 1918 were
called November criminals
 War had devastating impact on Europe both psychologically and financially
 From being a creditor Europe became a debtor
 In the year 1923 Germany was hit by hyperinflation
 Germany had taken a loan from France but couldn’t repay it
 Germanys gold stock had also run out
 So, France occupied a place called Ruhr in Germany
 The people who lived there couldn’t not say anything to the axis power so
blamed everything on the
 Now with Ruhr no longer a part of Germany. Germany had very less resources
 So to save themselves they recklessly start printing money, but this lowers its
economic value and the prices of essentials like bread skyrocket

Dawes Plan
During the time of hyperinflation in Germany USA comes to help Germany by
making the Dawes plan in which USA gave Germany tiny loans so that Germany can
slowly recover

The great economic depression

The great economic depression rises because USA’s wall street exchange crashed

The effect of great economic depression on USA

 Between 1929-1932, the nation income of USA fell by half
 Factories shut down, Exports fell, People were hit badly
The effect of great economic depression on
. Germany
 Industrial production reduced to 40%
 The number of unemployed touched an unpredicted 6 million
 Criminal activities started increasing due to unemployment
 Busyness had failed the prices of farmers crops dropped
 Mothers couldn’t feed their children

Rise of Hitler
 Hitler was born in Austria in 1889
 He spent most of his child hood in a very poor condition
 Hitler joined the army in World War 1(1914)
 When Germany lost the first World War Hitler was furious he got even more
frustrated when the treaty of Versailles was signed
 In 1919 Hitler joins a political party called Germans Workers party and then
worked his way up and became head
 He later changes the name of the party to National Socialist German Workers'
Party short for (Nazi)

Rise of Nazi party in German politics

 During the 1928 election in German parliament Nazi part lost badly with only
2.6% votes
 During the 1929 great economic depression Hitler attracts people by saying
things like “If you support me and vote for me in the elections I will give
solutions to all your problems”
 At this point Hitler is already a powerful speaker he could easily influence
anyone with his talks
 Finally in 1932 Nazi party won the election in the German parliament by 37%

Promises made by Hitler to win the election

 Hitler promised that he would make Germany a strong nation
 I will remove provisions of the treaty of Versailles
 Enhance the dignity of each individual of Germany
 Every citizen of Germany will get employment
 I will stop foreign interference
 And because of these promises Nazi party won the elections, after that Hitler
started conducting rallies to boost his popularity as Hitler slowly became more
popular Hitler came in power
 In 30 Jan 1933 president Hindenburg appointed Hitler as chancellor of Germany
 97 February 1933 a fire broke out in the German parliament
 Then in 28 February 1933 comes the Fire Decree

 Due to which in 3 march 1933 the Enabling Act passed due to which democracy
was replaced by dictatorship
 After that Hitler became the dictator and after that Hitler banns all political
parties except one the Nazi party

German Economic Recovery

Hitler had made many promises to improve Germanys economic condition and he
works on them to
 Hitler hires an economic specialist Hjalmar Schacht and tells him to improve
Germanys economic condition

 And with the help of this project things like super highways and people’s car the
Volkswagen came to Germany

Changes in Foreign Policy

 In 1933 Hitler withdrew Germany from league of nations
 In 1936 Hitler reoccupied the Rhineland
 In 1938 Hitler interrogated Austria and Germany under the slogan ‘one people,
one empire and one leader’
 Hitler slowly started capturing small pieces of land to build his empire
 Hitler choses war as a way out of economic crisis he said (why do I need to
develop my own country when I can capture a developed country )
 On the 1st September 1981 Germany invades Poland and then captures it so
France and England both unite to fight against Germany

World War Two

World War Two was fought by two powers
Allied powers Axis powers
British Germany
France Italy
USA Japan
Soviet Union
 In September 1940 the tripartite pact was signed through which Germany was
joined by Italy and Japan
 In June 1941 Germany invades Soviet Union
 At this time Germany was being bombed in the western border bye the British
and was invading the Soviet Union at the eastern border at same time
 To which Germany was defeated badly by the Soviet Union at Stalingrad
 And on the other side America did not want to fight the war because of the
economic crisis that occurred after the first world war
 But Japan was constantly expanding its empire towards the east while doing so
bombed the American naval base in Hawaii pearl harbor
 America had no other choice but to enter the was on 8 December 1941
 After USA entry in the war USA quickly neutralized the war and ended it
 The World War Two ended in 1945 with two things
 1)defeat of Germany
 2)bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
 In may 1951 Germany surrenders
 And the allied powers win
 In Nuremberg Germany International Military Tribunal was formed

Crimes Of Nazi Party

 Crime Against Peace
 War Crime
 Crime Against Humanity
 They killed 6 million Jews, 2 lakh gypsies, 1 lakh Polish civilians and 70000
Germans who were physically and mentally disabled

Nazi Ideology
 According to Nazi ideology there was no equality between people, but only
racial hierarchy
 Top Priority- people with blue eyes and blond hair were called (Nordic Aryans)
 Low Priority- Jews

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