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2.3. Hypotheses’ development and research model

/ Variables and research hypotheses

• Review characteristics

Online credible reviews and perceived usefulness were found to be influenced by a number of
review characteristics. Numerous studies indicate that a product with many positive reviews will result
in increased sales and product popularity. (Flanagin & Metzger, 2013; Hong & Pittman, 2020; Reyes-
Menendez et al., 2019).

● Detailed review

The detail review's level of specificity, lucidity, and depth in describing, evaluating, and
commenting on the objects being evaluated constitutes its level of detail. In fact, lengthy reviews are
frequently more informative and comprehensive, whereas brief reviews are frequently less thorough and
do not provide a complete picture of a product's features. In addition, research by Johnson and Payne
(1985) demonstrates that perusing detailed reviews helps consumers spend less time searching for
information, thereby facilitating quicker decision-making as a result of complete data. Research now
acknowledges that positive, comprehensive online product reviews are more trustworthy and persuasive
than positive, general online product reviews. Therefore, online product reviews that provide specific
details about a product's features or anecdotes about using the product will be more credible and
persuasive than reviews that lack of clarity information (for example, "great product", "great", "best").
H1a: Detailed review has a positive effect on perceived usefulness

● Consistency review

If the reviewer agrees with most online reviews or other people's recommendations, those are
considered consistent reviews (Chakraborty & Bhat, 2017, 2018b; Chakraborty, 2019). Consistent
online reviews are found to have higher reliability (Abedin et al. 2021; Baharuddin & Yaacob, 2020;
Brand & Reith, 2022; Chakraborty & Bhat, 2017, 2018; Chakraborty, 2019; Cheung et al., 2009, 2012;
Luo et al., 2014; Tran & Can, 2020). Fang and Li (2016) found that information recipients actively
monitor the consistency of information while perceiving the reliability of the rating.
H1b: Consistency Review has a positive effect on perceived usefulness.

● Rating review

According to research conducted by Mudambi and Schuff (2010), consumers tend to seek out rating
reviews with either extremely high or extremely low scores, assuming that these reviews contain
significant evidence of the raters' satisfaction or dissatisfaction. In the investigations of Hu et al. (2008)
and Lee et al. (2013), product review ratings are identified as a factor that influences consumer
purchasing decisions. Therefore, consumers frequently rely on rating reviews to determine the efficacy
of reviews to them, enabling them to make independent purchasing decisions.

H1c: Rating review has a positive effect on perceived usefulness

● Reviewer characteristics

● Reviewer reputation

Reviewer reputation is the extent to which he or she is known and respected by everyone.
Reputations of reviewers can also be affected by their renown, expertise, and standing in their respective
fields. Liu and Park (2015) discovered that the reputation of a reviewer influences the perceived value of
a review. The consumer can infer the credibility of the reviewer based on his repute as suggested by the
site or other community members. The number of years that an evaluator has been certified as
"Excellent" could be a quantifiable indicator of reputation. It is reasonable to assume that a reviewer's
credibility will increase as his or her reputation grows. Consequently, we offer the following hypothesis:
H2a: Reviewer reputation has a positive influence on perceived usefulness.

● Reviewer sociability

Reviewer sociability is a collection of traits, behaviors, and abilities related to the capacity to
interact and communicate with others in a social setting. Reviewer sociability refers to attributes such
as receptivity, communication abilities, cooperation, etc. According to McCroskey et al. (1974), one of
the most important aspects of source reliability is sociability. A key characteristic of sociability is
friendliness. In the context of social networks, a person's number of community-based acquaintances
can be used to quantify their friendliness. Therefore, the number of peers a reviewer has in the
community will positively correlate with the usefulness of their reviews on a shopping platform. Liu and
Park (2015) examined the relationship between the number of friends and the utility of reviews. The
following hypothesis is therefore proposed:
H2b: Reviewer sociability has a positive effect on perceived usefulness.

● Reviewer experience

Reviewer experience is the accumulation of knowledge, skills, and competencies during the
evaluation procedure. It includes knowledge of the area being evaluated, proficiency in the use of
assessment instruments and methods, and the ability to provide accurate evaluations and constructive
feedback. It plays a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy and effectiveness of the review process. The
technical aspect of source dependability alludes to the experience of reviewer. Therefore, one of the
most essential characteristics of a rater is experience in the field under consideration. People with
greater experience in a field are generally viewed as more trustworthy than those with less experience.
Experience in the context of online reviews refers to the duration of time a reviewer has been a part of
the online review community. Typically, consumers anticipate reviews from reviewers with years of
experience on the shopping platforms consumers use; these reviewers will be more trusted and have
more community followers than newcomers. Consequently, this leads to the following conclusion:
H2c: Reviewer experience has a positive influence on perceived usefulness.

• Source characteristic

● Review platform

The review platform plays a crucial role in fostering a positive online retail environment in
which users can rely on feedback from previous customers to make intelligent purchasing decisions.
According to prior research (Bei et al., 2004), consumers perceive product information differently across
various platforms. Positive review platforms influence users' perceptions of the usefulness of reviews on
purchasing platforms through the veracity, objectivity, and dependability of reviews, as well as through
the inclusion of complete information, multiple sources, interactive features, and user feedback. This
enables users to make confident purchases and enjoy a satisfying online retail experience. Consequently,
the authors postulate:
H3a: Review platform has a positive effect on perceived usefulness.

 Source credibility

Source credibility refers to the extent to which a reviewer is regarded as reliable, valuable, and
trustworthy in providing evaluation data. This relates to the source's credibility, professionalism,
experience, knowledge, independence, and objectivity. Users frequently evaluate the credibility of a
review source based on these criteria to determine the reliability and value of the review information
when making purchasing decisions or conducting product/service reviews. Cheung and Thadani (2012)
define source credibility as "the motivation to provide accurate and truthful information (reliability) of
the message source". If the review source is considered trustworthy, reputable, and impartial, users will
value that source. In determining the utility of an evaluation, the source's expertise and knowledge are
also crucial factors. The credibility of the review source also assists users in determining the veracity of
the review's content, instilling confidence in both the review and the purchasing platform. Therefore, the
reliability and objectivity of the information source will provide a solid foundation for consumers' initial
impressions. The more reliable the source, the more customers will trust it, and the more useful the
reviews of that source will be. Based on the analysis presented above, the study hypothesized
H3b: Source credibility has a positive effect on the perception of the perceived usefulness
 Source identity

Source identity is information about individuals or organizations that have posted or written
product or service reviews on the e-commerce platform or evaluation website. Therefore, when
consumers are provided with evidence that information about the source of evaluation exists, it is simple
for them to be drawn to those purchasing platforms. Similar to Kusumasondjaja et al. (2012), reviews
written by a source with a verifiable identity are more reliable than reviews written by unverified
sources. Based on the preceding analysis, the study proposes the following hypotheses:
H3c: Source identity has a positive influence on perceived usefulness

● Perceived usefulness of online reviews

Perceived usefulness of reviews on shopping platforms refers to the extent to which consumers
believe their purchasing process is more efficient after perusing reviews on online shopping platforms.
Holbrook and Batra (1987) theorized that perception dictates influence and affects behavior. According
to Parboteeah et al. (2009), the perceived utility of reviews on purchasing platforms influences
enjoyment positively. Therefore, when purchasers appreciate the content of online reviews on various
purchasing platforms, consumer trust in online reviews on those platforms gets higher, resulting in an
increase in impulse purchases. There have been demonstrated positive effects of of perceived usefulness
of reviews on purchasing platforms on the credibility of reviews. Using prior research as a foundation,
the following hypothesis is proposed:
H4: Perceived usefulness has a positive influence on online credible review.

● Online credible review

Several studies (Cheung et al., 2009; Dong, 2015) define online credible review as those that
consumers perceive to be truthful, reasonable, and reliable. Previous research has linked reliability to
consumer perceptions and reviews, rather than as a direct indicator of review veracity (Chakrabortty &
Bhat, 2018). Reliability of online reviews is defined as consumers' evaluation of the reviews' veracity
(Zha et al., 2015) and validity (Chakrabarti & Bhat, 2017).
In addition, with a high level of credibility, consumers will be drawn to evocative review content
rather than general or brief reviews. It is evident that when people seek for their favorite products
online, reviews instill a sense of confidence. Because of this, the presentation of products on online
review sites is always diverse and lively, attracting viewers, effectively stimulating the senses of
purchasers, and facilitating a better understanding of the product. So we postulate:
H5: Online credible review has a positive influence on online vividness of products.
Currently, when a person intends to make a purchase, they frequently consult reviews prior to
making a final decision. This indicates that reviews are more appealing to viewers when they
demonstrate their credibility via perceived utility, review characteristics, reviewes characteristics, and
source characteristics. A credible review will serve as the premise for motivating consumer purchasing
behavior, as consumers will be attracted to the product's details, benefits, and flaws, as well as product
fixes, which are derived from online reviews. On the basis of the preceding arguments, we hypothesize::
H6: Online credible review has a positive effect on impulsive buying behavior.
There is no distinct shopping intent body when referring to consumer search activity on shopping
websites in pursuit of information, whether seller-produced content or online consumer reviews.
According to Floh and Madlberger (2013), consumer inquiry also contributes to purchase motivation,
which leads to the sixth hypothesis, which states that online trust reviews have a significant influence on
buying behavior:
H7: Online credible review has a positive effect on urging to buy impulsively.

• Online vividness of product

Online vividness of products refers to the clarity and robustness of product information
presented online, capturing consumers' attention, stimulating their imagination, and positively impacting
their online shopping experience (Changchit & Klaus, 2020; Kuan et al., 2015). Online vividness of
products provides consumers with multiple, informative clues and stimulates more sensory channels
than a simple product description. Previous research has shown that online reviews that provide vivid
images stimulate a buyer's multiple sensory channels (Estrella-Ramon & Ellis-Chadwick, 2017;
Vázquez, 2019; Yim et al., 2017). The more vividly a product is presented online, the more plainly the
consumer can absorb the information, which is extremely beneficial for satisfying the buyer's
requirements. When consumers seek for their preferred products online, persuasive reviews capture their
attention. When making purchasing decisions, the online vividness of products will aid consumers. This
results in:
H8: Online vividness of products has a positive effect on impulsive buying behavior.

• Urge to buy impulsively

Beatty and Ferrell (1998) defined the urge to buy impulsively as "the desired state experienced
when encountering an environmental object." Rook (1987) demonstrated that impulse purchasing occurs
after experiencing the desire to purchase. In our model, impulsive buying refers to consumers' sudden
and spontaneous desire to purchase after perusing product reviews and sales information. While urge to
buy impulsively behavior indicates actual purchasing behavior, in which the individual actually
purchases something to satiate their desire. The impulse to buy impulsively can be strong and
irresistible, but having the impulse does not inevitably imply acting on it (Rook & Fisher, 1995). In
general, consumers experience the urge to make impulsive purchases more frequently than they actually
do so. Verhagen and van Dolen (2011) demonstrated a positive and statistically significant correlation
between urge to buy implusively and actual purchase behavior. Consistent with prior research, we
identify their distinctions and propose a positive relationship between them (Beatty & Ferrell, 1998).
Then, we propose the next hypothesis:
H9: Urge to buy impulsively has a positive effect on impulse buying behavior.

• Perceived price dispersion

In the O2O market, buyers select alternative products with comparable characteristics, and
vendors observe and compare pricing strategies with rivals in order to attract prospective buyers. One of
the primary causes of PPD is consumers' exposure to asymmetric and uncertain market information;
purchasers incur higher transaction costs when conducting online product research (Gorodnicenko et al.,
2018). However, as it is now simpler for buyers to obtain comparable price information through online
reviews on such sites, it is becoming increasingly essential for businesses to comprehend the effect of
price information on online purchasing decisions. Previous research indicates that when the number of
pure online retailers reaches a certain threshold, the online PPD will increase, leading to an increase in
the number of pure online retailers (Kocas et al., 2018). In addition, prior research has demonstrated that
changes in online user reviews of product type and market type influence product price changes by
product type and market type in terms of absolute and relative price data (Viejo-Fernandez et al., 2020).
In addition, the study contends that PPD has a regulatory function, interacting with the relationship
between the online vividness of products and impulsive buying behavior.
H10: Perceived price dispersion plays a role in promoting the relationship between the online
vividness of products and impulsive buying behavior.

• Self-control - SC

Self-control is a crucial factor in decision-making and can inhibit a person's impulses, emotions,
and wants (Sela et al., 2017). It has been the subject of extensive research in numerous fields, including
toxic food, alcohol, and psychological regulation (Baumeister, 2002; Tangney et al., 2004). If
consumers possess a high level of self-control, they will consider their long-term objectives. For
instance, they may consume healthy foods in order to maintain a healthy weight, avoid procrastination
in order to accomplish their goals, and delay gratification in order to generate better rewards
(Baumeister, 2002). Vohs and Faber (2007) propose that consumers with low self-control experience a
greater inclination to purchase than consumers with high self-control. If consumers have a high level of
self-control, they will not be as readily tempted to buy on impulse and make true impulse purchases.
Therefore, we propose the two hypotheses listed below:
H11: Self-control has a positive effect on the urge to buy impulsively.
When consumers experience a desire to make a purchase, internal responses are triggered to
evaluate potential constraints affecting their purchasing behavior (Shen & Khalifa, 2012). When
consumers lack self-control, they perceive constraints infrequently. Friese and Hofmann (2009)
demonstrated that individuals with a high level of self-control are less likely to succumb to impulse
purchases. People with high self-control are often adept at regulating impulses, whereas those with low
self-control are more likely to act impulsively, according to Baumeister (2002). Therefore, consumers
with a high degree of self-control can reduce the likelihood of making impulsive purchases after
meticulous consideration. They can readily avoid making impulsive purchases. This leads us to propose
the following hypothesis:
H12: Self-control plays a role in promoting the relationship between urge to buy impulsively
and impulse buying behavior.

• Homophily - HM

Homophily, a concept used to describe situations in which the communicator and the recipient
share similar characteristics, is a means of expressing similarity. Similar values, hobbies, and lifestyles
make it simpler for people to find external information because it reduces the uncertainty between
various pieces of data (Chu & Kim, 2011).
With the rise of social media and social contexts such as social commerce, blogs, and social
service spaces, interest in unified marketing collateral is growing. Consumers view consumer-generated
information as more reliable than company-generated information, according to prior research
(Dellaroca, 2003). Considering the large number of consumers who seek inspiration by perusing review
websites, reviewers can be viewed as those who persuade consumers with their credibility and conform
to the prevailing trend. However, less emphasis is placed on homogeneity and purchase intention in
terms of a consumer's purchase intent when perusing a review (Tropp et al., 2015). Consequently, it is
H13: Homophily has a positive influence on impulsive buying behavior
From the stated hypotheses, the author proposes the research as shown below:
Figure 1. Proposed research model

3. Research Methods
3.1. Building questionnaires and scales
Figure 1 depicts the 17 scales included in this investigation. On a 5-point Likert scale ranging
from (1) Completely disagree to (5) Totally agree, the aforementioned factors are measured. To
construct a survey questionnaire, the authors first discussed and selected the original English scale from
related studies, and all variables were derived from prior research.
Eleven items from studies by Jiménez and Mendoza (2013), Baharuddin and Yaacob (2020), and
Baharuddin and Yaacob (2020) were used to assess review characteristics (detailed review, consistency
review, rating review). To measure reviewer characteristics, a total of 9 statements from the studies of
Chen and Ku (2021), Banerjee et al. (2017), and Arenas-Márquez et al. (2021) were consulted and used.
Three of the statements assessed reputation, while the remaining six assessed sociability and experience.
Ha and Lee (2018), Bae and Lee (2011), Cheung et al (2012), and Kusumasondjaja et al (2012) inspired
the use of 10 observed variables to measure source characteristics. In addition, the remaining variables
(perceived usefulness, online credible review, online vividness of products, urge to buy impulsively, and
self-control) were measured using items from studies by Parboteeah et al. (2009), Chakraborty and Bhat
(2017), Chen and Ku (2021), and Honkanen et al. (2011). In addition, homophily (Mainolfi and
Vergura, 2022) is measured by four variables, while impulse purchasing behavior (Do et al., 2020)
consists of six variables.
Before applying the scale to the official survey, its content was Vietnameseized and evaluated by
ten randomly selected students to ensure clarity, accuracy, and comprehension.

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