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1. Firstly, geographic market segmentation is the most straightforward type of market

segmentation. Customers' and potential customers' interests, tastes, and demands may
change based on their geographic location. It may personalise the marketing to certain
target groups if the understanding of their geographic locations and temperatures. For
example, this might affect the colours, language on the box, pictures, and flavour.
Geographical segmentation is essential when dealing with items that differ in area
culture, population, and climate. Geography is one of the earliest sources of
segmentation. Regional variances in product preferences are typical. Secondly,
psychographic market segmentation is the process of segmenting your market based
on customer personality traits, attitudes, beliefs, interests, and lifestyles. People have
various attitudes, interests, and characteristics. For example, although some
individuals are concerned about environmental preservation, others are not. Some
people are concerned about their health and fitness. Some people, however, are
unconcerned about fitness and will eat anything. Some people devote their lives to
sports, while others are uninterested in sports and prefer other enjoyable pursuits.
Psychographic segmentation is the primary motivator in people's life. Psychographic
segmentation influences where a person buys a property, the job route he or she
pursues, and purchasing decisions. Thirdly, demographic segmentation is a form of
segmentation based on factors such as age, gender, and income. Market research is
critical in identifying client segments. Demographic segmentation allows you to keep
up with the ever-changing market. In essence, this will assist in developing
appropriate marketing campaigns including new product testing, launch, and existing
items. Understanding how various goods affect distinct demographic market segments
can help you remain ahead of the competition. Among the most frequent demographic
segmentation variables are age/gender, income/education, religion/race/nationality
and household characteristics. Fourthly, behavioural segmentation comprises splitting
whole market into smaller segments depending on the purchasing habits of the clients.
With behavioural segmentation, should evaluate the consumers' tendencies, such as
brand loyalty, frequency, and advantages required. Based on their actions, you keep
the clients' requirements and desires in mind.

2. Developing a new product involves several steps. Idea generation, this is the first step
in the product development process. It involves brainstorming and coming up with
new product ideas that meet the needs of the target market. Once you have a list of
potential product ideas, you need to evaluate them to determine which ones are worth
pursuing. This involves analysing the feasibility, profitability, and market potential of
each idea. Next, concept development and this step involves developing a detailed
concept for the product, including its features, benefits, and target market. Once the
concept is finalized, the product design and development process begin. This involves
creating prototypes, testing the product, and making any necessary changes. Testing
and validation were before launching the product, it is important to test and validate it
to ensure that it meets the needs of the target market and is of high quality. Launch
was once the product has been tested and validated, it is ready to be launched. This
involves creating a marketing plan, setting a price, and introducing the product to the
target market. Lastly, post-launch evaluation that after the product has been launched,
it is important to evaluate its performance and make any necessary changes to
improve its success.

3. The three main pricing methods are the cost-based pricing, this method involves
setting a price based on the cost of producing the product, including materials, labour,
and overhead costs. A markup is then added to the cost to determine the final price.
This method is simple and straightforward, but it does not take into account market
demand or competition. Next, the value-based pricing and this method involves
setting a price based on the perceived value of the product to the customer. This can
be determined through market research and analysis of customer needs and
preferences. This method allows for a higher price point if the product is perceived as
having high value to the customer. Lastly, the competition-based pricing, this method
involves setting a price based on the prices of similar products in the market. This
method is useful when there is a lot of competition in the market and can help a
company stay competitive. However, it may not take into account the unique features
or value of the product.

4. Intensive distribution tries to provide market saturation by utilising all available

venues. Total sales for various items (e.g., cigarettes, beer) are closely related to the
number of outlets used. When buyers have a variety of acceptable brands to select
from, extensive distribution is typically necessary. In other words, if a certain brand is
unavailable, a client will just switch to another. This option includes all of the various
distribution channels for the product. This is especially effective for businesses like
soft drinks, where distribution is critical to success. Soft drink companies distribute
their brands through different places to guarantee that their products are easily
accessible to customers. As a result, these brands are accessible in restaurants and
five-star hotels, but they are also available in uncountable soft drink stalls, kiosks,
sweetmeats, tea shops, and so on. Any prospective outlet that the client is likely to
visit is likewise a soft drink outlet. Selective distribution entails a manufacturer
selling items through a restricted number of retailers in a geographical area. The
producer can pick the most appropriate or best-performing channels and focus effort
(e.g., training) on them, which is a benefit of this method. Selective distribution works
best when customers are willing to "shop around" - that is, when they prefer a specific
brand or price and will seek out the stores that supply it. This strategy to distribution
is known as the middle path. Here, the company chooses which retailers will
distribute their items. This option allows manufacturers to concentrate their sales
efforts on a few key outlets rather than dispersing them among a large number of
minor ones. Lastly, exclusive distribution is a type of selective distribution in which
only one wholesaler, retailer, or distributor operates in a certain geographic region. An
exclusive distribution strategy is used when a company distributes its brand through
only one or two significant outlets in the market that deal only in it and not in all rival
brands. This is a frequent method of distribution for items and businesses who want to
project a high level of prestige. Designer clothing, big home equipment, and even
vehicles are typical examples. The manufacturer wants to gain control over the
intermediaries' price, promotion, credit inventory, and service rules by offering
exclusive distribution rights. The company also aims to gain from aggressive selling
by such venues.

5. Step 1 was identifying the purpose of the advertising, step 2 was determining the
target audience, step 3 was select a medium, step 4 was create the advertising, step 5
select a place and time for the advertising, step 5 was select a place and time for the
advertising to appear and lastly step 6 was fulfils expectations.

6. Price is the cost of a product that your consumer will pay in an online marketing mix.
Secondary considerations, such as the customer's perceived worth of an online
product, must be considered when setting a price. Incorporating consumer time spent
on product acquisition into your pricing strategy allows you to generate more realistic
pricing for your items. We equate internet purchases with being quick, yet in most
situations, the consumer must go through many processes. For example, pre-
registration and registration, onboarding, checkout and purchase process length and
download times. A protracted acquisition time raises the cost for consumers, resulting
in a loss of revenue. The strategy of growing sales with scale is to price online things
correctly. Inefficient pricing tactics will eventually lead to the product's demise.
Smaller issues scale in the same way that larger difficulties do. Place in the internet
marketing mix refers to where and how your clients may access your offerings. There
are several possibilities for selling on various platforms and approaches in internet
marketing. The optimal location for your consumer is one that is easy to access and
handy for your target demographic. What selling options do you have if we only look
at online products? Many examples include social media platforms (Either by selling
directly (Facebook Shop) or by referring traffic to another owned channel), dedicated
online store (Shopify), online marketplaces (Amazon, Shopee, eBay, other niche
marketplaces). The purpose of a spot in the internet marketing mix is to consider your
clients' convenience aspects. It is critical for the entire experience that your clients can
access your online items from the most convenient locations. Lastly, the use of online
marketing communication tools to reach your target audiences is referred to as
promotion in the online marketing mix. The use of internet advertising, public
relations, direct contact, and sales promotions to reach and influence an audience is
referred to as promotion. Online marketing provides several useful tactics to
incorporate in your marketing mix. When it comes to reaching out to clients, each
firm and its online offerings demand a unique strategy. Some techniques rely upon
directly advertising on various platforms, while others revolve around developing
authority with the content or gaining a social media following.

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