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TrinMaC Virtual Winter 2022

Trinity School NYC Math Team

January 10th to January 17th

If you have any questions or concerns during the competition, please email
and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

1. [17 points] Given that y is an integer, find the sum of all possible integer values of x for the
following equation:
2 3 1
− =
x y 4

2. [19 points] Brian plans to go to a Marvel convention to meet his biggest idols: Wong, Jimmy
Woo, and Shang-Chi. The convention begins at 1:00 and each presenter speaks for 1 minute
intervals. Wong speaks every 4 minutes (1:00, 1:04, 1:08, . . . ); Jimmy Woo speaks every 7
minutes (1:00, 1:07, 1:14, . . . ); and Shang-Chi speaks every 9 minutes (1:00, 1:09, 1:18, . . . ).
Let s:hi be the earliest time Brian can drop by the convention such that he can hear the
complete presentations of the speakers in the order W, JW, SC at times s:hi, s:hi + 1, s:hi + 2
respectively. Find s + h + i.

3. [19 points] Two congruent parallelograms GACB and AHDC are joined to create a larger
parallelogram GHDB. Line BE has a length of √43 and bisects angle ABD. Line AB bisects
angle GBD. Line AF is perpendicular to√side BD and angle EBF is 30◦ . The area of
parallelogram GHDB can be expressed as a b, where b is in its simplest form. What is a + b?

4. [21 points] Ms. Ali writes out all the proper divisors of 450 and makes a sequence out of
these factors. Whenever she looks at the sequence from left to right, there are always more
odd factors than even factors. How many possible sequences can Ms. Ali make?
5. [21 points] Square ABCD and rectangle HIJK are√ inscribed in circle M . LE is the perpen-

dicular bisector of AB and LE has a length of 4 − 2 2. HI has a length of 4. Let aπ b
− c d
be the area of the shaded region, where a and b are relatively prime positive integers and d is
in its simplest form. Find a + b + c + d.

6. [23 points] Akash and Michael are playing a game on an n × n board. Michael puts a checker
anywhere on the board. Michael then moves the checker to any of the squares that share a
common edge with the square the checker is on. The game goes on with the players taking
turns and the checker cannot be placed on the same square more than once. The player who
cannot move loses. If Akash and Michael randomly choose n from the set {2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21} to
be the dimensions of the board, and both players play optimally, the probability that Akash
wins the game can be expressed as ab , where a and b are relatively prime positive integers.
Find a + b.

7. [23 points] For 100 minutes, Mr. Smith writes the number 5n!k on a whiteboard, where k is
the degree of 5 in the prime factorization of n!, and n is the number of minutes that have
passed. Which digit appears most often in the ones place?

8. [25 points] Points A, B, and C are randomly assigned to distinct vertices of a regular polygon
with 2021 sides. If the expected value of angle ABC can be written as aπ b
radians, where a
and b are relatively prime positive integers, what is a + b?

9. [25 points] Akash the Ant is dreaming in 3D coordinate space and is centered at the origin.
The ant must go to point (5, 4, 1). Every move, Akash must move 1 unit in the positive x, y,
or z direction. How many ways are there to get to the destination?
10. [27 points] Dane is given the equation, 1+ 21 + 31 + 41 · · ·+ 1234
= 1234!
. What is the remainder
when x is divided by 1232?

11. [27 points] Find the smallest positive integer n, such that the expansion of (xy +3x+2y +5)n
has at least 2022 terms after like terms have been combined.
12. [29 points] How many ways can Megha choose 7 numbers from the set {1, 2, ..., 20, 21} so
that there’s a gap of at least 2 numbers between every number she chooses?

13. [29 points] Given that x and y are integers, find the number of integer solutions for z in the
following equation: x2 y 2 + 2xy 2 + y 2 + 3x2 + 6x + 3 = z 2 .

14. [31 points] At the Trinity Math Team meeting, there is a basket that contains 10 balls.
Each of the 20 club members either adds 3 balls or takes 2 balls from the basket. What is the
probability that there are still 10 balls left after everyone makes a move? The probability can
be expressed as ab , where a and b are relatively prime positive integers. Find a + b.
Proposed by Alexis Curisaca ’25, Imane Oallout ’25, and Lila Paul ’25

15. [31 points] Given that

√ √
q q
3 3
14 + x + 14 − x = 4
Solve for x.

16. [33 points] Megha is a baker and bakes cupcakes for a large party with 255 guests. She
finds out that one of the guests stole the cupcakes, ruining the party. There is one witness
among the guests, who saw who sabotaged the baked goods. Each hour, Megha can gather
any number of guests into questioning. If one of these guests in the gathered group is the
witness, and the sabotager is not, then the witness will tell Megha the name of the sabotager.
What is the least number of hours that Megha can guaranteed determine the sabotager in if
using optimal strategy?

17. [33 points] What is the remainder when 20212022 + 20232022 is divided by 50?

18. [35 points] Brian and Maia are playing a game using a 10× 10 board. Brian picks a rectangle
whose edges must lie on the grid lines of the board. If the rectangle is also a square, Maia
wins. The probability Maia wins can be written as fd , where d and f are relatively prime
positive integers. Compute d + f .

19. [35 points] For the equation 41(b2 − 15a2 ) + a6 = 10a2 , let m equal the sum of all possible
solutions to b, and let n equal the sum of all possible solutions to a. Find m + n.

20. [37 points] Given the following equation:

3 + 32 + 33 + ... + 32020 + 32021

= 3x
1 + 2 + 22 + 23 + ... + 22020 + 22021
Find the value of x.
Proposed by Alexis Curisaca, Imane Oallout, and Lila Paul

21. [37 points] Scarlett was born in the year that is equal to the number of decreasing sequences
of positive integers that start with 19 and end with 1, and have at least one even number.
What year was Scarlett born in?
22. [39 points] In trapezoid ABCD, BC is parallel to AD; AB = CD = 10; and BC = 4. Given
that it is possible to inscribe a circle in the trapezoid, find the area of ABCD.

23. [39 points] Dane and Dana are playing a game where they take turns rolling a dice, and
whoever lands on an even number first wins. Whoever loses the game starts the next game.
Dane is the first to roll. The probability that Dana wins the fourth game can be expressed as
, where a and b are relatively prime positive integers. Find a + b.

24. [41 points] The quadratic polynomial P (x) has roots a and b such that P (−1) = P (3) = −2
and P (4) = 8. Compute a2 + b2 .

25. [41 points] There are two circles with centers M and K that are inscribed in two different
circles. The radius of circle M is 12 and the radius of K is 6. The area of the shaded region
can be expressed as mπ. Find the value of m.

26. [43 points] Let M be the set of all numbers between 1 and 410 inclusive that are sums of
three distinct powers of 4. The probability that when choosing a number from M the number
is divisible by 9 can be written as ab , where a and b are relatively prime positive integers. Find
a + b.

27. [43 points] In the diagram below, ACH is a quarter circle and triangle ABC is isosceles.
AH has a length of 8, AF has a length of 5, and BG has a length of 4. Circle G is tangent

to AB at D, BC at E, and AF at F . The area of the shaded region can be expressed as a c b ,
where a, b, and c are relatively prime positive integers. Find a + b + c.
28. [45 points] Find the sum of all positive integers n less than 2020 such that n68 ≡ 6 (mod 23).

29. [45 points] There are five bees on each of the five vertices of a regular pentagon with side
length of 50 miles. Let the bees on adjacent vertices be called Julia, Narjis, Dana, Thomas,
and Mario. All five bees start moving at the same time towards the center of the pentagon.
A newborn butterfly named Dane starts moving at the same time as the bees. The butterfly
starts in the same spot as Julia and flies towards Narjis. Once it reaches Narjis, the butterfly
flies to Dana, then to Thomas, then Mario, and back to Julia. The butterfly continues to fly
to each of the bees until all five of the bees collide at the center of the pentagon. The bees
are flying at 22mph and the butterfly flies at 44mph. What is the distance covered by the
butterfly when the bees collide? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.

30. [50 points] It is given that for n ≥ 1 and a1 = 2, an+1 = an + 4n + 2. The sum
1 1 1
+ + + ...
a2 − 2 a3 − 2 a4 − 2
can be expressed as n
, where m and n are relatively prime positive integers. Compute m + n.

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