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Committee: SPECPOL

Question of: Neo-colonialism in Latin America

Submitted by: Lebanon

Cosubmitted by:

Alarmed by the potential of neo-colonialism spreading to even more developing countries,

Noting with regret that Latin American nations rely heavily on foreign aid and are unable to become fully independent
while this remains the case,

Anxious that most developing countries that receive foreign aid will never be able to repay their debts and will
therefore never be free from overseas neo-colonialist rule,

Concerned by neo-colonialism diminishing oppressed women’s’ productive forces and exploiting men’s’ productive
forces thereby promoting inequality between the genders within the working world,

Recognising how neo-colonialism can lead to a loss of culture in developing countries;

1) Calls for the formation of a United Nations Neo-colonialism Investigation Committee on

Economics (UNNICE) that developing countries can appeal to for:

a. The best possible way to repay debt,

b. Research into industries specific to that country and try to enhance it by making more jobs
available within that industry in the hope to make more money from international trade,

c. Advise on whether the country can become self-sufficient (i.e. looking at natural energy resources,
deciding whether land is suitable for plentiful crop growth etc),

d. An evaluation of the country’s financial position and devise a plan that outlines how the country
can become financially independent as soon as possible,

e. loans with extremely low interest rates. e.g. <1% for very affected areas,

2) Proposes that Latin America Neo-colonialism Aid (LANA), a sub-body to UNNICE, be created for Latin
American countries that will:

a. Offer financial support which does not have to be paid back into the UN,

b. Provide military assistance should the delegation request it,

3) Requests that an Oppressed Women’s Right to Work treaty be drafted by CESCR (Committee on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights) to ensure that Latin American countries do not exclude female workers from
productive forces that will:

a. Be signed by Latin American countries,

b. Work alongside CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against
Women) to emphasise the purpose of this treaty,

c. Make sure that job applications do not mention the gender of the applicant, so that those that are
hired have been based on merit,

d. Create jobs for women in careers where female employees are few,

e. Require countries to give workers fulfilling the same job equal pay regardless of gender,
4) Urges governments to abstain from offering other nations aid in any form that will require something to be given

5) Suggests that cultural institutions be set up to:

a. Remind people of culture native to their country by giving talks in schools and community halls,
virtual, and in person post pandemic,

b. Install more events within communities celebrating local culture.

6) Recommends that a UN body is set up to prevent military support from being abused in the nation facing neo-

7 ) Calls for the debt of nations that have fallen prey to a debt trap be wiped.

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