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Grade & Section:

Direction: Read and understand each question carefully. Choose the letter of correct answer.
1. Which of the following best describes how our eyes work?
a. Eyes helps us to hear sounds.
b. Eyes helps us to taste food.
c. Eyes helps us to see.
d. Eyes helps us to smell things around us.
2. The pupils of Wagon Elementary School clearly hear the voice of their principal during the speech.
Which of the following describes the function of ears?
a. Ears help people to hear sounds.
b. Ears help people to pierce earring.
c. Ears help people hold their eyeglasses.
d. Ears help people to hold their earphone.
3. Which of the following describes the function of our nose?
a. Nose helps us hear sounds.
b. Nose helps us to see.
c. Nose helps us to taste food.
d. Nose helps us to smell things around us.
4. Juan wished to prepare his mother’s sweet-and-sour pork dish. He started the cooking processes after
preparing all the ingredients. Juan added a dash of sugar and a half bottle of vinegar while combining
the ingredients, and then he tasted. He discovered that the dish’s sauce is really sour after tasting it.
Which of the following best describes how our tongue act in the context of the situation?
a. Tongue enable human to taste food.
b. Tongue enable human to lick food.
c. Tongue enable human to digest food.
d. Tongue enable human to break food into small pieces.
5. Kemberly’s sleep was interrupted. It was very dark in her room. She moved around trying to find her
teddy bear. She touches something soft and furry. Kemberly’s skin helped her find the teddy bear.
Which of the following best describes how the skin works in the given situation?
a. The sense organ skin helps us to see object in dark.
b. The sense organ skin is second biggest largest organ of the human body.
c. The sense organ skin consist two layers, the epidermis and dermis.
d. The sense organ is the outer covering of the body which help us to touch objects.
6. Which of the following best describes how the monkeys typically do in the forest?
a. They crawl towards big trees.
b. They plant bananas for food.
c. They walk in mud and carry heavy object.
d. They climb and swing from one tree to other trees.
7. Which of the following is TRUE about the turtle environment?
a. Turtles lay eggs on water.
b. Turtles spend their life in water only.
c. Turtles can spend their life both in water and land.
d. Turtles lay eggs on water and land.
8. What external part of the fish enables them to breathe in water?
a. Tails
b. Fins
c. Gills
d. Scales
9. What external part of the frog use for catching flies and other insects?
a. Mouth
b. Bill
c. Hind legs
d. Long tongue
10. Which of the following group of animals uses beak to eat?
a. Bird, Duck and Chicken
b. Shrimp, Crab and Fish
c. Spider, Frog and Ant
d. Butterfly, Bee and Fly
11. Animals use their legs to move from place to place. How do horses, pigs, deer, and camel do used their
a. To keep their body warm
b. To walk for long distances on hard surfaces
c. To help them cross the river
d. For chewing grass and leaves
12. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the importance of animals to humans?
a. Flies carried germs that cause diseases like diarrhea and cholera.
b. Some animals cause allergic reactions in humans because of their fleas, ticks, mites, and fur.
c. Some animals causes human death like snake bite, bubonic plague from rats, malaria, and
d. Some animals are sources of food like the meat of chickens, goats, pigs and cows.
13. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the importance of animals to humans?
a. Animals are useful to human beings.
b. The skin of some animals is also for clothing.
c. Animals are harmful to people.
d. There are also animals that carry load and are used as means for transportation.
14. Shane is a cat lover. She had a cat, rabbit, and bird in their house. Every time she feels alone she feeds
her pets and plays with them. Based on the given situation, which of the following statements is the
importance of animals to humans?
a. Animals are humans best friend.
b. Animals make human tired
c. Animals give every human a sense of responsibility.
d. Animals give love and happiness to every humans.
15. Plants are an important resource. Which of the following in NOT the uses of plants?
a. All Plants are used for making money.
b. Some plants are used as food like eggplant, okra, and pechay.
c. Some plants can be used as decoration.
d. Some plants are uses as fuel.
16. Which of the following statement is TRUE about the importance of plants to humans?
a. Some plants contain toxins that may kill life.
b. Some plants are poisonous.
c. Some plants used to care disease like oregano for skin diseases and guava for wounds.
d. Some plants can cause injury such as lacerating or puncturing.
17. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the importance of plants to farmers?
a. Plants provide food for farmers.
b. Plants provide money for other needs of all farmers.
c. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and provide oxygen to all farmers.
d. Plants don’t provide food, money, and oxygen to all farmers.
18. Which of the following best describes the proper ways of caring plants?
a. Put plants inside a dark room.
b. Water the plants twice daily.
c. Remove the leaves and stems.
d. Let some insects stay on the leaves.
19. Why is it recommended to use gloves when gardening or handling plants?
a. Because plants differ in color, size and texture.
b. Because some plants with thorns can be harmful.
c. Because plants are dirty
d. None of the above
20. You have noticed that the flower in your front yard are drying up. What will you do?
a. Cut the stems
b. Remove the leaves
c. Water them
d. Cover them with
21. Which of the following statement is TRUE in comparing living and nonliving things?
a. Living things grow, reproduce, move, breathe, and need food while nonliving things did not
grow, reproduce, move, breathe, and need food.
b. Both living and nonliving things grow, reproduce, move, breathe, and need food.
c. Living things never dies while nonliving things dies.
d. Both living and nonliving things dies.
22. Aeron's assigned task is to compare two favorite things that he can found at home. While searching, he
found his favorite old dog toy and his dog pet “sky”. Aeron started to observe and compare the two
things. Based on the given situation, what should be the correct comparison statement of Aeron?
a. Dog toy grow, reproduce, move, and breathe while Sky doesn’t grow, reproduce, move, and
b. Dog toy dies while Sky never dies.
c. Sky grow, move, breathe, but doesn’t reproduce, while dog toy grow, reproduce, move, but
doesn’t breathe.
d. Sky grow, move, breathe, and reproduce, while dog toy doesn’t grow, move, breathe, and
23. Which of the following is the best comparison for living and nonliving things?
a. Living things grow, while nonliving things never grow.
b. Living things move, while nonliving things never move.
c. Living things has life, while nonliving things has no life.
d. Living things reproduce, while nonliving things never reproduce.
24. Kyle’s father is American and his mother is a Filipino. His father has white skin, blond hair, and blue
eyes. On the other hand, his mother has brown skin, black hair, and brown eyes. Growing up, Jimmy
noticed that he had blue eyes, white skin and blond hair. Based on the observable characteristic, from
whom did Jimmy inherited the blue eyes, white skin, and blond hair?
a. Mother
b. Mother and Father
c. Father
d. None of the above
25. Anna’s mother is a good dancer. His father can dance well also. Anna is a very good dancer in their
dance group because she inherits the dancing skills of his________?
a. Friends
b. Mother
c. Parents
d. Father
26. Clark’s parents are both left-handed. They are also good in solving Mathematics problem, drawing,
painting, and dancing. Based on the characteristic, what is the physical characteristic will be inherited
by Clark to his parents?
a. Solving Mathematics problem
b. Being left-handed
c. Painting and dancing
d. Drawing
27. What does fish need in order to survive?
a. Coral
b. Sand
c. Sea weeds
d. Water
28. Carlo’s Family is homeless. They sleep in park’s benches, markets, and terminals. They do not have a
safe place to stay when there is heavy rain, floods, or even typhoon. Based on their situation, which of
the following basic human needs, Carlo’s family need the most?
a. Food
b. Shelter
c. Clothes
d. Water
29. Jean loves to hike. She climbs mountains during summer and every time she climbs she gets
dehydrated due to the hot temperature of sun. Based on the given situation, which of the following
basic human need Jean should have whenever she hikes?
a. Water
b. Air
c. Food
d. Clothes
30. Which of the following best explain how living things depend on the environment to meet their basic
a. Justine a grade III pupil depend on their plants for their supply of food.
b. Cow, carabaos, horses, and goats depend on grass for food.
c. Plants, animals, and humans depend on the environment for their supply of food, clean air,
clean water, and shelter for survival.
d. Plants depend on the environment for their supply of sunlight and water, minerals, and
nutrients from the soil.
31. What will happen to plants when there is no water?
a. The plants will grow
b. The plants will die
c. The plants will grow healthy
d. The plants will feel hot.
32. Why do people need air?
a. People need air to breathe in order to survive.
b. People need air to be fat
c. People need to fly
d. People need air to wet clothes.
33. What will happen to our environment if we continue to cut trees?
a. The continuous cutting of trees will result to the displacement of animals living in trees,
landslides in mountainous areas, and floods because there are no more trees that will absorb
water and maintain solidity of the soil.
b. The continuous cutting of trees will help people build their houses.
c. The continuous cutting of trees will result productive and progressive
d. The continuous cutting of trees will provide wide space for factories, parks, and establishments.
34. Joan and her classmates are throwing wastes like chocolate wrapper, scratch paper, diaper, tissue, and
etc. in the river. Based on the given situation what will be the result of Joan and her classmate’s
a. The river water will be clean.
b. The river will be full of wastes and its water will be polluted.
c. The river water will be safe for swimming.
d. Wastes from the river will give fresh air.
35. Clean air is needed by living things, what will happen to all living things if the air is not clean?
I. Animals can breathe fresh air
II. Plants will be more healthy
III. Humans will be sick.

a. I and II
b. II and III
c. II only
d. III only
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. D
10. A
11. B
12. D
13. C
14. D
15. A
16. C
17. D
18. C
19. B
20. C
21. D
22. D
23. C
24. C
25. C
26. B
27. D
28. B
29. A
30. A
31. B
32. A
33. A
34. B
35. D

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