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Study case: Pizza Express

Pizza expresses went through some major problems that

affected them and that affected the customers too. These
problems were major for them because their customer base
contains large percentage of families, they were their market
target. They iden?fied their problems when they started doing
customer surveys. The three main problems they iden?fied
from the surveys was: 1. Customers weren’t aware of the offers
they do, 2. It took them along ?me to pay and leave, 3. Because
it took them a long ?me to pay the place gets crowded and it
led to lack of availability in sea?ng.

Sure, do PizaaExpress made actions to solve all these problems

by using mobile and multi-channel marketing. Their solutions
were as listed, 1) They made and developed a mobile app that
will allow them to book tables and pay their bill and can put any
voucher codes against their meal, they identified PayPal as a
partner of choice for mobile payments with complete security.
Every customer has their own 12-digit code located at the
bottom of their receipt, they just insert the code, and they
securely pay as soon as they finish eating. Once they pay, it
instantly sends to both customers and the restaurant, and
they’ll be free to leave. 2) And for vouchers and offers the app
provide them an instant on screen voucher prior to their visit, it
saved time and effort for them to print/ or research it. 3) This
additional functionality increased the customer base as table
booking because customers pay as soon as they finish, they
don’t have to wait anymore. This action or this solution started
in the summer of 2018 and its in continual development and on
regular update. This was a special deal for PayPal. “PizzaExpress
decided to develop a mobile app that would allow customers to
not only book tables prior to their visit, but also pay their bill
from their table and redeem any available voucher codes
against their meal. The app was easy and simple to use for
customers who could use it to pay their bill securely as soon as
they had finished their meal”
‘This addi?onal func?onality increased the customer base as
table booking and voucher codes could be accessed by
customers who s?ll preferred to pay their bill in person. Once
paid, confirma?on was sent to both the customer and the
restaurant ?ll and the customer was free to leave. ‘

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