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Kelas :

1. Variabel ?
2. Definisi Variabel?
3. Aspek dan Indikator Variabel?
4. Faktor Faktor yang berpengaruh?
5. Blue Print Pembobotan?
6. Blue Print sebaran aitem?
7. Skoring Alternatif jawaban?
8. Aitem Pernyataan?
9. File Excel (sebaran data)?
10. Case Processing Summary, Reliability Statistic, Item Statistic, Item Total Statistic
& Scale Statistic?
11. Jumlah Aitem yang gugur?
12. Jumlah Aitem yang tidak gugur?
13. Daftar Pustaka?

Nb : Dikumpulkan paling lambat 8 Mei 2023 Jam 23.39 WIB Melalui Portal
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File Excel

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 30 100.0

Excluded a
0 .0

Total 30 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.804 20

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

VAR00001 2.6000 1.13259 30

VAR00002 3.1000 .84486 30
VAR00003 2.6000 .67466 30
VAR00004 3.3000 .91539 30
VAR00005 3.1000 .54772 30
VAR00006 2.9000 1.06188 30
VAR00007 2.7000 1.02217 30
VAR00008 3.1000 1.06188 30
VAR00009 2.8000 .40684 30
VAR00010 2.7000 .79438 30
VAR00011 3.0000 .78784 30
VAR00012 2.9000 1.06188 30
VAR00013 2.3000 1.11880 30
VAR00014 2.1000 .95953 30
VAR00015 2.6000 .81368 30
VAR00016 2.8000 1.09545 30
VAR00017 2.4000 .93218 30
VAR00018 2.3000 .91539 30
VAR00019 2.5000 .93772 30
VAR00020 3.0000 1.28654 30

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Alpha if Item
Item Deleted if Item Deleted Total Correlation Deleted

VAR00001 52.2000 73.200 .019 .819

VAR00002 51.7000 67.666 .466 .790
VAR00003 52.2000 68.234 .553 .789
VAR00004 51.5000 64.810 .625 .781
VAR00005 51.7000 71.183 .365 .797
VAR00006 51.9000 62.369 .677 .775
VAR00007 52.1000 64.645 .558 .783
VAR00008 51.7000 66.010 .447 .790
VAR00009 52.0000 74.690 .000 .808
VAR00010 52.1000 67.955 .479 .790
VAR00011 51.8000 65.959 .647 .782
VAR00012 51.9000 68.162 .317 .799
VAR00013 52.5000 64.190 .525 .785
VAR00014 52.7000 63.114 .710 .775
VAR00015 52.2000 66.372 .590 .784
VAR00016 52.0000 65.172 .480 .788
VAR00017 52.4000 66.248 .510 .787
VAR00018 52.5000 68.741 .348 .796
VAR00019 52.3000 78.217 -.256 .828
VAR00020 51.8000 78.166 -.218 .839

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

54.8000 74.855 8.65189 20

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