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John: You don’t look too happy. Anything wrong?

Pete: Nothing serious, it’s just that we lost our football match this morning.

John: Ha! Typical Aries!

Pete: What?

John: I said you’re a typical Aries. Very competitive. You don’t like losing.

Pete: Are you talking about star signs?

John: Yes.

Pete: You don’t believe in all that rubbish, do you?

John: Why not? I’m a typical Capricorn, for example. Quite shy and sensitive.

Pete: And gullible, if you believe in astrology.

John: Come on, Pete, you know the movement of the moon affects things on Earth,
like the tides and stuff, so why shouldn’t the planets and stars have an effect
on people’s personalities and the kind of things that happen in their lives?

Pete: I can’t believe I’m hearing this!

John: OK then, so why is my horoscope in the newspaper usually right?

Pete: John, please…

John: Last Thursday it said I would meet an old friend, and that evening I bumped
into Helen at the cinema. I hadn’t seen her for years!

Pete: Well firstly, I think you probably remember the few things your horoscope
gets right and forget the many it gets wrong. Secondly, what horoscopes say
is usually so vague that you can interpret it in many different ways. And
thirdly, if you’d read your horoscope in another paper it would have said
something completely different.

John: Are you saying you never read yours?

Pete: I suppose do occasionally, but only for a bit of fun – I don’t take it seriously.

John: Maybe you should. It might help you prepare for important events – like
football matches.

Pete: Oh, shut up, will you? You’re making me feel even worse!

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Star signs

Exercise 1
Answer the questions about the text on Worksheet A.

1. Where is the horoscope that John seems to read quite regularly?

2. What example does John give of his horoscope being right?

3. What argument does John use to support the idea that the planets and stars can
have an effect on people’s lives?

4. Why does John suggest Pete should take his horoscope seriously?

5. What does Pete think John would have found if he had read his horoscope in a
different newspaper?

6. How well do you think John and Pete know each other, and what makes you think

Exercise 2
Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F), or if the text doesn’t
say (D).

1. Pete never reads his horoscope.

2. Pete thinks John is more likely to remember the things his horoscope gets right.
3. John thinks most people whose star sign is Aries become angry quickly.
4. John thinks Pete should read his horoscope, but only for fun.
5. Pete plays football regularly.
6. Pete is not enjoying listening to John talking about astrology.
7. John thinks that most people whose star sign is Aries are very competitive.
8. John has been meeting Helen regularly in the last few months.
9. John takes astrology seriously.
10. In the next few days there is going to be an important event in Pete’s life.

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Star signs

Exercise 3
Complete the crossword below. If all the words are correct, the star sign of people
born between 23rd November and 22nd December will read from top to bottom.


1. It seems John believes in ___________ .

2. Pete says that because horoscopes are so ___________ , they can be interpreted in
many different ways.
3. Pete thinks horoscopes get lots of things ___________ .
4. Pete reads his horoscope only ___________ .
5. John says the ___________ of the moon affects the tides.
6. John believes the position of the planets and stars can have an ___________ on
people’s lives.
7. John thinks Pete has a typical ___________ for someone whose star sign is Aries.
8. Pete’s football match took place in the ___________ .
9. John’s star sign is ___________ .
10. Pete thinks people who believe in astrology are ___________ .
11. John believes being ___________ is a typical characteristic of someone with his
star sign.

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