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Write a short story based on the pictures below in not less than 100


During the school holidays, Aminah, Kirin and Helma decided to go on

a trip round the countryside. They brought everything they needed.
Then, they set off on their bicycles.

They were in high spirits. Flowers were starting to bloom again and the
fresh smell of grass was very refreshing. Kirin suggested exploring
the fort that was on top of the hill. They had heard many stories about
the fort. The fort had a rich history. It was used to defend the town
from invaders.

After 30 minutes, they reached the foot of the hill. They get off their
bicycles. They were singing and pushing their bicycles uphill at the
same time. Soon, they reached the fort. They could not go in because
the door was locked.
Therefore, the three friends found a shady spot to have their picnic.
They gobbled down the food as they were very hungry. When the sky
was turning dark, they started clearing up their things. They set off to
dash home.

They were cycling downhill when Helma suddenly lost control of her
bicycle. She crashed into Aminah who was also cycling at high speed.
Both of them were flung off their bicycles. Luckily, they were not
badly injured. They hobbled along the road. A motorist came and
offered them a lift to a clinic. They were disappointed that their
adventure had to end like that.

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