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The Value of Play

Benefits of Play
Physical – large muscle groups, heart, lungs, immune system, coordination
Intellectual – how things look, smell, sound, taste. Creativity, abstract thinking, language skills, problem solving,
reasoning skills
Emotional – sense of control, self-esteem, express feelings
Social – playmates, learn how to treat others, communication, cooperation, conflict, resolution
Moral – learn right and wrong, fairness, taking turns

Parents Role
Facilitating Play
- creating a play environment
- creating arrangements
- well-defined boundaries (when and where)
- accessibility (space for safety)
- inviting furnishings
- carpeting (comfortable and warm)
- participating in play
Encouraging Responsbility
- clean up, putting away toys
- choosing toys
Age- Appropriate Toys
- sorting

Age Group Toy Ideas

Infants Mobiles, mirrors, shaker toys, squeeze toys, plush toys,
plastic blocks
Toddlers Push toys, pull toys, riding toys, building blocks, child’s
tape player, spools to string, container and items with
which to fill them
Preschoolers Water-play toys, dolls and accessories, beads to string,
hand and finger puppets, alphabet blocks, magnetic letters
and numbers
School-Age Children Board games, chess and checker sets, dominoes, child’s
chemistry sets, beginner needle and craft sets

Toy Safety
- Siza
- Durability
- Composition
Active Play
- physical activities, helps them stay healthy ie rolling or chasing a ball, building a tunnel, bicycles, in-line skates
Quiet Play
- handling the leave, stacking objects, playing with magnets, card games, puzzles, models
Dramatic Play
- assume different identities, make- believe events, pretend, express different emotions, explore relationships, imaginary
friends (most common among bright children or only childs)
Art Activities
- drawing, painting, finger painting, collage making, modeling and shaping
- gain muscle control, patience
Music Activities
- singing, dancing, clapping to the beat, making up songs
- learn rhyme and beat
The Value of Play

Benefits of Play

Parents Role
Facilitating Play Encouraging Responsibility

Age- Appropriate Toys

Age Group Toy Ideas




School-Age Children

Toy Safety

Dramatic Play Art Activities

Active Play Quiet Play Music Activities

Active Play Quiet Play

Dramatic Play Art Activities Music Activities

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