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Assignment 10

Sponsorship is the legal act by which two people agree on the transfer of the
ownership of some material goods or financial means to support non-profit activities carried
out by one of the parties, called the beneficiary of the sponsorship.
Sponsorship can be done both in money and in goods.
Potential and feasible sponsorship activities that ING Bank can allow, after
researching the official page, are the following:
1. Sponsorship of sporting events, which includes involvement in supporting local,
regional or international sporting competitions by providing funding or providing
financial services to organizers and participants.
2. Culture sponsorship, support for cultural institutions, art galleries, museums, theaters
and festivals.
3. Financial education programs, which aim to increase the level of financial education
in the community, especially through collaboration with schools, universities and non-
governmental organizations.
4. Sponsoring social actions, through projects dealing with problems such as poverty,
environmental protection, health or human rights.

ING Bank is one of the largest retail and corporate banks in the world and is involved in
numerous collaborations and strategic partnerships in various fields.
According to the data presented by ING Bank Romania, the bank develops partnerships with:
 Regina Maria private Romanian company, provider of medical services.
 Elle Romania, in which it supports entrepreneurs from Romania, which are published
on YouTube under the name "Entrepreneur ELLE", these publications also appear on
the official page of Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Tiktok.
 Startarium, the most complex platform for early stage entrepreneurs. The platform is
built on 3 pillars – learning, testing and financing – and structures its benefits in
several functional modules: business tools, over 300 online courses, educational
articles and interviews with Romanian entrepreneurs, own platform for crowdfunding,
mentoring, networking and pitching.
Even if this ad is not on the subject that I developed my entire project, it is the only ad
that made me smile. I hope it is appreciated!

All assegments were made on a single topic, namely ING Bank, I chose this banking
company because according to my previous undergraduate studies, I completed finance and
banks, and this field is the most well-known and I can easily use the language of expression.
The instructions were clear, I hope I understood them correctly and gave the appropriate
answers.This project made me understand more in the field of marketing, I searched on the
official page of the ING Romania bank, and selected the necessary data.
In conclusion, I can say that banking institutions apply marketing strategies to
promote themselves and attract as many customers as possible.

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