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Subjective /Objective data Etiology/HPI (History of Present Illness Nursing Interventions and Outcomes
 Subjective: Disease/Condition: Obtain though history and physical exams
Confused; Hypotensive; History of Osteoarthritis Acute form of Alzheimer’s disease requires full assistance with ADLs. Assess neurological and psychiatric status
Full assistance with ADLs, 1-1 assistance with Check behavior, nutrition and ability to
meals, Incontinent of bladder, and hydraulic lift. Medical Diagnosis: Alzheimer’s disease
1 BP: 88/62 mmHg 3. Resp.: 20 breaths per min. Etiology/HPI: Establish and effective communication
2. Pulse: 108 bpm 4. Temp: 98.8 Patient is confused, disoriented and unable to communicate effectively system with patient and family to them
adjust to the patients altered cognitive
3 abilities
Administer ordered medications and note
their effects
Safety Concerns Provide a safe cluster free environment
Ensure patient get involved with activities
Choking or suffocating is priority Nursing Diagnoses around the community
They tend to forget their surroundings and Impaired Memory Encourage patient to talk about their life
wonder about Disturbed Thoughts Process. including their families, friends, and
Take fire safety precautions Cognitive Impairment interest.
Check water temperature Chronic Confusion
Impaired Verbal Communication

Risk Factors Psychosocial Factors Laboratory and Diagnostic Medications Nursing Considerations
Testing and Patient Education
Ageing Depression Elevated urine specific gravity Calcium/vitamin D (600 mg/400 IU) PO 1. Assess mood
Heart disease Social isolation Elevated hematocrit 1 tablet daily 2. Check behavior, nutrition
Complete blood count Donepezil 10 mg PO daily and ability to dress
Diabetes Loneliness
Basic metabolic panel Ibuprofen 600 mg PO q6 hours PRN for 3. Ensure adequate nutrition
Stroke Stress and anxiety
mild-moderate pain 4. Ensure patient is oriented
High Blood pressure Memantine 10 mg PO BID
High cholesterol 5. Educate care givers to
Normal saline (0.9%) 500 mL Bolus
Lack of physical activities provide structuring
Normal at saline (0.9%) at 125 m L/hr.
Obesity environment for patient
start once bolus is finished
Smoking Normal saline(0.9%) 5mL IV q8h 6. Teach caregivers to ask
open minded questions so
patients won’t be agitated
7. Assist with ADLs

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