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Marks: 100
Duration: 3 Days

This examination question paper consists of 8 pages.


1. This question paper contains TWO questions. Both questions are compulsory.
2. Read the instructions carefully to ensure that you meet the requirements of each
3. Pay attention to the following aspects when you answer each question:
• Content
• Structure
• Style
• Language accuracy
4. Use the checklist provided to make sure that you have answered all the questions.
Copy the checklist and paste it at the beginning of your script as a cover page.
5. At the end of your answers, paste/type the declaration, which is found at the end of
this question paper.
6. Submit the following as part of your portfolio: the completed checklist, your answers
and the plagiarism declaration.
7. When you have completed the portfolio, save everything as one pdf file and upload it
using myModules platform on the ENN1504 site under Assessment 3.
8. Note that any incidents of cheating or plagiarism will be punished severely. This may
include non-allocation of marks.

Open Rubric

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Several overweight lecturers, including students at Olandi University, are willing to be

taken on board about a fitness and diet programme to be introduced at the institution.
Student Support Officials at Olandi University would like to engage the Students
Representative Council (SRC) and the Department of Sports and Recreation to
discuss this initiative. The Student Support Official, Mr Kani, called a meeting to
discuss possibilities of opening a fitness centre and to identify a physician to be part
of the institutions’ fitness programme.


Below is a transcript (exact words written down) of what was said in that meeting
presented in the form of a dialogue. As the secretary for the student support office at
Olandi University, it is your duty to take minutes during meetings. Olandi University is
overwhelmed by unfit and overweight lecturers and students who urgently need diet
guidance and physical training to keep fit. At this point, the meeting is discussing
Agenda Item 3.1: Controlling overweight positively. Write minutes of a meeting for
agenda item 3.1 only. This means that the complete format for minutes is not
required. Remember that in taking minutes, we carefully select and summarise
information, and make changes to style and grammar. Note that you should not record
what each person said in turn. You should use the linear format of minutes (in
sentences and paragraphs).


Mr Kani (Chair): Colleagues, to be at the centre of everyone’s jokes and being

called by names like ‘Sdutla’ (meaning fat person) and “lazy
lump”, is a burden to many people who face negative criticism
daily. Some of these victims of obesity are even ashamed to visit
their relatives or friends and are afraid that they might break the
furniture they sit on. You are all aware of attempts by both the
lecturers and students to keep fit. You will see our colleagues in
the morning and afternoons going out for a jog. Before I get all
worked up about this health challenge, let’s move to item 3.1:

Controlling overweight positively. Mr Kay, you are the Head of
the Department of Sport and Recreation at the university, and you
conducted some research about how best we can positively
control overweight problems. Please share some of your findings
with us.

Mr Kay: Thanks very much, Chair. Battling with extra weight is certainly
everybody’s domain, young or old, men or women. Some people
are genetically predisposed to obesity, but that is no reason to
accept the health risk of being overweight without trying to do
something about it. Many men aspire to shed a few kilograms and
sporting a six-pack is nowadays definitely the way to go if you
really want to attract girls. Beer bellies and jogging shorts just do
not crack it. The workplace is no exception. It seems that skinnier
people are more inclined to get a promotion compared to their
overweight colleagues. Crash diets are not an answer. As soon
as you lose some kilos, they pile up again. Some women can
become so desperate to lose weight that their whole self-image
gets distorted, and they are affected by eating disorders such as
anorexia and bulimia. They want to lose more and more weight
and at some point, they simply stop eating.

Ms More: Please Mr Kay, this is a frightening topic. So do not frighten us

more but let us rather discuss solutions.

Ms Lado: Chair. As the SRC, we have been in consultation with the

students, especially those in the Sports and Recreation
Department. We all acknowledge that we need a serious
programme to assist us to keep fit. Some students must pay
double for taxi fares as they occupy more space than other
people. Some obese students become withdrawn from society
and suffer from mental pain. We would really appreciate
meaningful solutions to this killer disease.

Ms Rose: Women frequently look at models such as Naomi Campbell and
feel ashamed of their own sizes. Even Oprah Winfrey has
overweight challenges. You would think that a woman with so
much fame, money and respect wouldn’t have to care about extra
centimetres around her waist, but she is just as desperate as
anyone else to shed those unwanted kilos. Mr Kay, what do you
suggest should be done to lessen our anxieties?

Mr Kay: Colleagues, in our discussion with the university board, we have

agreed that we need a fitness centre at the campus. A full-time
physician should be appointed to be part of the programme.
Lecturers and students would have to make appointment with the
physician to share some of their frustrations about being
overweight and advice on diet. It is recommended that those
participants at the fitness centre bring a certificate from a doctor
that it is safe for their health to engage in a fitness programme.
However, it would be preferred that in future the doctor checks
clients’ health on the premises.

Ms Lado: It looks like this will be a top of the range facility. How does the
university expect students to afford that?

Mr Kay: Well, the university intends to engage with some medical aids for
any possibilities of medical aids funding affiliates for fitness
training. There will also be a specific discounted registration fee
for students. A medical certificate from the university clinic will
also be acceptable at the fitness centre. However, we intend to
conduct a survey with the lecturers and students to obtain their
perceptions about the fitness centre and insights about how best
it could be run.

Mr Kani: This could also be an opportunity for students especially from the
Department of Sports and Recreation to get part-time jobs as
personal trainers and aerobics facilitators, I guess.
Mr Kay: Definitely, Chair. Members of the community will also benefit from
the centre as constructors of the centre and later as cleaners,
receptionists, and even consultants. Colleagues, I think we have
exhausted this issue. Are there any objections to this initiative?

All: No!

Mr Kay: Thank you very much, colleagues. I will provide feedback in our
next university board meeting.



You are the Secretary of the Department of Sports and Recreation at the University of
Olandi. Lecturers and students are overwhelmed by challenges of overweight and
illnesses associated with physical disorders. Your department has been tasked to
investigate possibilities of building a fitness training centre at the institution. The Head
of the Department of Sports and Recreation at Olandi University, Mr Kay, has asked
you to investigate possibilities of building a fitness centre at the campus and how it
would benefit students and the lecturers. The report should be submitted on 30
November 2022.


Write an investigative report in which you investigate the possibilities of building a

fitness centre at the University of Olandi and how it would benefit students and the
lecturers. You are to submit the report to Mr Kay by 30 November 2022

Your report should be about 2-3 pages in length.

Use the following headings and sub-headings:


Information to be included in the title should relate to what the investigation is about,
where it is taking place and why it is to be conducted.


The following information should be included: t h e date on which you were

commissioned to conduct the investigation, the name and position of the person who
commissioned you, your name and your position, the essence of the report, and the
date for the submission of the report and recommendations.


Identify at least four (4) methods/steps/procedures followed to collect information from

various sources. It is imperative that each method/step/procedure is numbered and
mentions the purpose.


Present the factual information found during the investigation under each
method/step/procedure used above to collect information. This means four (4) findings
are expected as per your procedures identified above.


Comment, analyse and interpret the factual information (findings) above. Do not
provide more than four (4) conclusions.


Provide possible options or actions in relation to the purpose of the investigation. Do

not instruct but make suggestions that you think can be followed to resolve the issue.
Present two or three (2-3) recommendations.




This is the ending of your investigative report. Provide your signature, title, name and
surname followed by your position in the organisation. Finally, write the date.



Name and Student number……………………………………………………….…………

I declare that this examination is my own original work. Where secondary material has
been used (either from a printed source or from the internet), this has been carefully
acknowledged and referenced in accordance with departmental requirements. I
understand what plagiarism is and I am aware of the pertinent policies in this regard.
I have not allowed anyone else to borrow or copy my work.



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