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When you lose more fluid from your body than you take in, dehydration results.

Your body's ability to

function is impacted when the typical amount of water in it decreases, which throws off the balance of
minerals (salts and sugar) in your body. More than two-thirds of a healthy person's body is made up of

If you don't drink enough water in hot weather, especially if you are engaging in intensive exercise,
dehydration can happen to anyone, regardless of age.

Ilalagay sa PPT:

Dehydration is a condition caused by the loss of too much fluid from the body. It happens when you
are losing more fluids than you are taking in, and your body does not have enough fluids to work

Replace lost fluids and electrolytes as part of your dehydration treatment. You might only need to
drink a lot of water if the condition is minor. Sports drinks could be useful if you lost electrolytes.
There are additional pediatric oral rehydration products available. These are available without a
In a hospital, severe instances could be treated with intravenous (IV) fluids and salt.

 Diarrhea
 Vomiting
 Sweating too much
 Urinating too much, which can happen because of certain medicines and illnesses
 Fever
 Not drinking enough

 Each day, drink enough water. Ask your doctor or other health care professional how much
liquid you should consume daily because everyone's needs are different.
 Sports drinks might be beneficial if you are exercising in the heat and sweating a lot because
you are losing a lot of minerals.
 Avoid beverages with caffeine and sugar.
 When it's hot outside or you're feeling under the weather, drink more fluids.


The two main causes of overhydration include A medical problem that keeps your kidneys from
getting rid of extra water. Drinking way more water than your kidneys can handle.
Overhydration can occur when people drink much more water than their body needs. People,
particularly athletes, who drink excessive water to avoid dehydration can develop

 Restriction of fluid intake
 Treatment of the cause of overhydration

Regardless of the cause of overhydration, fluid intake usually must be

restricted (but only as advised by doctors). Restricting drinking to less
than a quart of fluids (about 0.9 liters) a day usually results in
improvement over several days. If overhydration occurs with excess
blood volume because of heart, liver, or kidney disease, restricting the
intake of sodium is also helpful because sodium causes the body to
retain water.


drinking too much water or if your kidneys retain too much water. In
both cases, overhydration can lead to water toxicity, also known as
water poisoning.
use your thirst cues and urine color as a guide. Drink water when you
are thirsty and until your urine is light yellow to clear. Avoid drinking
more than 1 liter of fluid per hour which will allow your kidneys to get
rid of excess water

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