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1. What are Jim, Susan and Eve going to do alter school? What aren't they going to do? JIT veessesessresesensseseseresesesessnsteeseesssseeseeeees (S@@) his friends. He wn .sesssssssserssssssseeesseeeeeseesterseeseeseerseess (Cll) Susan and Eve. «esses (NOL COOK). HO visscsseessessrsssrserersssatesesesseeseeseseseseess (MOL GO) housework, Susan and Eve ....... sstessesarseeeeeae (JO) SOME Shopping. TNOY o.seesesscceesessctsessescsseseecssestseeeeeeeaeeeee (wash) their hair. THCY .....eseeseseseeeeeceseesesessesesssssessseeerseeeeeees (NOL Play) Computer games. TNOY veescssessscesssessessssssscssesssssesseresererseseses (MOF visit) Jim. 2, Match the sentences with the situations In 1 - 8. 1, Look at the clouds. He is going to win. 2. Why don't you study for the test? I'm going to be ill. 3. I'm so tired. You aren't going to fail. 4, The sun is shining. He isn't going to win. 5. You are studying so hard, I'm not going to be ill, 6. I'm OK. You are going to fail. 7. He is playing so well, It's going to rain, 8. He doesn’t play tennis weil. Itisn't going to rain. 3. Use the words in brackets and "be going to" to complete the sentences. {you/cut) .... (I/not work) .... .. the grass? the garden. (/clean) .... . the windows, (your sister/fly) ..... . to India? (She/MOt travel) .......0:ssseeevee (my friends/visit) .. Be Going To Name: Result:__/17 Date: __/__/20__ 1. They weren't going to do anything. (past/not/do) 2. Are you going to lose him again? (youllose/?) 3. 1 knew what you were goingto say _. (past/say) 4. He 5. But 6. | think he 7. 8.1 9. 10.1 11. Yes, we 12. 13.1 14, But 15. It 16. 17. | knew it 18. Somebody 19. Do you know what | 20. She me on Saturday. (take) now? (what/he/do/?) well. (get) an interview? (you/not/have/?) a word against her. (not/say) a sign? (she/past/not/make/?) a book! (write) you. (leave) you play? (I/hear/?) any lies. (not/tell) with him? (what/we/do/?) easy. (not/be) him out? (you/turn/?) some day. (past/come) that money. (past/spend) ? (see) him? (see) be going to 1, What are Jim, Susan and Eve going to do after school? What aren't they going to do? DIM sisrevscssssccscsssesssesersssersesnoessescorstsooseees (see) his friends. HO screcccccecccccsenseevonsseecseccenccsesesesesessneoee (call) Susan and Eve. HO wercccsccscscrccossoosoosen sossscecsecccesscesssesonere (not cook). HO ..rcccssccsccecesereoesensons: beeen caReinene (not do) housework. Susan and Eve ...... atseeteseesstteeseeseesseeseesersssserees (DO) SOME shopping. TOY sssseressesesseasesesssrseresessensesessessereseessers (WOSH) their hair, IAD sovcoasecessscnegsuaveasiantt+ svartivesratisentnesnices, (not play) computer games. WH skasccasaceciinncdt cath estecoreeniataeenteeaattioedl (not visit) Jim, 2. Match the sentences with the situations in 1 - 8. |, Look at the clouds. He is going to win. 2, Why don't you study for the test? I'm going to be ill, 3. I'm so tired. You aren't going to fail, 4. The sun is shining. He Isn't going to win. 5. You are studying so hard. I'm not going to be ill, 5. I'm OK, You are going to fail. 7. He is playing so well. It's going to rain. 3. He doesn't play tennis well. Itisn't going to rain. 3. Use the words In brackets and “be going to" to complete the sentences, {you/cut) .... {I/not work) .... (I/clean) ...... (your sister/fly) ... w+. to India? (she/not travel) ..... . to India. (my friends/visit) ... sone Ilia.

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