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HOLIDAY’S HOMEWORK (Session 2023-24)
1. Prepare a project on topic of disaster management related to Odisha
2. Prepare Integrated Project on the topic “ Monuments and Architecture of Odisha state. ( Do it in
preferably A3 Size paper. )
3. Map work:- In a Political map of India show the following things.(Do it in suitable map and paste or
pin it in homework copy)
A. India-States with Capitals
B. Tropic of Cancer
C. Standard Meridian
4. Answer the following questions.(Do it in copy)
A. The sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat in the west but the
watches show the same time. How does this happen?
B. The central location of India at the head of the Indian Ocean is considered of great significance.
C. Modern farming methods require more inputs which are manufactured in industry. Do you agree?
D. Write the merits and demerits of Green Revolution.
E. Define democracy ? Write its key features.
F. Write the arguments against democracy.
G. Write the arguments for democracy.
Subject – Punjabi
Make a assignment of 10-12 pages .Also paste the pictures related to it (any one )
1)ਦਿਨ -ਦਿਉਹਾਰ ਬਾਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ।
2)ਪੰ ਜਾਬ ਿੇ ਲੋ ਕ ਗੀਿ
Learn ਵਾਰਿਕ ਭਾਗ ( ਵਦਹਮੀ ਿਾਇਆ ) full
Learn ਮੁਹਾਵਰੇ ( ੳ , ਅ ,ੲ )
English Holidays Homework
1)Do the given project work on A4 size sheets according to your Roll no.
Roll No.1-15 : Write the Biography of any one of the following -
-Ustad Bismillah Khan
-Evelyn Glennie
(Also draw a colourful picture of any musical instrument -The Sound of Music)
Roll No.16-30:You have been attending online classes during pandemic outbreak. Taking hints from the
lesson ‘ *The Fun they had’* write a *diary entry* describing your experience of virtual classroom and
remembering all the fun you have in the physical classroom in the school. Also draw a picture of a virtual
classroom and the physical classroom.
Roll No.31 onwards:Last year, you visited a fair with you family members. Taking cues from the lesson
‘ *The lost child* ‘write a *diary entry* describing your feelings when you realised that you were lost in the
crowd and how you finally reunited with your family.
Also, draw a colourful picture of the fair visited by you.
2) Do the following worksheets from BBC:
Gap filling- HA 23 & 24 ,
Error Correction- CA 31 & 32 Diary Entry- 13 (a) & (b)
Unseen Passage -CA1,2 & 3
3) Revise Ch 2 (Sound of Music) from Beehive book
Poem :Wind
Ch.2 (Adventures of Toto) from Moments book
Hindi Holidays Homework:-
1.महादे वी वमाा का जीवन ऩररचय व साहहत्य का वर्ान करते हुए सचचत्र अनुबंध(Assignment ) लऱखें ।
2. संवाद ऱेखन- 1.माता- पऩता के आदर को ऱेकर लिऺक और पवद्यार्थी के बीच संवाद लऱखखए।
2. दो व्यक्ततयों के बीच गांव में ने िौचाऱयों से आए ऩररवतान ऩर संवाद लऱखें ।
3. मनोज और गीततका में ऩेड़- ऩौधों की रऺा से संबंचधत बातचीत को संवाद में लऱखखए । (On Assignment Sheet)
Project: Make a Power Point Presentation on “Lines and Angles”
In Both Soft and Hard copies.

Hard Copies will be taken as proof of submission.

And Children will present their presentation in Class after Vacation.

Home Work Assignment will be shared in Group by class teachers

Subject: Science
Q1 Prove with the help of an experiment that matter is made up of particles.
Q2 With the help of an experiment show that particles of matter are very small.
Q3 Write the properties of particles of matter.
Q4 a) Define kinetic energy and diffusion.
b) How does the change in temperature affect diffusion rate?
Q5 Give differences between the three states of matter.
Q6 Give reasons: -
a) A rubber band is stretchable yet it is known as a solid.
b) Sugar and salt are kept in jars and they take the shape of jars yet are called as solids.
c) A sponge is compressible.
d) Liquids generally have lower density as compared to solids, yet ice floats on water.
Q7 Define: - a) Latent heat of fusion.
b) Latent heat of vaporization
c) Melting point
d) Boiling point
Q8 With the help of a flow chart show that the three states of matter are interconvertible.
Q9 Define sublimation. Explain it with the help of ammonium chloride. Draw a neat labelled diagram also.
Q10 What is dry ice. Why is it known so?
Q11 How does evaporation cause cooling?
Q12 Give difference between boiling and evaporation.
Q13 What are the factors upon which the rate of evaporation depends.
Q14 Explain: - a) Why does a desert cooler cool better on a hot dry day.
b) Water kept in an earthen pot becomes cool during summer.
c) Our palm feels cold when we put some acetone or petrol or perfume on it.
d) We are able to sip hot tea faster from a saucer rather than a cup.
e) We should wear cotton clothes in summer.
Assignment on Chapter 5 (The Fundamental Unit of Life)
Give reasons, why.
1. Raisins and dry apricots swell up when placed in a bowl containing water for sometime.
2. Chromatin, chromatid and chromosomes are related to each other.
3. Lysosomes are known as ‘ scavengers of the cells’.
4. Plant cells possess large sized vacuole.
5. Roots of plants have mostly leucoplasts in them than chloroplasts.
Answer the following questions:
1. Why is Plasma Membrane called a selective permeable membrane and Cell Wall is called as fully
permeable membrane?
2. Which cell organelle, you think, is known as "Head Quarter" of the cell and why? 3. What is the nuclear
region of the prokaryotic cells called?
4. Where is Ribosomes synthesized? State the function of this organelle.
5. What will happen to an animal cell if placed in the hypertonic solution?
6. Name the only cell organelle seen in prokaryotic cell.
7. What is plasmolysis?
8. Why does the skin of your finger shrink when you wash clothes for a long time?
9. Name any three organelles with double membranes.
10. Name the mechanism by which substances like Carbon-di-Oxide and Water move in and out of the cell?
11. If you provided with some vegetables to cook, you generally add salt during cooking process. After
adding salt, vegetables release water. What mechanism is responsible for this?
12. Name an organelle without a cell membrane.
13.. What would happen to the life of a cell if there was no Golgi apparatus?
14. What do you mean by membrane biogenesis? Mention the organelle involved in it.
15. State one similarity and one difference between mitochondria and plastid.
16. Ritika observed onion peel cells in the lab and could view the cell wall, cytoplasm and nucleus clearly.
Suddenly her friend spilled a few drops of salty water on the slide having onion peel cells.She observes
some changes in the cells after sometime
a. What changes would have been observed by Ritika?
b. Name the process that caused the changes in the cells.
c. Would there be similar changes observed ,if she had prepared a slide of cheek
Multiple choice questions.
1. Select the odd one out
a. Membranes are made of organic molecules like proteins and lipids.
b. Molecules soluble in organic solvents can easily pass through membranes.
c. Plasma membranes contain chitin sugar in plants.
d. Movement of water across a semipermeable membrane is affected by the amount of
substances dissolved in it.
2. Cell organelles without a cell membrane are
a. Nucleus b. Chloroplasts c. Ribosomes d. Golgi apparatus
3. The proteins essential for building the cell membrane are manufactured by
a. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
b. Plasma membrane c. Mitochondria d. Golgi apparatus
4. Silver nitrate solution is used to study
a. Endoplasmic reticulum b. Nucleus c. Golgi apparatus d. Mitochondria
5. Plasmolysis in a plant cell is defined as
a. breakdown of plasma membrane in hypotonic medium
b. Shrinkage of cytoplasm in hypertonic medium
c. Shrinking of nucleoplasm
d. None of them
6. Amoeba acquires its food through this process
a. exocytosis b. endocytosis c. plasmolysis d. Both a & b
7. Cell arises from pre-existing cell was stated by
a. Haeckel b. Virchow c. Hooke d. Schleiden
8. When you keep raisins in hypotonic solution, endosmosis occurs that continues till
a. cells are fully turgid b. cells burst c. two hours d. You keep them in solution
9. The stain used to make temporary mount of human cheek cells
a. Safranin b. Methylene blue c. Xylene d. Iodine
10. These contain their own DNA and ribosomes
a. Mitochondria b. Golgi apparatus c. Plastids d. a & c
11. A person with swollen gums rinses his mouth with lukewarm salt water and swelling
of his gums decreases. This is because
a. The gums absorb the salt water solution.
b. The salt water solution lowers the temperature of the water in the gums.
c. The salt in the solution moves against the concentration gradient.
d. The water in the gums moves out due to high concentration of salt in the solution.
Holidays Homework of physics
1.A particle is moving in a circle of diameter 5m. Calculate the distance covered and the displacement when
it competes 3 revolutions.
2. A body thrown vertically upwards reaches a maximum height ‘h’. It then returns to ground. Calculate the
distance travelled and the displacement.
3. A body travels a distance of 15m from A to B and then moves a distance of 20m at right angles to AB.
Calculate the total distance travelled and the displacement.
4. An object is moving in a circle of radius ‘r’. Calculate the distance and displacement
(i) when it completes half the circle
(ii) when it completes one full circle.
5. An object travels 16m in 4s and then another 16m in 2s. What is the average speed of the object?
6. Vishnu swims in a 90m long pool. He covers 180m in one minute by swimming from one end to the other
and back along the same straight path. Find the average speed and average velocity of Vishnu.
7. In along distance race, the athletics were expected to take four rounds of the track such that the line of
finish was same as the line of start. Suppose the length of the track was 200m.
(a) What is the total distance to be covered by the athletics?
(b) What is the displacement of the athletics when they touch the finish line?
(c) Is the motion of the athletics uniform or non-uniform?
(d) Is the displacement of an athletic and the distance covered by him at the end of the race equal?
8. Starting from a stationary position, Bhuvan paddles his bicycle to attain a velocity of 6m/s in 30s. Then
he applies brakes such that the velocity of bicycle comes down to 4m/s in the next 5s. Calculate the
acceleration of the bicycle in both the cases.
9.Amit is moving in his car with a velocity of 45km/hr. How much distance will he cover
(a) in one minute and
(b) in one second.
10. The odometer of a car reads 2000 km at the start of a trip and 2400km at the end of the trip. If
the trip took 8 hr, calculate the average speed of the car in km/hr and m/s.
11. An electric train is moving with a velocity of 120km/hr. How much distance will it move in 30s?
12. A body is moving with a velocity of 15m/s. If the motion is uniform, what will be the velocity
after 10s?
13. A train travels some distance with a speed of 30km/hr and returns with a speed of 45km/hr.
Calculate the average speed of the train.
14. A train 100m long moving on a straight level track passes a pole in 5s. Find
(a) the speed of the train
(b) the time it will take to cross a bridge 500m long.
15. A car travels along a straight line for first half time with speed 40km/hr and the second half time with
speed 60km/hr. Find the average speed of the car.
16. A body starts rolling over a horizontal surface with an initial velocity of 0.5m/s. Due to
friction, its velocity decreases at the rate of 0.05m/s2. How much time will it take for the body to
17. A car traveling at 36km/hr speeds upto 70km/hr in 5 seconds. What is its acceleration? If the
same car stops in 20s, what is the retardation?
18. A scooter acquires a velocity of 36km/hr in 10seconds just after the start. It takes 20 seconds
to stop. Calculate the acceleration in the two cases.
19. On a 120km track, a train travels the first 30 km at a uniform speed of 30 km/hr. How fast
must the train travel the next 90 km so as to average 60 km/hr for the entire trip?
20. A train travels at 60 km/hr for 0.52 hr; at 30 km/hr for the next 0.24 hr and at 70 km/hr for the next 0.71
hr. What is the average speed of the train?
Make POWER POINT PRESENTATION (PPT) on one , from mention topics given below :-
1. SOCIAL MEDIA ( meaning , types, using smart chat and various other features of power point show the
working of social media)
2. INPUT and OUTPUT DEVICES ( meaning, various types, insert images by using picture feature of
 USE all features of power point (like- insert tab, design tab , layout tab , animation , transtitions
etc ) while making presentation to make it effective
 Take print out of this .

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