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Topic/Title Food Chain

Grade Level Grade 8

Time Allotment 1 hour
Prepared By Angelita A. Meneses
School San Simon High School
Learning Competencies
At the end of the cycle, the students should be able to:
1. Define Food Chain
2. Identify and explain the role of each organisms in food chain
3. Explain how human disrupt the flow of food chain in an ecosystem
ELICIT Materials
Ask the students : Pieces of food pyramid
Identify the five groups of food in food pyramid by posting the
pieces of food pyramid in the board

The teacher will distribute brown envelop to the five groups 5 brown envelope containing pictures
containing pictures. The students are task to arrange the
pictures on the board based on their proper order or

The teacher will ask the following questions:

a. Are the pictures in correct order?
b. What do you think the picture depict?
Perform the Activity Visual Aids and Science Learners Module
Activity 1: How do you identify the component of a food chain
in an ecosystem

Aim: 1. Distinguish between producers and consumers.

2. Analyze the transfer of energy from one organism to
3. Construct a food chain in a given ecosystem

Materials: An article about “Monfort Bat Cave”, Activity sheets

1. Read an article about “ Monfort Bat Cave”
2. Read the following questions, and write your answer
on the space provided.

Guide Questions:
Q1. What are the organisms found in the surrounding area of
Monfort Bat Cave? List them down in the table below

Plants Animals

Q2. What groups/s of organisms are considered as

Q3. What part of the durian trees and other trees served as
food for the bats?
Q4. The population of cave-dwelling bats is declining
because they are being eaten by other organisms. What are
these organisms that feed on bats?
Q5. Among the organisms that feed on bats, are there
organisms that possibly feed on the predator of bats?
_____Yes _____No

3. Divide the organisms into the following categories as

Group Presentation: Output of the 5 groups
 Each group will post their word in the blackboard
 Let the students answer the questions in the activity

Deepen the discussion by explaining the following facts to Video Presentation/ visual aids
Human disrupt the flow of food chain. Humans are
dominant consumers. They affect food chain
through energy production and agriculture,
pollution, habitat destruction, overfishing and
hunting. Also their demands for food and shelter
along with population growth, affecting soil and
aquatic ecosystem
Direction: Quiz notebook, ballpen for the students
Read the sentences below and fill the missing words.
1. Every living plant and animal must have -
__________ to survive.
2. Animals and plants get the energy they need from
3. Plants are called__________ and animals are called
4. Plants absorb energy from sunlight through
5. Animals that eat only plants are
called__________and animals that eat only animals
are called carnivores.
6. ___________are animals that both eat animals and
7. A _________ is an animals that eats dead animals.
8. Decomposers help out put_________ back into the
soil for plant to eat.
9. Worm, bacteria, and __________are examples of
10. There are many food__________ and most plants
and animals are part of several chains.
11. _________ are at the end of the food chain. They
eat both plants and animals.
Think of the food your family ate for supper last night. Make a Assignment notebook, ballpen
food chain based on your meal. Remember, your food chain
must have producers, consumers, and decomposers.
Grade 8 Learner’s Module pp 274-277

Prepared By:

Science 8 and 9 Teacher

Quiz No._____

Direction: Read each item carefully. Choose the best answer from the four given choices. Choose the
letter of the correct answer.

1. Anything that has mass and volume

a. Density b. Energy c. Matter d. Weight
2. This matter has a fixed shape and volume with particles closely packed together with little
movement. It is a___
a. Gas b. Liquid c. Plasma d. Solid
3. Condensation refers to the change of state from
a. Gas to liquid b. Liquid to gas c. Liquid to solid d. Solid to liquid
4. Water vapour is
a. A cloud droplets b. A gas c. A rain drop d. A snowflake
5. The smallest particles into which an elements can be divided and still have the properties of that
element is called
a. Atom b. Electron c. Neutron d. Nucleus
6. The nucleus of an atom contains
a. Neutron and electron b. Proton and electron c. Proton and neutron d. Proton, neutron, electron
7. The negative charged particle of an atom is
a. Electron b. Neutron c. Nucleus d. Proton
8. Collectively, the protons and neutrons are called
a. Isotopes b. Nuclear c. Nucleons d. Nucleus
9. The
10. ‘plum pudding” model of the atom was proposed by
a. Ernest Rutherford c. John Dalton
b. James Chadwick d. Joseph John Thomson
11. Hg is the symbol of
a. Helium b. Hydrogen c. Hydrogen d. Nitrogen
12. The horizontal rows of elements in the Periodic Table are called
a. Groups b. Halogens c. Periods d. Transition elements
13. Which two elements when combined form water?
a. Helium and Nitrogen b. Hydrogen and Oxygen c. Sodium and Oxygen d. Sulfur and Nitrogen
14. Josh, Vines, and Lil pour themselves a glass of cola with ice in it. Identify which objects are solid, liquid and
a. Bubbles-solid, cola-liquid, ice- gas c. Ice-solid, bubbles-liquid, cola- gas
b. cola- solid, ice- liquid, bubbles-gas d. Ice-solid, cola-liquid, bubbles-gas
15. When ice melts to form water, heat is
a. absorbed b. Created c. Destroyed d. Released
16. The following are examples of condensation EXCEPT
b. Cooling effect in applying acetone on nails c. Ground level fog on cold days
b. eye glasses fogging up d. Water that collects on the outside of a glass of cold drink
17. Based on the data, the letter H is hydrogen’s_____
a. Atomic mass b. Atomic number c. Chemical symbol d. Element name

For number 18, refer to the table below.

Subatomic Particles Mass, grams
Electrons 9.109 x 10 -28
Protons 1.672 x 10 -24
Neutrons 1.675 x 10 -24

18. Which subatomic particles is the lightest?

a. electrons b. Neutrons c. Nucleus d. Protons
19. Water at 200C in an uncovered pan is evaporating very slowly. What could be done to the water to make it
evaporate more quickly?
a. cover it b. Heat it c. Place it in the dark d. Put salt in it
20. Additional air can be pumped into a tire filled with air because
a. the molecules in air are far apart c. the molecules in air can be compressed
b. the molecules in air are in constant motion d. The molecules in air have pressure
21. The measured of the space occupied by an object is called
a. density b. Mass c. Volume d. Weight
22. Which state of matter will hold its shape without a container?
a. gas b. Liquid c. Solid d. Volume
23. What state of matter is oxygen in the air?
a. gas b. Liquid c. Plasma d. Solid
24. The quantity of matter presents in an object is called its
a. density b. Mass c. Volume d. Weight
25. Which term best describe the process by which particles escape from liquid and enter gas state?
a. condensation b. Evaporation c. Freezing d. Sublimation
26. Isotopes have the same number of protons but contains different number of
a. electrons b. Neutrons c. Nucleus d. Protons
Discovered the negative charge
particles of atom and known for

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