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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Ethereum

MAY 26, 2022

• 52 Min Read
Jon Charbonneau

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Key Takeaways
Ethereum is the only major protocol building a scalable unified settlement and
data availability layer
Rollups scale computation while leveraging Ethereum’s security 
All roads lead to the endgame of centralized block production, decentralized
trustless block validation, and censorship resistance
Innovations such as proposer-builder separation and weak statelessness unlock
this separation of powers (building and validating) to achieve scalability without
sacrificing security or decentralization
MEV is now front and center – numerous designs are planned to mitigate its
harm and prevent its centralizing tendencies
Danksharding combines multiple avenues of cutting edge research to provide
the scalable base layer required for Ethereum’s rollup-centric roadmap
I do expect danksharding to be implemented within our lifetimes
Table of Contents
Part I – The Road to Danksharding
1) Original Data Sharding Design – Separate Shard Proposers
2) Data Availability Sampling
3) KZG Commitments
4) KZG Commitments vs. Fraud Proofs
5) In-protocol Proposer-Builder Separation
6) Censorship Resistance List (crList)
7) 2-Dimensional KZG Scheme
8) Danksharding
9) Danksharding – Honest Majority Validation
10) Danksharding – Reconstruction
11) Danksharding – Malicious Majority Safety With Private Random Sampling
12) Danksharding – Key Takeaways
13) Danksharding – Limits to Blockchain Scalability
14) Proto-danksharding (EIP-4844)
15) Multidimensional EIP-1559
Part II – History & State Management
1) Calldata Gas Cost Reduction With Total Calldata Limit (EIP-4488)
2) Bounding Historical Data in Execution Clients (EIP-4444)
3) Recovering Historical Data
4) Weak Statelessness
5) Verkle Tries
6) State Expiry
Part III – It’s all MEV
1) MEV Supply Chain Today
2) MEV-Boost
3) Committee-driven MEV Smoothing
4) Single-slot Finality
5) Single Secret Leader Election
Part IV – The Merge: Under the Hood
1) Clients After the Merge
2) Consensus After the Merge
Concluding Thoughts

I’ve been pretty skeptical on the timing of the merge ever since Vitalik said there’s a
50-75% chance people born today live to the year 3000 and he hopes to be
immortal. But what the hell, let’s have some fun and look even further ahead to
Ethereum’s ambitious roadmap anyway. 
This is no quick-hitter article. If you want a broad yet nuanced understanding of
Ethereum’s ambitious roadmap – give me an hour of your focus, and I’ll save you
months of work.
Ethereum research is a lot to keep track of, but everything ultimately weaves into
one overarching goal – scale computation without sacrificing decentralized
Hopefully you’re familiar with Vitalik’s famous “Endgame.” He acknowledges that
some centralization is needed to scale. The “C” word is scary in blockchain, but it’s
true. We just need to keep that power in check with decentralized and trustless
validation. No compromises here. 
S i li d t ill b ild bl k f b th th L1 d b Eth i
Specialized actors will build blocks for both the L1 and above. Ethereum remains
incredibly secure through easy decentralized validation, and rollups inherit their
security from the L1. Ethereum then provides settlement and data availability
allowing rollups to scale. All of the research here ultimately looks to optimize these
two roles while simultaneously making it easier than ever to fully validate the chain.
Here’s a glossary to shorten some words that will show up ~43531756765713534
DA – Data Availability
DAS – Data Availability Sampling
PBS – Proposer-builder Separation
PDS – Proto-danksharding
DS – Danksharding
PoW – Proof of Work
PoS – Proof of Stake
Part I – The Road to Danksharding
Hopefully you’ve heard by now that Ethereum has pivoted to a rollup-centric
roadmap. No more execution shards – Ethereum will instead optimize for data-
hungry rollups. This is achieved via data sharding (Ethereum’s plan, kind of) or big
blocks (Celestia’s plan). 
The consensus layer does not interpret the shard data. It has one job – ensure the
data was made available.
I’ll assume familiarity with some basic concepts like rollups, fraud and ZK proofs,
and why DA is important. If you’re unfamiliar or just need a refresher, Can’s recent
Celestia report covers them. 
Original Data Sharding Design – Separate Shard Proposers
The design described here has been scrapped, but it’s valuable context. I’ll refer to
this as “sharding 1 0” throughout for simplicity
this as sharding 1.0 throughout for simplicity.

Each of the 64 shard blocks had separate proposers and committees rotating
through from the validator set. They individually verify that their shard’s data was
made available. This wouldn’t be DAS initially – it relies on the honest majority of
each shard’s validator set to fully download the data. 
This design introduces unnecessary complexity, worse UX, and attack vectors.
Shuffling validators around between shards is tricky. 
It also becomes very difficult to guarantee that voting will be completed within a
single slot unless you introduce very tight synchrony assumptions. The Beacon
block proposer needs to gather all of the individual committee votes, and there can
be delays.

DS is completely different. Validators conduct DAS to confirm that all data is

available (no more separate shard committees). A specialized builder creates one
large block with the Beacon block and all shard data confirmed together. PBS is
thus necessary for DS to remain decentralized (building that large block together is
resource intensive). 

Data Availability Sampling

Rollups post a ton of data, but we don’t want to burden nodes with downloading all
of it. That would mean high resource requirements, thus hurting decentralization.
Instead, DAS allows nodes (even light clients) to easily and securely verify that all of
it was made available without having to download all of it. 
Naive solution – Just check a bunch of random chunks from the block. If they all
check out, I sign off. But what if you missed the one transaction that gives all
your ETH to Sifu? Funds are no longer safu.
Smart solution – Erasure code the data first. Extend the data using a Reed-
Solomon code. This means the data is interpolated as a polynomial, and then
we evaluate it at a number of additional places. That’s a mouthful, so let’s break
it down.
it down.

Quick lesson for everyone else who forgot math class. (I promise this won’t be really
scary math – I had to watch some Khan Academy videos to write these sections,
but even I get it now).
Polynomials are expressions summing any finite number of terms of the form cxk.
The degree is the highest exponent. For example, 2x3+6x2+2x-4 is a polynomial of
degree three. You can reconstruct any polynomial of degree d from any d+1
coordinates that lie on that polynomial. 
Now for a concrete example. Below we have four chunks of data (d0 through d3).
These chunks of data can be mapped to evaluations of a polynomial f(X) at a given
point. For example, f(0) = d0. Now you find the polynomial of minimal degree that
runs through these evaluations. Since this is four chunks, we can find the
polynomial of degree three. Then, we can extend this data to add four more
evaluations (e0 though e3) which lie along the same polynomial. 

Remember that key polynomial property – we can reconstruct it from any four
points, not just our original four data chunks. 
Back to our DAS. Now we only need to be sure that any 50% (4/8) of the erasure-
coded data is available. From that, we can reconstruct the entire block. 
So an attacker would have to hide >50% of the block to successfully trick DAS
nodes into thinking the data was made available when it wasn’t. 
The probability of <50% being available after many successful random samples is
very small. If we successfully sampled the erasure coded data 30 times, then the
probability that <50% is available is 2-30. 
KZG Commitments
Ok, so we did a bunch of random samples and it was all available. But we have
another problem – was the data erasure coded properly? Otherwise maybe the
block producer just added 50% junk when they extended the block, and we
sampled nonsense. In which case we wouldn’t actually be able to reconstruct the
Normally we just commit to large amounts of data by using a Merkle root. This is
effective in proving inclusion of some data within a set.
However, we also need to know that all of the original and extended data lie on the
same low-degree polynomial. A Merkle root does not prove this. So if you use this
scheme, you also need fraud proofs in case it was done incorrectly.

Developers are approaching this from two directions: 

1. Celestia is going the fraud proof route. Somebody needs to watch, and if the
block is erasure coded incorrectly they’ll submit a fraud proof to alert everyone.
Thi i th t d d h t i it ti d h
This requires the standard honest minority assumption and synchrony

assumption (i.e., in addition to someone sending me the fraud proof, I also need
to assume I’m connected and will receive it within a finite amount of time).
2. Ethereum and Polygon Avail are going a new route – KZG commitments (a.k.a.
Kate commitments). This removes the honest minority and synchrony
assumptions for safety in regards to fraud proofs (though they’re still there for
reconstruction, as we’ll cover shortly).
Other solutions exist, but they’re not being actively pursued. For example, you could
use ZK-proofs. Unfortunately they’re computationally impractical (for now).
However, they’re expected to improve over the next few years, so Ethereum will
likely pivot to STARKs down the road because KZG commitments are not quantum-
Back to KZG commitments – these are a type of polynomial commitment scheme. 
Commitment schemes are just a cryptographic way to provably commit to some
values. The best metaphor is putting a letter inside a locked box and handing it to
someone else. The letter can’t be changed once inside, but it can be opened with
the key and proven. You commit to the letter, and the key is the proof. 
In our case, we map all that original and extended data on an X,Y grid then find the
minimal degree polynomial that runs through them (this process is called a
Lagrange interpolation). This polynomial is what the prover will commit to:

Here are the key points:

We have a “polynomial” f(X)
The prover makes a “commitment” C(f) to the polynomial
This relies on elliptic curve cryptography with a trusted setup. For a bit
more detail on how this works, here’s a great thread from Bartek
For any “evaluation” y = f(z) of this polynomial, the prover can compute a
y y p y , p p
“proof” π(f,z)
Given the commitment C(f), the proof π(f,z), any position z, and the evaluation y
of the polynomial at z, a verifier can confirm that indeed f(z) = y
Translation: the prover gives these pieces to any verifier, then the verifier
can confirm that the evaluation of some point (where the evaluation
represents the underlying data) correctly lies on the polynomial that was
committed to
This proves that the original data was extended correctly because all
evaluations lie on the same polynomial
Notice the verifier doesn’t need the polynomial f(X)
Important property – this has O(1) commitment size, O(1) proof size, and O(1)
verification time. Even for the prover, commitment and proof generation only
scale at O(d) where d is the degree of the polynomial
Translation: even as n (the number of values in X) increases (i.e., as the
data set increases with larger shard blobs) – the commitments and proofs
stay constant size, and verification takes a constant amount of effort
The commitment C(f) and proof π(f,z) are both just one elliptic curve
element on a pairing friendly curve (this will use BL12-381). In this case,
they would be only 48 bytes each (really small)
So a prover commits to a huge amount of original and extended data
(represented as many evaluations along the polynomial) at still just 48
bytes, and the proof will also just be 48 bytes
TLDR – this is highly scalable
The KZG root (a polynomial commitment) is then analogous to a Merkle root (which
is a vector commitment):
The original data is the polynomial f(X) evaluated at the positions f(0) to f(3), then
we extend it by evaluating the polynomial at f(4) to f(7). All points f(0) to f(7) are
guaranteed to be on the same polynomial.
Bottom line: DAS allows us to check that erasure coded data was made available.
KZG commitments prove to us that the original data was extended properly and
commit to all of it. 
Well done, that’s all for today’s algebra. 
KZG Commitments vs. Fraud Proofs 
Take a step back to compare the two approaches now that we understand how KZG
KZG disadvantages – it won’t be post-quantum secure, and it requires a trusted
setup. These aren’t worrisome. STARKs provide a post-quantum alternative, and the
trusted setup (which is open to participate in) requires only a single honest
KZG advantages – lower latency than the fraud proof setup (though as noted
GASPER won’t have fast finality anyway), and it ensures proper erasure coding
without introducing the synchrony and honest minority assumptions inherent in
fraud proofs. 
However, consider that Ethereum will still reintroduce these assumptions for block
reconstruction, so you’re not actually removing them. DA layers always need to plan
for the scenario where the block was made available initially, but then nodes need
to communicate with each other to piece it back together. This reconstruction
requires two assumptions:
1. You have enough nodes (light or full) sampling the data such that collectively
they have enough to piece it back together. This is a fairly weak and
unavoidable honest minority assumption, so not a huge concern.   
2. Reintroduces the synchrony assumption – the nodes need to be able to
communicate within some period of time to put it back together.
Ethereum validators fully download shard blobs in PDS, and with DS they’ll only
conduct DAS (downloading assigned rows and columns). Celestia will require
validators to download the entire block. 
Note that in either case, we need the synchrony assumption for reconstruction. In
the event the block is only partially available, full nodes must communicate with
other nodes to piece it back together. 
The latency advantage of KZG would show up if Celestia ever wanted to move from
requiring validators to download the entire data to only conducting DAS (though this
shift isn’t currently planned). They would then need to implement KZG commitments
as well – waiting for fraud proofs would mean significantly increasing the block
intervals, and the danger of validators voting for an incorrectly encoded block
would be much too high. 
I recommend the below for deeper exploration of how KZG commitments work:
A (Relatively Easy To Understand) Primer on Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Exploring Elliptic Curve Pairings – Vitalik
KZG polynomial commitments – Dankrad
How do trusted setups work? – Vitalik
In-protocol Proposer-Builder Separation
Consensus nodes today (miners) and after the merge (validators) serve two roles.
They build the actual block, then they propose it to other consensus nodes who
validate it. Miners “vote” by building on top of the previous block, and after the
merge validators will vote directly on blocks as valid or invalid. 
PBS splits these up – it explicitly creates a new in-protocol builder role. Specialized
builders will put together blocks and bid for proposers (validators) to select their
block. This combats MEV’s centralizing force. 
Recall Vitalik’s “Endgame” – all roads lead to centralized block production with
trustless and decentralized validation. PBS codifies this. We need one honest
builder to service the network for liveness and censorship resistance (and two for
an efficient market), but validator sets require an honest majority. PBS makes the
proposer role as easy as possible to support validator decentralization. 
Builders receive priority fee tips plus whatever MEV they can extract. In an efficient
market, competitive builders will then bid up to the full value they can extract from
blocks (less their amortized costs such as powerful hardware etc ) All value
blocks (less their amortized costs such as powerful hardware, etc.). All value
trickles down to the decentralized validator set – exactly what we want. 
The exact PBS implementation is still being discussed, but two-slot PBS could look
like this:

1. Builders commit to block headers along with their bids

2. Beacon block proposer chooses the winning header and bid. Proposer is paid
the winning bid unconditionally, even if the builder fails to produce the body
3. Committee of attestors confirm the winning header
4. Builder reveals the winning body
5. Separate committees of attestors elect the winning body (or vote that it was
absent if the winning builder withholds it)
Proposers are selected from the validator set using the standard RANDAO
mechanism. Then we use a commit-reveal scheme where the full block body isn’t
revealed until the block header has been confirmed by the committee. 
The commit-reveal is more efficient (sending around hundreds of full block bodies
could overwhelm bandwidth on the p2p layer), and it also prevents MEV stealing. If
builders were to submit their full block, another builder could see it, figure out that
strategy, incorporate it, and quickly publish a better block. Additionally,
sophisticated proposers could detect the MEV strategy used and copy it without
compensating the builder. If this MEV stealing became the equilibrium it would
incentivize merging the builder and proposer, so we avoid this using commit-reveal.
After the winning block header has been selected by the proposer, the committee
confirms it and solidifies it in the fork choice rule. Then, the winning builder
publishes their winning full “builder block” body. If it was published in time, the next
committee will attest to it. If they fail to publish in time, they still pay the full bid to
the proposer (and lose out on all of the MEV and fees). This unconditional payment
removes the need for the proposer to trust the builder. 
The downside of this “two-slot” design is latency. Blocks after the merge will be a
fixed 12 seconds, so here we’d need 24 seconds for a full block time (two 12-
second slots) if we don’t want to introduce any new assumptions. Going with 8
seconds for each slot (16-second block times) appears to be a safe compromise,
though research is ongoing. 
Censorship Resistance List (crList)
PBS unfortunately gives builders heightened ability to censor transactions. Maybe
the builder just doesn’t like you, so they ignore your transactions. Maybe they’re so
good at their job that all the other builders gave up, or maybe they’ll just overbid for
blocks because they really don’t like you. 
crLists put a check on this power. The exact implementation is again an open design
space, but “hybrid PBS” appears to be the favorite. Proposers specify a list of all
eligible transactions they see in the mempool, and the builder will be forced to
include them (unless the block is full):
1. Proposer publishes a crList and crList summary which includes all eligible
2. Builder creates a proposed block body then submits a bid which includes a
hash of the crList summary proving they’ve seen it
3. Proposer accepts the winning builder’s bid and block header (they don’t see the
body yet)
4. The builder publishes their block and includes a proof they’ve included all
transactions from the crList or that the block was full. Otherwise the block
won’t be accepted by the fork-choice rule
5. Attestors check the validity of the body that was published
There are still important questions to be ironed out here. For example, the dominant
economic strategy here is for a proposer to submit an empty list. This would allow
even censoring builders to win the auction so long as they bid the highest. There
are ideas to address this and other questions, but just stressing the design here
isn’t set in stone. 
2-Dimensional KZG Scheme
We saw how KZG commitments allow us to commit to data and prove it was
extended properly. However, I simplified what Ethereum will actually do. It won’t
commit to all of the data in a single KZG commitment – a single block will use many
KZG commitments. 
We already have a specialized builder, so why not just have them create one giant
KZG commitment? The issue is that this would require a powerful supernode to
reconstruct. We’re ok with a supernode requirement for initial building, but we need
to avoid that assumption for reconstruction here. We need lower resource entities to
be able to handle reconstruction, and splitting it up into many KZG commitments
makes this feasible. Reconstruction may even be fairly common or the base case
assumption in this design given the amount of data at hand. 
To make reconstruction easier, each block will include m shard blobs encoded in m
KZG commitments. Doing this naively would result in a ton of sampling though –
you’d conduct DAS on every shard blob to know it’s all available (m*k samples
where k is the number of samples per blob). 
Instead, Ethereum will use a 2D KZG scheme. We use the Reed-Solomon code again
to extend m commitments to 2m commitments:
We make it a 2D scheme by extending additional KZG commitments (256-511 here)
that lie on the same polynomial as 0-255. Now we just conduct DAS on the table
above to ensure availability of data across all shards. 
The 2D sampling requirement for ≥75% of the data to be available (as opposed to
50% earlier) means we do a bit higher number of fixed samples. Before I mentioned
30 samples for DAS in the simple 1D scheme, but this will require 75 samples to
ensure the same probabilistic odds of reconstructing an available block. 
Sharding 1.0 (which had a 1D KZG commitment scheme) only required 30 samples,
but you would need to sample 64 shards if you wanted to check full DA for 1920
total samples. Each sample is 512 B, so this would require:
(512 B x 64 shards x 30 samples) / 16 seconds = 60 KB/s bandwidth
In reality, validators were just shuffled around without ever individually checking all
The combined blocks with the 2D KZG commitment scheme now makes it trivial to
check full DA. It only requires 75 samples of the single unified block:
(512 B x 1 block x 75 samples) / 16 seconds = 2.5 KB/s bandwidth
PBS was initially designed to blunt the centralizing forces of MEV on the validator
set. However, Dankrad recently took advantage of that design realizing that it
unlocked a far better sharding construct – DS. 
DS leverages the specialized builder to create a tighter integration of the Beacon
Chain execution block and shards. We now have one builder creating the entire
block together, one proposer, and one committee voting on it at a time. DS would be
infeasible without PBS – regular validators couldn’t handle the massive bandwidth
of a block full of rollups’ data blobs: 
Sharding 1.0 included 64 separate committees and proposers, so each shard could
have been unavailable individually. The tighter integration here allows us to ensure
DA in aggregate in one shot. The data is still “sharded” under the hood, but from a
practical perspective danksharding starts to feel more like big blocks which is
Danksharding – Honest Majority Validation
Validators attest to data being available as follows: 
This relies on the honest majority of validators – as an individual validator, my
columns and rows being available is not enough to give me statistical confidence
that the full block is available. This relies on the honest majority to say it is.
Decentralized validation matters. 
Note this is different from the 75 random samples we discussed earlier. Private
random sampling is how low-resource individuals will be able to easily check
availability (e.g., I can run a DAS light node and know the block is available).
However, validators will continue to use the rows and columns approach for
checking availability and leading block reconstruction. 
Danksharding – Reconstruction
As long as 50% of an individual row or column is available, then it can easily be fully
reconstructed by the sampling validator. As they reconstruct any chunks missing
from their rows/columns, they redistribute those pieces to the orthogonal lines. This
helps other validators reconstruct any missing chunks from their intersecting rows
and columns as needed.
The security assumptions for reconstruction of an available block here are:
Enough nodes to perform sample requests such that they collectively have
enough data to reconstruct the block
Synchrony assumption between nodes who are broadcasting their individual
pieces of the block
So, how many nodes is enough? Rough estimates ballpark it ~64,000 individual
instances (currently over ~380,000 today so far). This is also a very pessimistic
calculation which assumes no crossover in nodes being run by the same validator
(which is far from the case as nodes are limited to 32 ETH instances). If you’re
sampling more than 2 rows and columns, you increase the odds that you can
collectively retrieve them because of the crossover. This starts to scale
quadratically – if validators are running say 10 or 100 validators, the 64,000 could be
reduced by orders of magnitude
reduced by orders of magnitude.  

If the number of validators online starts to get uncomfortably low, DS can be set to
reduce the shard data blob count automatically. Thus the security assumption
would be brought down to a safe level. 
Danksharding – Malicious Majority Safety With Private Random
We saw that DS validation relies on the honest majority to attest to blocks. I as an
individual can’t prove to myself that a block is available by just downloading a
couple rows and columns. However, private random sampling can give me this
guarantee without trusting anyone. This is where nodes check those 75 random
samples as discussed earlier.

DS initially won’t include private random sampling because it’s simply a very difficult
problem to solve on the networking side (PSA: maybe they could actually use your
help here!). 
Note the “private” is important because if the attacker has de anonymized you
Note the private is important because if the attacker has de-anonymized you,
they’re able to trick a small amount of sampling nodes. They can just return you the
exact chunks you requested and withhold the rest. So you wouldn’t know from your
own sampling alone that all data was made available. 
Danksharding – Key Takeaways
In addition to being a sweet name, DS is also incredibly exciting. It finally achieves
Ethereum’s vision of a unified settlement and DA layer. This tight coupling of the
Beacon block and shards essentially pretends not to be sharded. 
In fact, let’s define why it’s even considered “sharded” at all. The only remnant of
“sharding” is simply the fact that validators aren’t responsible for downloading all of
the data. That’s it. 
So you’re not crazy if you were questioning by now whether this is really still
sharding. This distinction is why PDS (we’ll cover this shortly) is not considered
“sharded” (even though it has “sharding” in the name, yes I know it’s confusing).
PDS requires each validator to fully download all shard blobs in order to attest to
their availability. DS then introduces sampling, so individual validators only
download pieces of it.   
The minimal sharding thankfully means a much simpler design than sharding 1.0 (so
quicker delivery right? right?). Simplifications include:
Likely hundreds of lines less code in the DS specification vs. the sharding 1.0
specification (thousands of lines less in the clients)
No more shard committee infrastructure, committees just need to vote on the
main chain
No tracking of separate shard blob confirmations, now they all get confirmed in
the main chain or they don’t
One great result of this – a merged fee market for data. Sharding 1.0 with distinct
blocks made by separate proposers would have fragmented this. 
The removal of shard committees also strengthens bribery resistance. DS validators
vote once per epoch on the entire block, so data gets confirmed by 1/32 of the
entire validator set immediately (32 slots per epoch). Sharding 1.0 validators also
voted once per epoch, but each shard had its own committee being shuffled
around. So each shard was only being confirmed by 1/2048 of the validator set
(1/32 split across 64 shards). 
The combined blocks with the 2D KZG commitment scheme also makes DAS far
more efficient as discussed. Sharding 1.0 would require 60 KB/s bandwidth to check
full DA of all shards. DS only requires 2.5 KB/s.
Another exciting possibility kept alive with DS – synchronous calls between ZK-
rollups and L1 Ethereum execution. Transactions from a shard blob can immediately
confirm and write to the L1 because everything is produced in the same Beacon
Chain block. Sharding 1.0 would’ve removed this possibility due to separate shard
confirmations. This allows for an exciting design space which could be incredibly
valuable for things like shared liquidity (e.g., dAMM). 
Danksharding – Limits to Blockchain Scalability
Modular base layers scale elegantly – more decentralization begets more scaling.
This is fundamentally different from what we see today. Adding more nodes to a DA
layer allows you to safely increase data throughput (i.e., more room for rollups to
live on top). 
There are still limits to blockchain scalability, but we can push orders of magnitude
higher than anything we see today. Secure and scalable base layers allow execution
to proliferate atop them. Improvements in data storage and bandwidth will also
allow for higher data throughput over time. 
Pushing beyond the DA throughput contemplated here is certainly in the cards, but
it’s hard to say where that max will end up. There isn’t a clear red line, but rather an
area where some assumptions will start to feel uncomfortable:
Data storage – This ties into DA vs. data retrievability. The consensus layer’s
role isn’t to guarantee data retrievability indefinitely. Its role is to make it
available for enough time such that anyone who cares to download it can,
satisfying our security assumptions. Then it gets dumped into storage wherever
– this is comfortable as history is a 1 of N trust assumption, and we’re not
actually talking about that much data in the grand scheme of things. This could
get into uncomfortable territory though years down the line as throughput
increases by orders of magnitude.
Validators – DAS requires enough nodes to collectively reconstruct the block.
Otherwise, an attacker could wait around and only respond to the queries they
receive. If these queries provided aren’t enough to reconstruct the block, the
attacker could withhold the rest and we’re out of luck. To safely increase
throughput, we need to add more DAS nodes or increase their data bandwidth
requirements. This isn’t a concern for the throughput discussed here. Again
though, this could get uncomfortable if throughput increases by further orders
of magnitude from this design. 
Notice the builder isn’t the bottleneck. You’ll need to quickly generate KZG proofs
for 32 MB of data, so expect a GPU or pretty beefy CPU plus at least 2.5 GBit/s
bandwidth. This is a specialized role anyway for whom this is a negligible cost of
doing business. 
Proto-danksharding (EIP-4844)
DS is awesome, but we’ll have to be patient. PDS aims to tide us over – it
implements necessary forward-compatible steps toward DS on an expedited
timeline (targeting the Shanghai hard fork) to provide orders of magnitude scaling in
the interim. However, it doesn’t actually implement data sharding yet (i.e., validators
need to individually download all of the data). 
Rollups today use L1 “calldata” for storage which persists on-chain forever.
However, rollups only need DA for some reasonable period of time such that anyone
interested has plenty of time to download it.
EIP-4844 introduces the new blob-carrying transaction format that rollups will use
f d i f d Bl b l f d ( 125 KB) d
for data storage going forward. Blobs carry a large amount of data (~125 KB), and
they can be much cheaper than similar amounts of calldata. Data blobs are then
pruned from nodes after a month which blunts storage requirements. This is plenty
of time to satisfy our DA security assumptions.

For context on scale, current Ethereum blocks are generally average ~90 KB
(calldata is ~10 KB of this). PDS unlocks far more DA bandwidth (target ~1 MB and
max ~2 MB) for blobs because they get pruned after a month. They aren’t a
permanent drag on nodes.  
A blob is a vector of 4096 field-elements of 32 bytes each. PDS allows for a max of
16 per block, and DS will bump that up to 256.
PDS DA bandwidth = 4096 x 32 x 16 = 2 MiB per block, targeted at 1 MiB
DS DA bandwidth = 4096 x 32 x 256 = 32 MiB per block, targeted at 16 MiB
Orders of magnitude scaling with each step. PDS still requires consensus nodes to
fully download the data, so it’s more conservative. DS distributes the load of storing
and propagating data between validators. 
Here’s are some of the goodies introduced by EIP-4844 on the road to DS:
Data blob-carrying transaction format
KZG commitments to the blobs
All of the execution-layer logic required for DS
All of the execution / consensus cross-verification logic required for DS
Layer separation between BeaconBlock verification and DAS blobs
Most of the BeaconBlock logic required for DS
A self-adjusting independent gas price for blobs (multidimensional EIP-1559
with an exponential pricing rule)
And then DS will further add:
2D KZG scheme
Proof-of-custody or similar in-protocol requirement for each validator to verify
availability of a particular part of the sharded data in each block (probably for
about a month)
Note these data blobs are introduced as a new transaction type on the execution
chain, but they don’t burden the execution side with additional requirements. The
EVM only views the commitment attached to the blobs. The execution layer
changes being made with EIP-4844 are also forward compatible with DS, and no
more alterations will be needed on this side. The upgrade from PDS to DS then only
requires consensus layer changes.
Data blobs are fully downloaded by consensus clients in PDS. The blobs are now
referenced, but not fully encoded, in the Beacon block body. Instead of embedding
the full contents in the body, the contents of the blobs are propagated separately,
as a “sidecar”. There is one blob sidecar per block that’s fully downloaded in PDS,
then with DS validators will conduct DAS on it. 
We discussed earlier how to commit to the blobs using KZG polynomial
commitments. However, instead of using the KZG directly, EIP-4844 implements
what we actually use – its versioned hash. This is a single 0x01 byte (representing
the version) followed by the last 31 bytes of the SHA256 hash of the KZG.
We do this for easier EVM compatibility & forward compatibility:
EVM compatibility – KZG commitments are 48 bytes whereas the EVM works
more naturally with 32 byte values
Forward compatibility – if we ever switch from KZG to something else (STARKs
for quantum-resistance), the commitments can continue to be 32 bytes
Multidimensional EIP-1559
PDS finally creates a tailored data layer – data blobs will get their own distinct fee
market with separate floating gas prices and limits. So even if some NFT project is
selling a bunch of monkey land on L1, your rollup data costs won’t go up (though
proof settlement costs would). This acknowledges that the dominant cost for any
rollup today is posting their data to the L1 (not proofs). 
The gas fee market is unchanged, and data blobs are added as a new market:
The blob fee is charged in gas, but it’s a variable amount adjusting based on its own
EIP-1559 mechanism. The long run average number of blobs per block should equal
the target.
You effectively have two auctions running in parallel – one for computation and one
for DA. This is a giant leap in efficient resource pricing. 
There are some interesting designs being thrown around here. For example, it might
make sense to change both the current gas and blob pricing mechanisms from the
linear EIP-1559 to a new exponential EIP-1559 mechanism. The current
implementation doesn’t average out to our target block sizes in practice. The base
fee stabilizes imperfectly today, resulting in the observed average gas used per
block exceeding the target by ~3% on average. 
Part II – History & State Management
Quick recap on some basics here:
History – Everything that’s ever happened on-chain. You can just stick it on a
hard drive as it doesn’t require quick access. 1 of N honesty assumption in the
long term. 
State – Snapshot of all the current account balances, smart contracts, etc. Full
nodes (currently) all need this on hand to validate transactions. It’s too big for
RAM, and a hard drive is too slow – it goes in your SSD. High throughput
blockchains balloon their state, growing far beyond what us normies can keep
on our laptops. If everyday users can’t hold the state, they can’t fully validate,
so goodbye decentralization.
TLDR – these things get really big, so if you make nodes hold onto them it gets hard
to run a node. If it’s too hard to run a node, us regular folk won’t do it. That’s bad, so
we need to make sure that doesn’t happen. 
Calldata Gas Cost Reduction With Total Calldata Limit (EIP-4488)
PDS is a great stepping stone toward DS which checks off many of the eventual
requirements. Implementing PDS within a reasonable timespan can then pull
forward the timeline on DS. 
An easier to implement band-aid would be EIP-4488. It’s not quite so elegant, but it
addresses the fee emergency nonetheless. Unfortunately it doesn’t implement
steps along the way to DS, so all of the inevitable changes will still be required later.
If it starts to feel like PDS is going to be a bit slower than we’d like, it could make
sense to quickly jam through EIP-4488 (it’s just a couple lines of code changes)
then get to PDS say another six months later. Timing is still in motion here. 
EIP-4488 has two major components:
Reduce calldata cost from 16 gas per byte to 3 gas per byte
Add a limit of 1 MB calldata per block plus an extra 300 bytes per transaction
(theoretical max of ~1.4 MB total)
The limit needs to be added to prevent the worst case scenario – a block full of
calldata would reach up to 18 MB, which is far beyond what Ethereum can handle. 
EIP-4488 increases Ethereum’s average data capacity, but its burst data capacity
would actually decrease slightly due to this calldata limit (30 million gas / 16 gas per
calldata byte = 1.875 MB).

EIP-4488’s sustained load is much higher than PDS because this is still calldata vs.
data blobs which can be pruned after a month. History growth would accelerate
meaningfully with EIP-4488, making that a bottleneck to run a node. Even if EIP-
4444 is implemented in tandem with EIP-4488, this only prunes execution payload
history after a year. The lower sustained load of PDS is clearly preferable. 

Bounding Historical Data in Execution Clients (EIP-4444)

EIP-4444 allows clients the option to locally prune historical data (headers, bodies,
and receipts) older than one year. It mandates that clients stop serving this pruned
historical data on the p2p layer. Pruning history allows clients to reduce users’ disk
storage requirement (currently hundreds of GBs and growing). 
This was already important, but it would be essentially mandatory if EIP-4488 is
implemented (as it significantly grows history). Hopefully this gets done in the
relatively near term regardless. Some form of history expiry will eventually be
needed, so this is a great time to handle it. 
History is needed for a full sync of the chain, but it isn’t needed for validating new
blocks (this just requires state). So once a client has synced to the tip of the chain,
historical data is only retrieved when requested explicitly over the JSON-RPC or
when a peer attempts to sync the chain. With EIP-4444 implemented, we’d need to
find alternative solutions for these.
Clients will be unable to “full sync” using devp2p as they do today – they will instead
“checkpoint sync” from a weak subjectivity checkpoint that they’ll treat as the
genesis block. 
Note that weak subjectivity won’t be an added assumption – it’s inherent in the shift
to PoS anyway. This necessitates that valid weak subjectivity checkpoints be used
to sync due to the possibility of long-range attacks. The assumption here is that
clients will not sync from an invalid or old weak subjectivity checkpoint. This
checkpoint must be within the period that we start pruning historical data (i.e.,
within one year here) otherwise the p2p layer would be unable to provide the
required data. 
As more clients adopt lightweight sync strategies, this will also reduce bandwidth
usage on the network. 
Recovering Historical Data
It sounds nice that EIP-4444 prunes historical data after a year, and PDS prunes
blobs even more quickly (after about a month). We definitely need these because
we can’t require nodes to store all this and remain decentralized:
EIP-4488 – long-run likely to include ~1 MB per slot adds ~2.5 TB storage per
PDS – at target ~1 MB per slot adds ~2.5 TB storage per year
DS – at target ~16 MB per slot adds ~40 TB storage per year
But where does this data go? Don’t we still need it? Yes, but note that losing
historical data is not a risk to the protocol – only to individual applications. It
shouldn’t then be the job of the Ethereum core protocol to permanently maintain all
of this data that it comes to consensus on. 
So, who will store it? Here are some potential contributors:
Individual and institutional volunteers
Block explorers (e.g.,, API providers, and other data services
Third-party indexing protocols like TheGraph can create incentivized
marketplaces where clients pay servers for historical data along with Merkle
Clients in the Portal Network (currently under development) could store random
portions of chain history, and the Portal Network would automatically direct
requests for data to the nodes that have it
BitTorrent, eg. auto-generating and distributing a 7 GB file containing the blob
data from the blocks in each day
App-specific protocols (eg. rollups) can require their nodes to store the portion
of history relevant to their app
The long-term data storage problem is a relatively easy problem because it’s a 1 of
N trust assumption as we discussed before. We’re many years away from this being
the ultimate limitation on blockchain scalability. 
Weak Statelessness
Ok so we’ve got a good handle on managing history, but what about state? That’s
Ok so weve got a good handle on managing history, but what about state? Thats
actually the primary bottleneck to cranking up Ethereum’s TPS currently. 
Full nodes take the pre-state root, execute all the transactions in a block, and check
if the post-state root matches what they’ve been provided in the block. To know if
those transactions were valid, they currently need the state on hand – validation is
Enter statelessness – not needing the state on hand to do some role. Ethereum is
shooting for “weak statelessness” meaning state isn’t required to validate a block,
but it is required to build the block. Verification becomes a pure function – give me a
block in complete isolation and I can tell you if it’s valid or not. Basically this:

It’s acceptable that builders still require the state due to PBS – they’ll be more
centralized high-resource entities anyway. Focus on decentralizing validators. Weak
statelessness gives the builders a bit more work, and validators far less work. Great
You achieve this magical stateless execution with witnesses. These are proofs of
correct state access that builders will start including in every block. Validating a
block doesn’t actually require the whole state – you only need the state being read
or affected by the transactions in that block. Builders will start including the pieces
of state affected by transactions in a given block, and they’ll prove they correctly
accessed that state with witnesses.
Let’s play out an example. Alice wants to send 1 ETH to Bob. To verify a block with
this transaction, I need to know:
Before the transaction – Alice had 1 ETH
Alice’s public key – so I can tell the signature is correct 
Alice’s nonce – so I can tell the transaction was sent in the correct order
After executing the transaction – Bob has 1 ETH more, Alice has 1 ETH less
In a weak statelessness world, the builder adds the above witness data to the block
and the proof of its accuracy. The validator receives the block, executes it, and
decides if it’s valid. That’s it!
Here are the implications from the validator perspective:
Huge SSD requirement for holding state disappears – this is the key bottleneck
to scaling today.
Bandwidth requirements will increase a bit as you’re now also downloading the
witness data and proof. This is a bottleneck with Merkle-Patricia trees, but it
would be mild and not the bottleneck in Verkle tries.
You still execute the transaction to fully validate. Statelessness acknowledges
the fact that this isn’t currently the bottleneck to scaling Ethereum. 
Weak statelessness also allows Ethereum to loosen self-imposed constraints on its
execution throughput with state bloat no longer a pressing concern. Bumping up
gas limits ~3x could be reasonable. 
Most user execution will be taking place on L2s at this point anyway, but higher L1
throughput is still beneficial even to them. Rollups rely on Ethereum for DA (posted
to shards) and settlement (which requires L1 execution). As Ethereum scales its DA
layer, the amortized cost of posting proofs could become a larger share of rollup
costs (especially for ZK-rollups).  
Verkle Tries
Verkle Tries
We glossed over how those witnesses actually work. Ethereum currently uses a
Merkle-Patricia tree for state, but the Merkle proofs required would be far too large
for these witnesses to be feasible. 
Ethereum will pivot to Verkle tries for state storage. Verkle proofs are far more
efficient, so they can serve as viable witnesses to enable weak statelessness.   
First let’s recap what a Merkle tree looks like. Every transaction is hashed to start –
these hashes at the bottom are called “leaves.” All of the hashes are called “nodes”,
and they are hashes of the two “children” nodes below them. The resulting final
hash is the “Merkle root”. 

This is a helpful data structure for proving inclusion of a transaction without needing
to download the whole tree. For example, if you wanted to verify that transaction H4
is included, you just need H12, H3, and H5678 in a Merkle proof. We have H12345678
from the block header. So a light client can ask a full node for those hashes then
hash them together per the route in the tree. If the result is H12345678, then we’ve
successfully proved that H4 is in the tree. 
The deeper the tree though, the longer the route to the bottom, and thus more
items you need for the proof. So shallow and wide trees would seem good for
making efficient proofs. 
The problem is that if you wanted to make a Merkle tree wider by adding more
children under each node, it would be incredibly inefficient. You need to hash
together all siblings to make your way up the tree, so then you’d need to receive
more sibling hashes for the Merkle proof. This would make the proof sizes massive. 
This is where efficient vector commitments come in. Note the hashes used in
Merkle trees are actually vector commitments – they’re just bad ones that only
commit to two elements efficiently. So we want vector commitments where we
don’t need to receive all the siblings to verify it. Once we have that, we can make
the trees wider and decrease their depth. This is how we get efficient proof sizes –
decreasing the amount of information that needs to be provided. 
A Verkle trie is similar to a Merkle tree, but it commits to its children using an
efficient vector commitment (hence the name “Verkle”) instead of a simple hash. So
the basic idea is that you can have many children for each node, but I don’t need all
the children to verify the proof. It’s a constant size proof regardless of the width. 
We actually covered a great example of one of these possibilities before – KZG
commitments can also be used as vector commitments. In fact, that’s what
Ethereum devs initially planned to use here. They’ve since pivoted to Pedersen
commitments to fulfill a similar role. These will be based on an elliptic curve (in this
case Bandersnatch), and they’ll commit to 256 values each (a lot better than two!). 
So why not have a tree of depth one that’s as wide as possible then? This would be
great for the verifier who now has a super compact proof. But there’s a practical
tradeoff that the prover needs to be able to compute this proof, and the wider it is
the harder that gets. So these Verkle tries will lie in between the extremes at 256
values wide. 
State Expiry

Weak statelessness removes state bloat constraints from validators, but state
doesn’t magically disappear. Transactions cost a finite amount, but they inflict a
permanent tax on the network by increasing the state. State growth is still a
permanent drag on the network. Something needs to be done to address the
underlying issue. 
This is where state expiry comes in. State that’s been inactive for a long period of
time (say a year or two) gets chopped from what even block builders need to carry.
Active users won’t notice a thing, and deadweight state that’s no longer needed can
be discarded. 
If you ever need to resurrect expired state, you’ll simply need to display a proof and
reactivate it. This falls back to the 1 of N storage assumptions here. As long as
someone still has the full history (block explorers, etc.), you can get what you need
from them. 
Weak statelessness will blunt the immediate need for state expiry on the base layer,
but it’s good to have in the long run especially as L1 throughput increases. It’ll be an
even more useful tool for high throughput rollups. L2 state will grow at orders of
magnitude higher rates, to the point where it will even be a drag on high-
performance builders.
Part III – It’s all MEV
PBS was necessary to safely implement DS, but recall that it was actually designed
at first to combat the centralizing forces of MEV. You’ll notice a recurring trend in
Ethereum research today – MEV is now front and center in cryptoeconomics.  
Designing blockchains with MEV in mind is critical to preserving security and
decentralization. The basic protocol level approach is: 
1. Mitigate harmful MEV as much as possible (e.g., single-slot finality, single
secret leader election)
2. Democratize the rest (e.g., MEV-Boost, PBS, MEV smoothing)
The remainder must be easily captured and spread amongst validators. Otherwise,
it will centralize validator sets due to the inability to compete with sophisticated
searchers. This is exacerbated by the fact that MEV will comprise a much higher
share of validator rewards after the merge (staking issuance is far lower than the
inflation given to miners). It can’t be ignored. 
MEV Supply Chain Today
Today’s sequence of events looks like this:
Mining pools have played the builder role here. MEV searchers relay bundles of
transactions (with their respective bids) to mining pools via Flashbots. The mining
pool operator aggregates a full block and passes along the block header to
individual miners. The miner attests to it with PoW giving it weight in the fork choice
Flashbots arose to prevent vertical integration across the stack – this would open
the door to censorship and other nasty externalities. When Flashbots began, mining
pools were already beginning to strike exclusive deals with trading firms to extract
MEV. Instead, Flashbots gave them an easy way to aggregate MEV bids and avoid
vertical integration (by implementing MEV-geth).
After the merge, mining pools disappear. We want to open the door to at-home
validators being reasonably able to operate. This requires finding someone to take
on the specialized building role. Your at-home validator probably isn’t quite as good
as the hedge fund with a payroll of quants at capturing MEV. Left unchecked, this
would centralize the validator set if regular folk can’t compete. Structured properly,
the protocol can redirect that MEV revenue toward the staking yields of everyday
the protocol can redirect that MEV revenue toward the staking yields of everyday

Unfortunately in-protocol PBS simply won’t be ready at the merge. Flashbots comes
to the rescue again with a stepping stone solution – MEV-Boost. 
Validators post-merge will default to receiving public mempool transactions directly
into their execution clients. They can package these up, hand them to the
consensus client, and broadcast them to the network. (If you need a refresher on
how Ethereum’s consensus and execution clients work together, I cover this in Part
But your mom and pop validator has no idea how to extract MEV as we discussed,
so Flashbots is offering an alternative. MEV-boost will plug into your consensus
client, allowing you to outsource specialized block building. Importantly, you still
retain the option to use your own execution client as a fallback. 
MEV searchers will continue to play the role they do today. They’ll run specific
strategies (stat arb, atomic arb, sandwiches, etc.) and bid for their bundles to be
included. Builders then aggregate all the bundles they see as well as any private
orderflow (e.g., from Flashbots Protect) into the optimal full block. The builder
passes only the header to the validator via a relay running to MEV-Boost. Flashbots
intends to run the relayer and builder with plans to decentralize over time, but
whitelisting additional builders will likely be slow.

MEV-Boost requires validators to trust relayers – the consensus client receives the
header, signs it, and only then is the block body revealed. The relayer’s purpose is
to attest to the proposer that the body is valid and exists, so that the validators
don’t have to trust the builders directly. 
When in-protocol PBS is ready, it then codifies what MEV-Boost offers in the
interim. PBS provides the same separation of powers, allows for easier builder
decentralization, and removes the need for proposers to trust anyone.
Committee-driven MEV Smoothing
PBS also opens the door to another cool idea – committee-driven MEV smoothing.
We saw the ability to extract MEV is a centralizing force on the validator set, but so
is the distribution. The high variability in MEV rewards from one block to another
incentivizes pooling many validators to smooth out your returns over time (as we
see in mining pools today, although to a lesser degree here). 
The default is to give the actual block proposer the full payment from the builders.
MEV smoothing would instead split that payment across many validators. A
committee of validators would check the proposed block and attest to whether or
not that was indeed the block with the highest bid. If everything checks out, the
block goes ahead and the reward is split amongst the committee and proposer.  
This solves another concern as well – out-of-band bribes. Proposers could be
incentivized to submit a suboptimal block and just take an out-of-band bribe
directly to hide their payments from delegators for example. This attestation keeps
proposers in check. 
p p

In-protocol PBS is a prerequisite for MEV smoothing to be implemented. You need

to have an awareness of the builder market and explicit bids being submitted. There
are several open research questions here, but it’s an exciting proposal again critical
to ensuring decentralized validators.
Single-slot Finality
Fast finality is great. Waiting ~15 minutes is suboptimal for UX or cross-chain
communication. More importantly, it’s an MEV reorg issue. 
Post-merge Ethereum will already offer far stronger confirmations than today –
thousands of validators attest to each block vs. miners competing and potentially
mining at the same block height without voting. This will make reorgs exceptionally
unlikely. However, it’s still not true finality. If the last block had some juicy MEV, you
might just tempt the validators to try to reorg the chain and steal it for themselves. 
Single-slot finality removes this threat. Reverting a finalized block would require at
least a third of all validators, and they’d immediately have their stake slashed
(millions of ETH).
I won’t get too in the weeds on the potential mechanics here. Single-slot finality is
pretty far back in Ethereum’s roadmap, and it’s a very open design space. 
In today’s consensus protocol (without single-slot finality), Ethereum only requires
1/32 of validators to attest to each slot (~12,000 of over ~380,000 currently).
Stretching this voting to the full validator set with BLS signature aggregation in a
single slot requires more work. This would compress hundreds of thousands of
votes into a single verification:
Vitalik breaks down some of the interesting solutions here. 
Single Secret Leader Election 
SSLE seeks to patch yet another MEV attack vector we’ll be faced with after the
The Beacon Chain validator list and upcoming leader selection list are public, and
it’s rather easy to deanonymize them and map their IP addresses. You can probably
see the issue here. 
More sophisticated validators can use tricks to better hide themselves, but small-
time validators will be particularly susceptible to getting doxxed and subsequently
DDOSd. This can be quite easily exploited for MEV. 
Say you’re the proposer at block n, and I’m the proposer at block n+1. If I know your
IP address, I can cheaply DDOS you so that you timeout and fail to produce your
block. I now get to capture both of our slots’ MEV and double my rewards. This is
exacerbated by the elastic block sizing of EIP-1559 (max gas per block is double
the target size), so I can jam what should’ve been two blocks’ transactions into my
single block which is now twice as long. 
TLDR is at-home validators could throw in the towel on validation because they’re
getting rekt. SSLE makes it such that nobody but the proposer knows when their
turn is up preventing this attack. This won’t be live at the merge, but hopefully it can
be implemented not too long afterwards. 
Part IV – The Merge: Under the Hood
Ok, to be clear I was kidding before. I actually think (hope) the merge happens
relatively soonTM. 

Nobody will shut up about it, so I feel obligated to at least give it a brief shout out.
This concludes your Ethereum crash-course.
Clients After the Merge
Today you run one monolithic client (e.g., Go Ethereum, Nethermind, etc.) that
handles everything. Specifically, full nodes do both:
Execution – Execute every transaction in a block to ensure validity. Take the
pre-state root, execute everything, and check that the resulting post-state root
is correct
Consensus – Verify you’re on the heaviest (highest PoW) chain with the most
work done (i.e., Nakamoto consensus)
They’re inseparable because full nodes not only follow the heaviest chain, they
follow the heaviest valid chain. That’s why they’re full nodes and not light nodes. Full
nodes won’t accept invalid transactions even in the event of a 51% attack.

The Beacon Chain currently only runs consensus to give PoS a test run. No
execution. Eventually a terminal total difficulty will be decided upon, at which point
the current Ethereum execution blocks will merge into the Beacon Chain blocks
forming one chain: 

However, full nodes will run two separate clients under the hood that interoperate:
Execution client (f.k.a. “Eth1 client”) – Current Eth 1.0 clients continue to handle
execution. They process blocks, maintain mempools, and manage and sync
state. The PoW stuff gets ripped out.
Consensus client (f.k.a. “Eth2 client”) – Current Beacon Chain clients continue
to handle PoS consensus. They track the chain’s head, gossip and attest to
blocks, and receive validator rewards. 
Clients receive Beacon Chain blocks, execution clients run the transactions, then
consensus clients will follow that chain if everything checks out. You’ll be able to
mix and match the execution and consensus clients of your choice, all will be
interoperable. A new Engine API will be introduced for the clients to communicate
with each other:
Consensus After the Merge
Today’s Nakamoto Consensus is simple. Miners create new blocks, and they add
them to the heaviest observed valid chain. 
Post-merge Ethereum moves to GASPER – combining Casper FFG (the finality tool)
plus LMD GHOST (the fork-choice rule) to reach consensus. The TLDR here – this is
a liveness favoring consensus as opposed to safety favoring. 
The distinction is that safety favoring consensus algorithms (e.g., Tendermint) halt
when they fail to receive the requisite number of votes (⅔ of the validator set here).
Liveness favoring chains (e.g., PoW + Nakamoto Consensus) continue building an
optimistic ledger regardless, but they’re unable to reach finality without sufficient
votes. Bitcoin and Ethereum today never reach finality – you just assume after a
sufficient number of blocks that a reorg won’t occur. 
However, Ethereum will also achieve finality by checkpointing periodically with
sufficient votes. Each instance of 32 ETH is a separate validator, and there are
already over 380,000 Beacon Chain validators. Epochs consist of 32 slots with all
validators split up and attesting to one slot within a given epoch (meaning ~12,000
attestations per slot). The fork-choice rule LMD Ghost then determines the current
head of the chain based on these attestations. A new block is added every slot (12
seconds), so epochs are 6.4 minutes. Finality is achieved with the requisite votes
generally after two epochs (so every 64 slots, though it can take up to 95). 
Concluding Thoughts
All roads lead to the endgame of centralized block production, decentralized
trustless block validation, and censorship resistance. Ethereum’s roadmap has this
vision square in its sights.
Ethereum aims to be the ultimate unified DA and settlement layer – massively
decentralized and secure at the base with scalable computation on top. This
condenses cryptographic assumptions to one robust layer. A unified modular (or
disaggregated now?) base layer with execution included also captures the highest
value across L1 designs – leading to monetary premium and economic security as I
recently covered (now open-sourced here).
I hope you gathered a clearer view of how Ethereum research is all so interwoven.
There are so many moving pieces, it’s very cutting-edge, and there’s a really big
picture to wrap your head around. It’s hard to keep track of.  
Fundamentally, it all makes its way back to that singular vision. Ethereum presents a
compelling path to massive scalability while holding dear those values we care so
much about in this space.  

Special thanks to Dankrad Feist for his review and insights.   

Jon Charbonneau

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