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By James Spann
The problem

 Data is locked away by high barriers

 Storage issues
We believe that data
should be open Access

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A decentralized option for Researchers to share their research and contribute to their communities! (no cash required!)
What is a Blockchain

• Decentralized

• Immutable and Secure way to store data

• Referencing capabilities
• Peer to Peer

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How does it work?

 Wallet creation
 Nodes with data (models and datasets) activate and broadcast their information to other nodes on the
 These nodes verify the integrity of data
 If the data looks good, the node takes a hash and sends it out to all the other nodes. Once 51% consensus is
achieved amongst all the nodes, we can
 Data is stacked on top and we repeat
 Unlike a traditional Blockchain we do not use currency as an incentive for verifying data
 Data is stored in a reversible format
What have we solved with this solution?

 Allows knowledge to be spread without barriers

 Allows data to be sharded and replicated so it can be preserved despite saved a change of opinion (ex. Trump
and Nasa Climate data, ex. MIT Borgs)
 Avoid storage issues of centralization
 Prevents two people from working on the same thing
An example:

 As an example we created a Tensorflow model that predicts

the location of a college in the US based on information such
 Bytecode nature allows us to use this as a translator to other

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Future Work

 Adapting this CPU power of all the devices on the network to train larger models
 Doing the codebase in Golang or C++ rather than Python
 Adding a DNS for easier discovery
 Creating a key access system for patented models
 Extending the interface beyond
 Block Explorer so data can be looked at without running a node
 Pulling gradients directly from tensorflow graph
Thank you
Any questions?

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