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Final Marks Will be Made Over the

Weekend on the Following Items:

Research and AnaIysis Stage:
Write Up on the 5 Quest
Write Up on the 3 Game AIIey
game Reviews
Design Brief

Designing Stage:
Design Specifications
Spirits TabIe
Game Design Sketch

DigitaI Citizenship:
BIocking Facebook in the UK
I Would Like to Finalize Marks For
Everything Below on Monday:
ReaIizing the SoIution Stage:
Game PIan
TechnicaI SkiIIs
FoIIowing the PIan
ExpIaining changes made to the
Game Iink

EvaIuate Stage:
Summarize Feedback
New and Improved Version of
the Game
Report of Changes
Written RefIection on project

DigitaI Citizenship:
Is bIogging good for you?
Phase 3: Realizing the Solution
(formerly "Create") This is the fun part! During this phase of
the Design Cycle, you will create your game.
Please provide screenshots to show the process that you
go through as you construct your game.
You can label them "step 1", "step 2" etc... and provide
labels and written descriptions of the process of building
your game.
Finally, you should provide a link to your game so that your
classmates can easily find it.
Phase 4: Evaluating
Now that we have finished making our games, you need to get
people to play it! Be sure to encourage members of your target
audience to play your game and to leave comments. You are asked
to provide a summary of the feedback that you get from people who
have played your game. You will use this feedback to help you
improve it. During the 'Evaluating' phase of this project, you will
complete 4 tasks:
Summarize the feedback.
Create a 'new and improved' version of your game.
Write a brief report about what you changed in the new version of
your game and why you made those changes.
Provide a written reflection on your experience, including what
you learned from the process and how you felt about it.
Phase 4: Evaluating My Game 2.0
Now that you have gotten some feedback from your target
audience, it is time to go back to the workshop and fix things
t is not necessary to start a new game from scratch.
nstead, make some changes to your existing game based
on your own experience and the feedback that you got.
Write a brief report (2-3 paragraphs) about what you
changed and why.
Phase 4: Evaluating Final Reflection Write a concise 2-3
paragraph reflection about what you learned while
working with Gamestar Mechanic and how this may be
helpful working on your next project, where you will
create your own video game using a tool of your own
choosing. n your write-up, be sure to include your
personal thoughts and feelings about the experience.

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