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  Do you know how to do a cash flow management?

2. Are you ready to hire employees? Which characteristics and skills are important or what
are you looking for? You will deal with that yourself or have someone responsible for it?
3.  Do you have a time management plan?
4.  Are you prepare to delegate tasks or you concentrate everything in your hands?
5.  Choose what to sell is fundamental, do you know how to identify a prosperous niche,
product or service?
6.  Do you have a marketing strategy and plan?
7.  How do you intend to rise capital to start your business?
8.  Are you ready to keep a strapped budget and cut money from some areas in your business
to direct the money to other potential areas?
9.  Would you like to grow your business but how to you intend to do it?
10. Do you consider self-doubt a business impeditive or obstacle? Why and how to deal with

11. There still any other issue that you would consider as an obstacle to entrepreneurship?

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