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Brillante, Davin P.



Children benefit from art in developing their motor, verbal, social, decision-making,

risk-taking, and imaginative skills. Creative activities can help young learners develop better

social and emotional management abilities. Through other civilizations' history, stories, values,

and traditions, art teaches the importance of varying viewpoints. Children learn about the value

of diversity and how to appreciate it while developing a stronger sense of self through the

creation and discussion of art. In teaching elements and principles of arts, one must know its

teaching strategies and assessment tools for arts before proceeding. When it comes to ‘elements

of art’ all children must learn line, color, texture, tone, shape, form, and space. And when

learning about the elements, you must also learn about the ‘principles of art’ which are balance,

emphasis, movement, proportion, rhythm, unity, pattern, repetition, and variety.

With regards to teaching strategies in teaching elements and principles of art, you can

ask them to make collages and models since almost every parent keeps a stack of outdated

magazines nearby for recycling. People with financial difficulties will value contributing their

fair share without paying anything. You can explain that you utilize these resources to show

kids how to make collages to combine the arts with other topics. Also, you and make them use

drawings and illustrations when they are making their notes to help them build note-taking

skills and at the same time develop their art skills. Encourage children to include drawings in

their work when you do this. After all, if earlier scientists hadn't painstakingly sketched

drawings of each flora species they researched, people wouldn't appreciate the plant-world

information they do now. Lastly, some students learn best through auditory means and need
help staying focused throughout a long lecture. Different learners may get bored and start

daydreaming or fidgeting, though. Incorporate visuals into your talks, slideshows, or brief

YouTube videos can be displayed. Another method to employ arts integration across topics and

channel student energy is to get kids up to pantomime. And examining the art your pupils are

producing is a fantastic approach to gauging student performance and determining whether

they understand. It covers any planning and sketching that students complete before and

throughout creating a final product. The observations are informal and brief. Rubrics are crucial

assessment tools, particularly for final exam portfolios and artwork submitted at the end of

each unit. They are helpful when you seek particular methods and ideas included in a work.

Grading can be simplified with the use of a thorough rubric.

Kids at a young age must learn to appreciate art in their early stages of growing up as

art makes people feel happy and content which will be great as they grow old. Truth and beliefs

can be expressed via art, it depicts a variety of concepts and emotions, including triumph, love,

happiness, grief, and boredom. Every message in art conveys ideas that are important to modern

culture. Numerous approaches exist for how art can boost self-esteem and confidence. For

starters, children will become more confident in their ability to express themselves via art. They

will feel more comfortable expressing their emotions since they can put their thoughts and

feelings into their artwork. We may better comprehend the world and ourselves via the power

of art. It is a crucial component of our society because it helps us understand our emotions

better, become more self-aware, and be more receptive to new ideas and experiences.

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