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Topic: Integrating arts in the early childhood curriculum

Title: The Relevance of Integrating the Art to Children

Art is a remarkable way in expressing our thoughts and feelings. It is even more remarkable that in
short years, children finally learn to express their thoughts other than using bank words to
communicate. We define art as “a uniquely human tied directly to culture. As an expressive medium, it
allows us to experience wide ranges of emotions, between joy and sorrow, or confusion or clarity. It
gives voice to ideas and feelings, connects us to the past, reflects the present, and anticipates the
future.” Thus, art is extremely relevant in multiple reasons. Integrating the arts involves combining
core content areas with visual art, music, drama, and movement to provide children with opportunities
to express themselves by way of creative outlet. This occurs in a process, and different children reach
the process at different times.

“Art is everywhere.” For many people, it is the very reason why children must open their door to
creativity. In that case, they will gain a new love to integrate art which will tap into children’s natural
desire for active learning through their senses. This helps children develop critical thinking skills and
enhances their communication abilities. They discover how to promote opportunities to learn in a
creative and imaginative way. Because aside from arts-related subjects, it will also help them to have a
better engagement in other subjects and boost their learning to those as this approach personalizes
content and activate the multiple senses at once.

Creative experiences helps children enhance their knowledge and skills and to utilize the exploration of
integrating arts with various academic subjects. Through drama, music, and dance, children experience
the joy of being artists while learning essential skills. In terms of mathematical concepts, art bring it to
life. For instance, when children sing a song, they are starting to gather words along with its meanings.
When they draw, they begin to identify that a triangle has 3 sides while square and rectangle both have
four. They learn fundamentals of mathematics when counting beats in a song. When it comes to
Sciences, children technically develops critical thinking skills and starts formulating ideas that can be
used as a tool in different situations. In simple words, they begin to discover. By singing, dancing,
imagining, and connecting their bodies and minds, children learn more deeply and meaningfully,
especially in subjects like reading, math, and science.

Furthermore, integrating arts in the early childhood curriculum means securing the children not only
with academical stability but also in preparation to the modern issues in the society. It is a good way to
understand the history behind an art and the period from which the piece originated because in doing
so, we can analyze how differently society functioned them. Children can empathize and relate to the
problems they faced on the personal level. This will come across the children’s emotional aspects. Art
can give them a voice, to express something that they feel unable to express or convey.


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