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Mira el árbol genealógico y completa las

Look at the family tree and complete the sentences.
Example: Alan is my grandfather

My family

Alan Sara

Fred Rita Lee Nina

David Me Kim Joe Lis

1. Kim is my . 6. David is my

2. Fred is my 7. Lee is my-

3. Nina is my- 8. Rita is my -

4. Joe is my 9. Lisa is my-

5. Sara is my.
Completa las palabras de acuerdo a los
"miembros de la familia"
Complete the words about family members
Example: Relatlyes
2 F
3 U
4 C

5 M-
6 B
7 A

8 N

9 G m-

10 N -
11 G
Formas afetivas / coloquiales
Familia nuclear y parientes

1. father padre
2. mother madre
39. dad papá
3. parens padres
Familia extensa o politica
40.daddy papi
4. husband esposo 41. mom- mamna

. wite esposa mami

26.father-in-law- suegro 42. mo mmy
. undie * * to

27.mother-in-law- suegra 43.grandpa - abuelito

.aunt tia
8. nephew Sobrino
28.parents-in-law suegros 44.grandma- abuelita
9. niece sobrina

-hermano cuñado

10. brother Otros
11.sister hermana 30. sister-in-law- cuñada
12.siblings hermanos
13.cousin p r i m o (a)
31.son-in-law yerno 45.godfather - - padrino
son hijo 32.daughter-in-law- nuera
46.godmother- madrina
15.daughter hija 33.stepfather padrastro
16.children - niños
34.stepmother-- madrastra 47.godson
48. goddaughter -
grandfather -abuelo
18grandmother- abuela 35.stepbrother- hermanastro
19.grandparents- abuelos 49. boyfriend novio
36.stepsister- hermanastra
20.grandson nieto
50.girlfriend novia
21.granddaughter- nieta 37.stepson -hijastro 51.firstborn primogénito
22.grandchildren- nieto5 38.stepdaughter- hijastra
23.geatgrandf ather- bisabuelo 52.relatives -parientes
24.great grandmother- bisabuela 53. adopted- adoptado
25.geatgandpa rents- bisabuelos
Family Crosswo


Realiza el
crucigrama, checa
las palabras abajo
del mismo.
Horizontal Vertical
Across Down
2. gr -d_a (7) 1.g- dm . (7)
7. h s - - -d (7) 3. a - - t (4)
S S-r (6) 4.f_th_r (6)
10. u n - - (5) 5. C- -Sn(6)
11. w_f- (4) 6. m t h -r(6)
8. br- - - er (7)

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