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Hazel Ann L.



February 10, 2023


1. Essence of instructional materials

Instructional materials refer to those alternative channels of communication, which a

classroom teacher can use to concretize a concept during the teaching and learning process
Samuel (2009). The essence of instructional materials is to facilitate the teaching-learning
process and provide organized educational content.

Instructional materials help students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and competencies
they need in their respective courses to succeed. According to Triyaswati (2021), Since
instructional materials have concrete elements, even students can easily understand and be
related to the subject, it gives a variety of strategies and approaches to make teaching and
learning processes easier and more comfortable. However, it’s important to note that
instructional materials have the power to engage or demotivate students. So, therefore
instructional materials should be carefully planned, organized, and selected to ensure maximum
impact on student learning. Instructional materials provide a reality of experience that stimulates
self–activity. An example of this would be motion pictures it is an effective tool because it
provides unique experiences that students cannot be obtained through other materials and
contribute to the efficiency of learning.

In conclusion, the use of instructional materials in the teaching-learning process allows

students to be exposed to primary experiences and enriches their learning. To ensure that student
learning is optimized, the planning and selection of instructional materials must take into
consideration both the breadth and depth of content.

2. Development of instructional materials

According to Potter (2022), Development is where you actually create your instructional
materials. Instructional materials are the content or information conveyed within a course. These
include the lectures, readings, textbooks, multimedia components, and other resources in a
course Timmo (2022). The development of instructional materials has progressed significantly
over the years, with technological advancements resulting in the creation of new and different
resources. It is also a collaborative process that involves input from the teachers and subject
matter experts to ensure that materials are reviewed and evaluated and the changes are made
based on the feedback of students as well as the teachers.

The traditional instructional materials include chalk and blackboards, visual aids, textbook,
book, and flashcards that primarily use in schools at that time with the absence of the internet.
While modern instructional materials use the internet making it easy for students to acquire
knowledge it includes PowerPoint and video presentations, visualizations, graphics, etc. The
development of instructional materials sustains the needs of the students up to date and how they
can easily process information.

The goal of instructional materials development is to make studying or learning more

efficient and engaging for students. The use of technology allows students for dynamic materials
which can provide a hands-on learning experience to ensure the effectiveness of technology in
students learning. And lastly, the process of the development of instructional materials is still
ongoing because technologies are continuously evolving over time to improve the students
learning and understanding.

Triyaswati, H., & Emaliana, I. (2021, October 13). In EQUAL GENDER REPRESENTATION IN
Triyaswati | International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS).


OUR SCHOOLS AN OVERVIEW. Retrieved February 9, 2023, from

Timmo, D. 2022. Instructional Materials. Retrieved from Instructional materials (

Potter, K. 2022 Instructional materials. (n.d.). In Instructional materials.

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