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Autobiography – Questions and structure A2 class (6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

Here are some questions that can be used to structure an autobiography:

1. Introduction:
✓ Who are you?
✓ What is your story about?
2. Early Life:
✓ Where were you born and raised?
✓ What was your family like?
✓ What were your childhood experiences like?
✓ What were some significant events that shaped your life during this time?
3. Adolescence and Adulthood:
✓ What were your teenage years like?
✓ What were some significant events during your teenage years?
✓ What did you study in college?
✓ How did your education shape your life?
✓ What was your first job?
✓ What were some significant events during your early adulthood?
4. Career:
✓ What was your work history like?
✓ What were some of the highlights of your career?
✓ What were some of the challenges you faced in your career?
5. Personal Life:
✓ What were some of the most important relationships in your life?
✓ What was your marriage like?
✓ Did you have children?
✓ What were some significant events in your personal life?
6. Reflections:
✓ What have you learned from your life experiences?
✓ What would you have done differently if you could go back in time?
7. Conclusion:
✓ What do you want readers to take away from your story?
✓ How do you want your story to impact others?

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