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• When? 1980

MAIN CHARACTERS: Describe their role in the story

1. Aya Kito - the protagonist of the series, Aya is a teenage girl who is diagnosed with spinocerebellar
degeneration. Despite her illness, she remains optimistic and determined to live her life to the fullest.
2. Hiroshi Kito - Aya's younger brother, who struggles to understand and come to terms with his sister's
3. Shioka Aihara - Aya's best friend, who provides emotional support and encouragement throughout her
4. Mizuo, Haruto, and Yuji - Aya's classmates, who struggle to understand and accept the changes in
Aya's behavior as her illness progresses.
5. Ako Ikeuchi - Aya's nurse and caregiver, who provides both medical and emotional support to Aya and
her family.
6. Shioka's mother and father, who provide additional support to Aya and her family throughout the series.
7. Aya's parents - the Kito family's patriarch and matriarch, who must navigate the emotional and financial
challenges of caring for their daughter with a rare and incurable disease.


❖ Introduction: The story follows Aya and her family as they cope with the challenges of her rare and
incurable disease. Despite the physical limitations imposed by her illness, Aya maintains a positive
outlook on life and becomes an inspiration to those around her. The series explores themes of love,
family, resilience, and the human spirit, highlighting the importance of cherishing every moment and
living life to the fullest.

❖ Rising Action begins with the diagnosis of Aya's illness and the realization of its severity. Aya
struggles to come to terms with her condition and the physical limitations it imposes on her, while her
family and friends rally around her to provide support.
❖ As Aya's illness progresses, the challenges she faces become more pronounced. She begins to
experience difficulty with basic movements, such as walking and eating, and her speech deteriorates.
Despite these setbacks, Aya remains determined to live her life to the fullest and continues to pursue
her dreams, such as attending school and writing in her diary.
❖ As Aya's condition worsens, her family faces their own emotional struggles in dealing with the reality of
her illness. Her parents must grapple with the financial burden of her medical care, and her siblings
struggle to understand and accept the changes in their sister's behavior.
❖ Throughout the rising action of the series, the audience is drawn into Aya's personal journey and the
emotional toll her illness takes on those around her. The story builds to a climax as Aya's condition
deteriorates, leading to a powerful and emotional conclusion

❖ Climax: when Aya's condition reaches a critical point. Aya is hospitalized with pneumonia, and her
physical and emotional state deteriorates rapidly. Her family members and friends gather around her
hospital bed, hoping for a miracle.
❖ During this emotional scene, Aya's mother reads her diary aloud to her, and Aya's memories of her life
flash before her eyes. As her loved ones look on, Aya passes away peacefully, surrounded by those
she loved.
❖ This moment represents the culmination of Aya's journey and the emotional arc of the series. Aya's
passing deeply affects those around her, and the series explores the impact she had on their lives and
the lessons they learned from her resilience and determination.
❖ The climax is a powerful and emotional moment that underscores the themes of love, family, and the
human spirit that are central to the series.

❖ Falling Action follows the aftermath of Aya's passing and how her family and friends come to terms
with their loss. Aya's loved ones mourn her passing and struggle to move on without her.
❖ Aya's mother, in particular, experiences a difficult time in adjusting to life without her daughter. She
blames herself for not being able to do more for Aya and becomes distant from her family. However,
over time, she is able to find peace and eventually comes to accept Aya's passing.
❖ Meanwhile, Aya's friends continue to cherish her memory and the lessons she taught them about love
and resilience. Her brother, Hiroshi, grows up and becomes a doctor, inspired by Aya's spirit and
❖ Throughout the falling action, the series explores the themes of grief, acceptance, and moving forward
after loss. The characters all struggle to find their own way forward, but ultimately come to understand
the importance of cherishing the memories of those we have lost and finding the strength to carry on.
❖ Ending: shows the characters several years after Aya's passing, reflecting on the impact she had on
their lives. Aya's brother, Hiroshi, is now a doctor and works with patients who have similar illnesses to
Aya's. He is inspired by his sister's spirit and determination to help others in need.
❖ Aya's mother has also found peace and has learned to cherish the memories of her daughter. She
visits Aya's grave regularly and reflects on the lessons Aya taught her about life and love.
❖ The series ends with a quote from Aya's diary, which reads, "I want to be able to live without shame,
without worrying about tomorrow." This quote encapsulates the themes of the series, which emphasize
the importance of living life to the fullest, even in the face of adversity.
❖ Overall, the ending of "1 Litre of Tears" is a poignant reflection on the impact of Aya's life and the
lessons she taught those around her. The series is a powerful exploration of the human spirit and the
strength we can find in the face of hardship and loss.

❖ the struggle that Aya and her family face in dealing with her rare and incurable disease. Aya is
diagnosed with spinocerebellar degeneration, a disease that gradually causes her to lose control of her
movements and speech, eventually leading to her death.
❖ This conflict is not only physical but also emotional, as Aya and her family must grapple with the reality
of her illness and its impact on their lives. They face the challenge of adapting to Aya's physical
limitations, finding ways to communicate with her as her speech deteriorates, and dealing with the
emotional strain of watching their loved one slowly decline.
❖ There are also secondary conflicts in the story, such as the societal stigma attached to disabilities in
Japan, Aya's struggle to maintain a sense of normalcy in her life despite her illness, and the strain that
Aya's illness places on her relationships with her friends and classmates.

Overall, the conflict in "1 Litre of Tears" revolves around the central theme of illness and the impact it
has on the lives of those affected by it. The story explores the ways in which people cope with tragedy
and adversity, highlighting the importance of love, support, and the resilience of the human spirit in the
face of such challenges.

Episode 1: Aya is a high school student who begins to experience symptoms such as falls and difficulty writing.
She is diagnosed with spinocerebellar degeneration, a degenerative disease that will gradually cause her to
lose her ability to walk, talk, and take care of herself.
Episode 2: Aya struggles to come to terms with her diagnosis and starts to withdraw from her friends and
family. Her younger sister, Ako, begins to take on more responsibility in the family.
Episode 3: Aya starts to use a wheelchair and finds it difficult to adjust to her new way of life. She meets a boy
named Haruto who is also in a wheelchair, and they become friends.
Episode 4: Aya's condition worsens, and she starts to lose her ability to speak. She communicates through a
notebook and her family starts to learn sign language.
Episode 5: Aya's mother quits her job to take care of her full-time. Aya starts to write in a diary to document her
Episode 6: Aya's father starts to have trouble accepting her condition and begins to distance himself from the
family. Aya's classmates organize a school festival to raise awareness about her illness.
Episode 7: Aya's condition deteriorates further, and she becomes unable to eat and drink normally. She is
hospitalized and put on a feeding tube.
Episode 8: Aya undergoes surgery to have a tracheostomy, which allows her to breathe more easily. She is
also given a special computer that she can use to communicate.
Episode 9: Aya's health continues to decline, and she is moved to a palliative care unit. She passes away
surrounded by her family and loved ones.


I felt bad because Aya’s got a bright future ahead of her I found the series “1 litter of tears” sad

inspiring and uplifting, with its message of resilience and determination in the face of adversity, the

series made me feel thankfull that I can do everything I think about without any borders blocking it.

the series made me realize that life can't be restarted like in video games I loved that’s why you should

make the most out of it have healthy body and fun life.

“Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.”

-Haruki Murakami, contemporary Japanese writer.

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