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Laura Beth Jones

6 April 2016
Final Essay

Disability Studies - Struggling with Depression and Acceptance

The word disability is a word that we hear on a regular basis. A disability is a physical or
mental condition that limits a persons movements, senses, or activities (Dictionary). There are
many people in todays society that have disabilities but are not recognized; then there are people
who have disabilities that are obvious to the eye. The true definition of the word identity is the
quality of who someone is (Dictionary). Disabilities do not define people but they are a part of
their individual personal identities. With every disability, there are struggles that an individual
has to deal with. Certain struggles create different impacts, positive or negative. Not everyone is
the same; that is why we should treat them with respect and individualism.
In the United States alone, over fifty-six million people reported having a disability in
2013 (Annual Report). That is almost twenty percent of the entire population. According to the
United States Annual Report, the rate of which people had disabilities increased with age. In
fact, less than one percent were under the age of five, approximately five percent were between
the ages of five and seventeen, ten percent were between the ages of eighteen and sixty-four, and
approximately thirty-seven percent were over the age of sixty-four. The most common disability
is walking impairment; especially common among ages sixty-four and over (Annual Report). It
seems unreal of how many people in the United States have a disability. I always thought that
people with disabilities were the people that had major disabilities; including people in


wheelchairs, canes, blind, etc. I have learned that just because you cant see their disability,
doesnt mean they dont have one and that they dont struggle with it.
Disabilities can cause an individual to alter their lifestyle and cause them to have
different outlooks on life (Smith). Many people struggle with the concepts of: not being treated
fairly, their condition is thought of as something else, being called retarded, not having parent
or public support, having to depend on someone or something, not enough proper resources,
emotional and physical distress, and most importantly depression. Depending on the severity of
their illness or impairment, struggles are a part of their reality (Smith).
Depression is known to be the main struggle among people with disabilities have to
experience (Depression). Psychologist believe that a disability can lead someone into a
depression. Being different can make someone feel that they have no purpose in life and
unwanted. The feeling of being unwanted can lead someone to lose their confidence and selfesteem. Once they lose confidence in themselves, they become sad and frustrated with
changes/alterations that are done in their lives as well as frustration over jobs and education.
Depression seems to work like dominos and once one thing unfortunate happens, a reaction starts
and it feels like one thing after another (Depression). After reading many articles about how
someone who became disabled, I have discovered that people who were not born with their
disability has a higher chance of becoming depressed than someone who has learned to deal with
their disability since birth. In my perspective, I could only imagine what is it like to become
disabled. From it being minor to major, it can change the way you live in various ways. Since I
do not have a disability, it is hard for me to relate to what the disabled go through. I have a
family friend that became paralyzed after a horrific car accident. Once her accident happened,
she started to realizing how long the bumpy road to recovery would be. After realizing that she


couldnt walk for the rest of her life; she became very depressed thinking that no one would love
her or want her. Seeing her go through so much really opened my eyes. People do not
understand the severe damage that depression can put on someone. It is not about just feeling
sad and bad about yourself. It is mainly about accepting yourself and the events that have
happened and embrace your life instead of putting yourself down. Ever since seeing that first
hand, I have always tried to keep an open mind when seeing someone with a disability,
especially when they are feeling depressed about their life and their situation. You will never
know their story without taking the time to ask.
Other than personal struggles, people with disabilities have to deal with struggles in
todays society. Civil Rights is an issue that has been present in the world for centuries. The
Disability Civil Rights Movement began in 1960 and is still an issue today, fifty years later. The
act fights for the equality of people with disabilities. In 1964, the Americans with Disabilities
Act was in effect and caused a widespread of changes across the United States, including
handicap accessible ramps and bathrooms (Disability Rights). The main purpose of the act was to
make society more disability friendly. It has helped improve the way the United States views
people with disabilities by incorporating them in everyday activities; this allowed disabled
individuals to have more respect and more stability in their society (Disability Rights). After
doing research on the Civil Rights Act, I stand behind it one hundred percent. People with
disabilities should have every right to enjoy life, just like the non-disabled. By incorporating
them in the society, I feel that it will allow people to learn more about them and gain awareness
and accept them for who they are.
Bethany Hamilton, a Hawaiian native that has became an American professional surfer, is
a great example of someone who had to conquer their own struggles to become successful.


When she was just thirteen years old, she went surfing and was attacked by a Tiger Shark. The
shark attack that caused her to lose her left arm and sixty percent of her blood, which almost
killed her. Bethany was not expected to survive at first after the loss of more than half of her
blood (Hamilton). After many prayers and two surgeries, they were able to save her, but
unfortunately not her arm. After losing her arm, it took only two weeks after surgery to
understand that she had to alternate her life around her disability. Getting back on the water was
the only motivation that she felt that she had. Fortunately, Bethanys family and close friends
were very supportive of her and helped her in any way they could. She had a prosthetic made for
her and used it occasionally but overall rejected it because she wanted to do everything on her
own so she could not only prove it to others but prove it herself that she can do anything
Throughout the first few weeks/months of her new lifestyle, she dealt with minor
depression but used that as motivation to become a great surfer again and go to championships.
She slowly worked her way back up to championships. It definitely took a while to develop and
get used to new techniques that she had to learn in order to surf as great as she used too
(Hamilton). She almost gave up. Bethany kept pushing herself to be great again and became
one of the worlds biggest inspirations for teens and young adults who suffer disabilities or gave
up on doing what they love because of an accident. Bethany once said, I dont need easy, I just
need possible. Bethany has became a huge icon across the world ever since her story was
reenacted in the movie Soul Surfer (Soul Surfer). Throughout her surfing career she has been
truly inspirational to disabled individuals. She has taken a disability that is known to control
ones life and turned it into something positive. Personally, I wish I could make at least half the


impact that she has in the world. She has changed her life as well as others. She is truly
Since the movie Soul Surfer came out, her story has touched a lot of hearts. The movie is
very detailed demonstrating her life and how it completely changed within twenty-four hours
(Soul Surfer). Being able to watch her story through film allows you to feel the emotions and
sympathy of her community, family, and friends. From the feeling of pain and sadness, to the
motivation and urge that Bethany had to get back on the water and try to overcome her disability;
you really experience the full effect/impact of her story.
John Bramblitt is another example of someone who has suffered from great challenges in
his life after becoming blind at the age of thirty. John is a painter that is from Texas. Prior to
becoming blind, he suffered from mild episodes of Epilepsy, random seizures, and Lymes
Disease (Bramblitt). Over time his epilepsy had slowly caused him to lose his vision but in
2001, he lost the last of his vision. John had high hopes for himself. He wanted to become a
creative writing teacher but those dreams seemed to fade away rapidly after he lost his vision.
John suffered from deep depression. He became disconnected from his family and friends and
felt alone (Bramblitt). Constantly trying to find his inner self and conquer depression, he
discovered the art of painting. Even though he can not see anything physically, by feeling the
paints textures and raised lines on the canvas, he taught himself how to paint. One of his
painting specialties is painting life-like portraits of people he has never even seen before (Artist).
In the CBS television special, painting of his wife and son, that he has never seen before, were
almost identical to their facial structures. John has appeared on many television shows,
documentary, and short film productions. His art, on the other hand, has been sold in over thirty


countries across the world. He has also won many awards for his determination and inspiration;
including Presidential Service Awards (Artist).
One of favorite paintings and work of John Bramblitt is the self portrait that he painted of
himself. The reason this certain painting stood out to me was because even though he can not
see himself in the mirror, he uses his inner feelings and emotions to paint an interpretation of
himself. By just looking at the painting, you can see the pain and sadness in his eyes as he goes
through this journey of overcoming his disability and making something of himself (Artist).
Also, his book, Shouting in the Dark, is very touching. Even though I was unable to read the
entire book, it talked about how art had became a huge part of his life even though he started
after he lost his vision. It was a very inspirational piece of writing that went into much detail
about how he lost his eyesight and how he feel in a deep depression by disconnecting himself
from his family and friends. Throughout his journey, he discovered the inner John Bramblitt and
allowed himself to reconnect with his family, including his wife and son, and how he ultimately
finds joy and happiness in his life again through the personal relationships he had through his art
Throughout all of the examples that I had found for this project, John Bramblitt was by
far my favorite. No many people can overcome deep depression after a sudden unexpected event
in someones life. Anyone that views his paintings has a personal connection with him and his
story. The vibrant colors of his art and the messages behind them can definitely get to you.
Knowing that John taught himself, by touch, to paint wonderful/amazing painting is truly
inspirational. Both, Bethany Hamilton and John Bramblitt, have proved to the world that a
disability can not hold anyone back from doing what they love. By using their struggles as
motivation to become positive impacts in peoples lives.


During this project, I have learned so much on the struggles that people with disabilities
have to go through. Just by looking at someone, you would never know their story or what
theyre thinking. Overall, this project has really opened up my eyes and I feel that no matter who
you are, disabled or not, you should always strive to be great. If the world isnt accepting you,
make them. Not one will understand what you are going through unless you share it with the
world and make the most out of it. By staying positive, your talents and dreams will get you
very far. There is still so much to learn about this topic. For future conversations, I have a few
questions I would like to be answered; Why are people with disabilities always put down for the
way they look? Why should a disability define who someone is? How is it so hard to accept
someone for their disabilities? What can the world do as a whole to make sure that people with
disabilities are treated like they are suppose to and receive the support they need on a personal
level? The topic of disabilities is never ending. No matter what, we should always respect them
and their stories. We should never be quick to judge someone not knowing their stability,
physically and emotionally.

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