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My family portrait

Hello, my name is ………. I live in Miraflores with my family. Miraflores is under COVID-19

At home, I like to drink musisca. In my family there are two my mother and me.

My mother's name is karen and she is thirty-three years old and likes to cook


Our mental health

Elaborar recomendaciones para los miembros de tu familia

1mantenerce positivo

2alimentarse bien

3durmir lo suficiente

4siempre estar activo

Leemos el primer texto y relacionamos los verbos similares.

1- Stay positive c- focus on the positive side of the situation

2- Get physically active b- exercise
3- Get enough sleep a- sleep between 8 and 10 hours

Leemos el segundo texto y seleccionamos los verbos referidos a CREATE DISTRACTIONS

a- worry all the time sometimes

b- read books regularly always
c- watch movies regulary
d- feel anxious
e- listen to music
Ordena las siguientes recomendaciones para los miembros de tu familia.

1. my mother should connect with her friends

2. my father should get sleep enough cousin should get physically active

4. my grandmother should keep her spirit up

5. my uncle should stay positive


Hello! My name is lucas. I am seventeen years old and I am from Lima, Peru this is my new
normal during the confinement, I get up early because at 8 am I have virtual classes finishing
classes I begin to do the work that they left when finishing the work I start ordering my things
when I finish ordering I start listening to music later I go to bathe and have dinner and at 9:30
pm I go to bed

take a shower

I watch my favorite TV show

the organization mental health america (MHA) recommends using these tools to improve our
mental health

1. stay positive: we should always focus on the positive side of the situacion

1. my mother should connect with her friends

2. my father should get sleep enough cousin should get physically active

4. my grandmother should keep her spirit up

5. my uncle should stay positive

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