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A: Hi Tho! How are you today?

B: Not bad
A: I'm glad to see you again. Are you free at the moment? I'm doing my report about some
proverbs. Can I ask you something?
B: What do you want to know? I'm all ears.
A: Do you have any favorite proverbs?
B: I really like “ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out”
A: Do you know what it means?
B: I think it means When everyone else leaves you in your life, including your spouse or
family, the ones that step in and help you are your real friends. Real friends are there for you
when no one else in your life is.
A: Wow, it's really meaningful. Why didn't I know that before?
B: And you? Could you tell me your favorite proverbs?
A: I think “A friend at hand is better than a relative at a distance” is what comes to mind for
B: What do you think it means?
A: I think it means that “Close companions in your life are more valuable than your family if
you are not close to them. Because, if something happened to you, your neighbors could be
there to help you faster.
B: I think this phrase is similar to the idea that your neighbor is more important in your life
than your parents far away.
A: Exactly. Do you know any other proverbs?
B: No. I'm trying to remember a lot of proverbs but it's taking me a long time.
A: That's all right. I think it's enough for my report. Thank you for your contribution.
B: Not at all.
A: Oh, I need to go right now. It was really great to see you. Take care.
B: You too. Bye!

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