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Vince Xyrille T.

Tingcang 10:00am-12:00pm
BS MedTech 2B Mr. Joey Cabrera
Ehics June 29, 2021

2. Whether abortions are an ethical choice for women

This reminds us that, even in the abortion discussion, the mother should be considered
a person, not merely a receptacle for the fetus. As a result, we should pay close
attention to her rights and needs, as well as those of the unborn.

Pro-choice The fetus is not treated casually or callously by women's rights advocates;
on the contrary, most of them agree that having an abortion is typically a matter of
picking the least terrible of numerous poor options.

Many people regard the right to control one's own body as a key moral right. If women
are not allowed to abort an unwanted fetus they are deprived of this right.

The simplest form of the women's rights argument in favor of abortion goes like this:

 a woman has the right to decide what she can and can't do with her body
 the foetus exists inside a woman's body
 a woman has the right to decide whether the fetus remains in her body
 therefore a pregnant woman has the right to abort the fetus

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