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Who is Rochelle?

Full name: Rochelle A. Florino

Address: 349 F. Francisco St.Parada Valenzuela City
Contact no. 0938-054-5227
Email Address:
Course: Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Age: 19 y/o
Date of Birth: February 22, 2004
Place of Birth: Parada, Valenzuela City
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’1
Weight: 53kgs.
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Language Spoken: Filipino/ English
Magandang Buhay!

This semester's events were documented in my

journal. It was like a diary for me, showing the

events of my life that I always want to remember,

whether they were happy or sad. That iswhy I am

grateful for this subject because it enabled me to

express myself. Thanks also to Ma'am Jona,

my amazing professor who developed my abilities

in her subject.

As you turn it to the next page, I am hoping that

you enjoy looking through my scrapbook.

-Rochelle Florino

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