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Images in Plane Mirrors

We are able to see non-luminous objects because they reflect light.

 A light source radiates light rays in all directions.

 The light rays that strike the object and reflect into your eyes are the ones that
allow you to see the object.

Locating Virtual Images in a Plane Mirror

When you look into a mirror, you see an image of a real object called a virtual image.

 Virtual Image – an image seen in a mirror that appears to exist “behind” the
mirror, but it is not really there.

Characteristics of an Image in a Plane Mirror

 Lateral Inversion - The virtual image seen in a plane mirror is always

backwards and in reverse order compared to the object.

The SALT Acronym

When you describe the properties of an image, you must consider four characteristics
 “SALT”
1.) Size – compared to object (same, smaller, larger)
2.) Attitude – upright or inverted
3.) Location – in front or behind the mirror
4.) Type – real or virtual

“SALT” and Plane Mirror Images

An image in a plane mirror is always:

1.) Size -
2.) Attitude -
3.) Location -
4.) Type -

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