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Images in Plane Mirrors 11.

Virtual Image - An image formed by light coming from an apparent light source.
Virtual images look like images behind the mirror but they actually do not exist.

Lateral Inversion - The virtual image seen in a plane mirror is always backwards
and in reverse order compared to the object.

SALT Acronym
S: Size - compared to object (same, smaller, larger)
A: Attitude - upright or inverted
L: Location - in front or behind the mirror
T: Type - real or virtual

Textbook # 1-3, 6-11 (p. 493)

1. In your own words, describe what is meant by the term “virtual image.
- Image which seems like it is located behind the mirror but does not really exist.

2. You stand 1.8m in front of a plane mirror as you are brushing your teeth. Use SALT
to describe the characteristics of the image.
S: same
A: inverted
L: behind
T: virtual

3. You are wearing a T-shirt that has the word “OPTICS” on it. You stand in front of a
plane mirror. Write in your notebook how this word appears to you as you look in the
a) What does the acronym SALT stand for?
- Size, Attitude, Location and Type.
b) In your own words, write a brief explanation of each of these four terms.
S: Size of the image after they are reflected.
A: The orientation of the image compared to the other one.
L: Where is image located
T: Whether image is virtual or real image.

7. Emergency vehicles make use of lateral inversion when painting words and pictures
on the hoods. Why do you think this is so? Write a brief explanation, including
examples of how this is used in your community?
- So that people can read the words with side mirrors.

8. Explain how the backwards writing in a mirror in the activity “Writing Reflectively”
demonstrates the properties of an image in a plane mirror.
- Demonstraes how plane mirror reflects the inverted image.

9. ?

10. ?

11. ?

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