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Están en la casa listos para salir

Father: Son, you have a doctor's appointment today. they will deliver your exams
to know that you have
(Se dirigen hacía el médico)
Doctor: following...
Doctor: good morning
Father: Good morning doctor, what's wrong with my son?
Doctor: Well, according to the tests, your son has diabetes so should avoid eating
sweets in excess
Father: OK doctor, thank you. You heard son, you can't keep eating so many
(The boy sad, se dirigen a casa)
Acá se pone tipo: unas semanas después...
(En el supermercado)
Aparecemos en el supuesto supermercado😂.
Child: Daddy look, chocolate and sweets!!!.
(El niño se acerca a tomar el dulce y el padre lo tomó de la mano para evitarlo)
Father: Do not even think about it.
Child: but dad, I really craved a sweet
Father: Son, you know can't eat sweets, it's for your health. besides, you already
ate sweets on the weekend.
Child: I'll just eat a little
Father: I am sorry son, not much, not bit, you will not eat.
Child: But dad... (niño triste)
(El padre sigue haciendo las respectivas compras… El niño queda frustrado, va y
toma unos dulces y se esconde para comerlos)
Father: where will my son be?
(El padre busca a su hijo, lo encuentra mareado y se desmaya)
Father: Son! but what have you done!! an ambulance please
(El niño despierta y se encuentra el doctor y el padre junto a él)
Doctor: Well, the sweets raised their blood sugar levels, producer more insulin that
necessary when eating sweets. This excess insulin causes the drop in blood sugar
levels. That was what happened.
Father: but what can we do Doctor?
Doctor: From the beginning he was told that he should not consume sweets in
excess. You can help control your symptoms through diet. That in a moment I will
give you.
Father: if you see son, if you are not obedient you can put your health at risk.
Chind: I'm sorry dad, I don't want to feel so bad again.
From now on I will be very careful with my diet.

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