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Technology in Society 71 (2022) 102086

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Employment 5.0: The work of the future and the future of work
Oluwaseun Kolade a, *, Adebowale Owoseni b
Centre for Enterprise and Innovation, Leicester Castle Business School, De Montfort University, Leicester UK, LE1 9BH, UK
School of Computer Science and Informatics, Faculty of Computing Engineering and Media, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK


Keywords: This systematic review brings together the collection of recent scholarly outputs on the disruptive impact of
Industry 4.0 digital transformation on the work. This paper draws from a sample of 68 outputs from 2011 to 2022. We
Industry 5.0 identify three key theoretical perspectives: socio-technical systems theory, skill-biased technological change, and
Digital transformation
political economy of digital transformation. The articles provide complementary insights on cross-cutting themes
Artificial intelligence
of technological unemployment, wage inequality and job polarization. They also highlight often conflicting
Work views about technology ownership, work-less utopia, education reforms and the imperative of human-centricity
in appropriation of technology. Drawing on the findings across the whole spectrum of theoretical and analytical
perspectives, we offer critical reflections about the factors that will define the work of the future, in terms of
skills, creativity and opportunities for autonomous workers. We also discuss the political and institutional pro­
cesses that will shape the future of work. Finally, we offer recommendations for future research and policy

1. Introduction for re-skilling and up-skilling the workforce [6]. Others have noted that
digital transformation has exacerbated wage inequality by dispropor­
Over the past decade, much of the conversation about the future of tionately benefitting occupations at the core of information flows. In
the global economy has centered around the impact of digital trans­ other words, digitalization has precipitated resource and information
formation on industries, businesses, and governance. In line with this, asymmetry in favour of structurally powerful occupations who have the
scholars and practitioners have argued that the trajectory of global technological competence and strategic positioning to reorganise,
economic growth has transitioned from one characterized by market aggregate and transfer data; or to translate, interpret, and manipulate
economy to one defined by knowledge economy. Technology, it is the data [7].
argued, is the single most important driver of the new knowledge However, others argued that the negative impacts of digital trans­
economy. The new era of growth has been variously described as the formation on employment are overstated, because computers will not
fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, and the Industrial Internet of outsmart complex knowledge networks [8]. This, it is suggested, is
Things, among others. Digital transformation entails the integration of partly associated with the limitations inherent in occupation-based
the digital and physical world [1], and “the digitisation and integration approach to Industry 4.0 studies. One study found that when tasks,
of the entire value chain of the lifecycle of products” [2]; pp. 3). rather than occupations, are used as the unit of analysis, the percentage
While there has been much discussion on how technology will shape of German employees at risk of being replaced by automation reduces
the future in terms of industrial growth and productivity [3], more from 47% to 15% [9]. Furthermore, a number of scholars have argued
recently, scholars and practitioners have given increasing attention to that automation should be embraced, not feared, as a channel through
the human impact of digital transformation, including the impact on which society can collectively achieve a work-less future, or altogether
employment. Scholars have highlighted, in particular, that occupations abolish work in a post-work utopia [10]. More recently, stakeholders led
with high levels of routine tasks are especially at risk of replacement by by policy makers and scholars in Europe and Japan, have argued for a
computers [4], and that up to half of existing jobs are at risk of being new paradigm shift from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 (and the accom­
automated within the next decade [5]. These will create a new frontier panying Society 5.0), defined by three key elements: human-centricity,
of changing employment profiles, skills instability, and the imperative sustainability, and resilience [11,12]. This, it is urged, shift the focus

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (O. Kolade).
Received 21 March 2022; Received in revised form 27 June 2022; Accepted 9 August 2022
Available online 21 August 2022
0160-791X/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
O. Kolade and A. Owoseni Technology in Society 71 (2022) 102086

from the question of what humans can do with technology, to what transformation could shape the future of work in the industry 4.0 and
technology can do for humans and the planet [13–15]. beyond. Fig. 1 and Table 1 captures the SLR procedure. The stages of the
These broad range of contributions to the discussion about the future SLR procedure annotated by numbers 1–10 in Fig. 1.0 were described in
of work, draws from different, sometimes competing theoretical and Table 1.0.
analytical perspectives [4,16,17]. Thus, our paper seeks to bring this
body of work together in a systematic review to map the various theo­ 2.2. Data sources
retical perspectives and frameworks against key findings, with a view to
informing future directions for scholarly engagement and policy in­ This study considers the scholarly outputs and reports as the “data­
terventions. In pursuance of this, we raise two main research questions: set” and sourced the data from specific online platforms where literature
could be extracted [22]: p157). Having established the focus of the
1. In what ways have digital technologies transformed occupations problem domain and research questions, we identified 12 journal outlets
across sectors of the economy, in terms of changing tasks and new that publish empirical research (see Table 1.0, stage 2) that contributes
skills required to accomplish tasks? to the literature on industry 4,0 and its influence on work and workers.
2. How will digital transformation shape the future of work under in­ Complementing these sources were three databases, namely, Scopus,
dustry 4.0 and beyond? Science direct, and IEE explore. These databases publish interdisci­
plinary research outputs that cut across information technology and
The first research question focuses on the state of knowledge about social sciences.
how digital innovations have shaped the new division of labour between Furthermore, we searched the databases and journal websites using
humans and machines, the technological drivers of this change, the new the following search strings: digital transformation, Fourth Industrial
skills required to work with machines, and the impact on productivity Revolution, Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics,
and economic growth, among others [18]. The second question focuses Remote working, and distance work. The search focused on Title, Abstract,
on the future, about which at least three distinct possibilities have been and Keywords or potential articles. Besides, we delimited the search
suggested: 1) mass unemployment resulting from computers replacing outcome by setting the publication year from 2011 to 2022, as well as
jobs at a much faster rate than people can acquire new skills; 2) polarised specifying the type of publication to include journal papers, conference
job market resulting from replacement of white collar jobs; and 3) mass papers, and reports. The acronyms of some of the search strings such as
employment in the digital future, driven by a new, revamped education 4IR and AI were substituted to enhance the search outcome. The liter­
system [5]. We are mindful of potential hybrid of two or more possi­ ature search activities were split between the two authors and the
bilities mentioned. resulting 149 papers were harvested through Mendeley – a free refer­
Given the foregoing, we proceed in the present paper as follows: first encing management tool for storing and organising literature.
we outline the approach for the systematic review, including a summary
of the databases consulted, a description of search words used, and an 2.3. Data screening and analysis
overview of inclusion and exclusion criteria used in the iterative search.
Next we undertake a mapping of major theoretical perspectives and According to Ref. [19]; the data screening phase established the in­
analytical frameworks employed by the various authors, including a clusion or exclusion of specific articles in the final literature analysis.
critical reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of the frameworks-in Firstly, 202 papers retrieved from the search activity were screened for
terms of their explanatory powers, and the range and depth of issues duplications, English as language of publication, and predatory ten­
covered. This is followed by a thematic outline of the emergent themes dencies by referencing Beall’s list [21]. The screening led to the rejection
across the selected studies, including areas of convergence, divergence, of half of the papers, leaving us with 101 articles. Still on the preliminary
and intersections. We then proceed with a discussion bringing all the inspection, we use the “first-pass” of “three-pass” approach proposed by
findings together and interrogating the gaps in knowledge to inform Keshav (2010) to assess the suitability of the screened articles, and this
recommendations for future research. led to further rejection of 33 papers. At the end, we had 68 articles in the
final selection, and this pool of papers helped us to make sense of the
2. Methodology research problem. For clarity, “first-pass” is a swift reading of title, ab­
stract, introduction, sectional headlines, and conclusion of a paper to
We here outline the research approach by providing some justifica­ make sense of the context, correctness and contributions of the study
tion for the systematic literature review methodology. We then describe reported therein. In this case, the papers that do not reasonably make
the rigorous process that underpins our findings and contributions to contributions to the subject of digital transformation, remote work, in­
debates on the work of the future and the future of work. dustry 5.0 or 4.0 and enabling technologies were excluded. The authors
exchanged their lists of excluded papers and reasons for exclusion were
2.1. Systematic literature review independently revalidated.
Moreover, the two authors independently read through the papers to
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) is a research method that ag­ fully understand concepts presented, virtually re-create them, and made
gregates and synthesizes extant knowledge by gathering, summarizing, notes that summarized each paper along with the following headlines in
interpreting, explaining, and integrating literature in a specified Microsoft Excel spreadsheet: citation, theoretical perspective, method­
knowledge domain [19]. The interdisciplinary nature of our research ical approach, the primary focus, and key findings. This painstaking
suggests a flexible and proven research approach that is applicable to “data” reduction activity and thematic analysis enabled the authors to
different knowledge domains. In our context, we adapt the scrutinise the relevance and inclusion of some papers in the final liter­
plan-execute-report procedure [16]. Firstly, we developed the literature ature evaluation. Conflicting opinions between the two authors were
review procedure in alignment with [20]; which posits reproducibility, discussed as part of the decision process to exclude 33 more papers. This
transparency, clarity, focus, unbiased judgment, and well-defined scope further enhances the reliability of the SLR procedure and present 68
as important attributes of rigorous SLR. papers for final analysis..
Secondly, at the execution and reporting phases, we employed a The spreadsheet was the secondary dataset used to precipitate the
deductive approach and evaluated the literature review under two thematic literature analysis. The authors independently and deductively
predefined themes: theoretical perspectives and empirical findings. The evaluated contents of a spreadsheet that has reduced data of 68 research
pieces of evidence and link between the predefined themes in literature papers1. While making sense of the literature, additional notes were
uniquely reinforced our arguments and suggest how digital taken, and the inputs on the spreadsheet were updated. We mainly

O. Kolade and A. Owoseni Technology in Society 71 (2022) 102086

Fig. 1. The Systematic Literature Review (SLR) process (Source: authors).

considered all the entries in the “theoretical perspectives” and “key occupations as a result of digital transformation. Finally, the political
findings” and sub-themes that emerged from the analysis were noted. economy of digital transformation illuminates political and policy fac­
Although, there are instances where a few papers seem to project more tors that underpins the related issues of technology ownership, precarity
than one theoretical perspective, in this situation we read the paper and the gig economy, and the prospects of a work-less future. The
again, and identified the dominant theoretical approach. Thereafter, summary of findings are provided in Fig. 4.
notes were exchanged, and the deductive perspectives of the author
were re-validated. This evaluation process revealed three sub-themes
under theoretical viewpoints and five sub-themes aligned with empir­ 3.1. Socio-technical systems theory
ical findings. The emerging thematic perspective was conceptualized
using diagrams created with There were three iterations be­ One of the popular assumptions underlying the emergence of In­
tween evaluation and conceptualization, where we had to re-consult or dustry 4.0 is that digital transformation will precipitate increasing de­
revisit the positioning and contributions of a few papers to gain more grees of automation that would in turn lead to less and less need for
clarity, develop reasonable concepts and arguments. We present the human interaction in a future of worker-less production. However,
distributions of analyzed papers along the themes, finding and scholars have argued that digital transformation will not remove the
methodical approach in Table 2.. need for human interactions, but rather change the way humans interact
with computers-both while accomplishing tasks or using services and
3. Theoretical perspectives products in the future. In other words, technological advancement will
always be accompanied by impacts and consequences for human. Thus,
In this paper, we sought to grapple with the different theoretical socio-technical systems theory was proposed as a framework to analyse
perspectives scholars were bringing to bear in their works. This social (human–related) and technical (non-human) factors which come
approach enables us to map how the theoretical and analytical frame­ together in a complex interaction to create a performance [16]. Thus,
works shape the contributions of scholars to cross-cutting themes. It also the socio-technical systems framework has been developed as a
provides a window to understanding relatively new issues highlighted six-dimensional structure comprising: 1) People 2) Infrastructure 3)
by some scholars. Thus, we identified three theoretical perspectives: 1) Technology 4) Culture 5) Process/procedures 6) Goals [41]. It offers an
socio-technical systems theory, 2) skill-biased technological change, and organisation-centric view of how these various components interact in a
3) political economy of automation and digital transformation. We bring complex system [60]. defined the socio-technical approach as “the
these together in an integrated conceptual framework that highlights the participative, multidisciplinary study and improvement of how jobs,
distinct contributions to the overarching theme of the future of work, single organisations, networks, and ecosystems function internally and
which we termed Employment 5.0 (Fig. 3). With regard to socio-technical in relation to their environmental context, with a special focus on the
systems theory, we highlight how technological change needs to grapple mutual interactions of the entity’s … value-creation processes”. [60];
with human factors that shape and are shaped by it. Skill-biased tech­ pp. 2).
nological change maps the changing skills profile of current and future The socio-technical systems framework is therefore an effective tool
to analyse technological innovations, not as single element, but as a part

O. Kolade and A. Owoseni Technology in Society 71 (2022) 102086

Table 1 regulate the growth, and mitigate potential side effects [47]. For
The Systematic literature review (SLR) process description (source: fieldwork). example, while the technologies around the Internet of Things (IoT)
Stage Description have undergone significant development within the past decades, there
has been comparatively little development on the equally, if not more so,
1 The study sought to answer two research questions (RQ) as follows:
RQ1: In what ways have digital technologies transformed occupations across human components and implications of IoT. The socio-technical issues
sectors of the economy, in terms of changing tasks and new skills required to associated with IoT includes standards, security, and privacy [61].
accomplish tasks? With regard to the impact of Industry 4.0 on employment, the socio-
RQ2: How will digital transformation shape the future of work in the technical systems framework enables scholars and stakeholders to cap­
industry 5.0?
2 We selected 12 journals and 3 databases
ture the dynamics of human-machine interactions in the Industry 4.0
3 Identified search criteria which include the following search strings and system, and the impacts of this on changing tasks and new skills profiles
other search criteria: required. These include new skills to use technologies to communicate
Search strings in title, abstract, and keywords: between humans, machines and products [48]; new communication
⋅ “Digital transformation” OR “Digital platform”
roles to support the integration of customers with digital products; and
⋅ “Industry 4.0” OR “Industry 5.0” OR “Fourth Industrial Revolution” OR
“4IR” OR “Fifth Industrial Revolution” OR “5IR” the requirement for humans in Industry 4.0 to do more mental and less
⋅ “Artificial Intelligence” OR “AI” or “Robotics” physical work [42,43]. In other words, the socio-technical framework
⋅ “Remote working”, OR “Distant work” OR “Remote work” provides policy makers with relevant information to prepare for
Date range: employment challenges and opportunities arising from digital
⋅ Published between 2011 and 2022
Type of paper:
⋅ Journal paper, conference paper, and reports Other variants of the socio-technical systems have sought to link
4 Searched identified journals and databases, example of search statement is together human factors and ergonomics (HF/E approach) in the analysis
shown below: of work and cyber-systems in Industry 4.0 [46]. This framework high­
“TLE-ABS-KEY ((“digital platforms " OR “digital transformation ") AND
lights the importance of, and interaction between, physical, cognitive
(“industry 4.0" OR “fourth industrial revolution” OR “4IR” OR “fifth industrial
revolution” OR “industry 5.0") AND (“Artificial Intelligence” OR “AI” OR and organisational domains. Overall, the socio-technical systems
“Robotics " OR “automation”)) OR (“remote working " OR “distant work” OR approach highlights the intrinsic incompleteness of technical systems,
“remote work”)) AND PUBYEAR > 2010 AND PUBYEAR < 2023” and how they must be continually open to design and re-design in
202 papers were extracted from the search exercise relation to human engagement [44].
5 101 papers were excluded because of our exclusion criteria that include
⋅ Language other than English
⋅ Presence on Beall’s list of predatory publications [21] 3.2. Skill-biased technological change
⋅ Duplications
6 The search results were validated independently validated by authors.
Conflicting opinions were pushed forward, and consensus reached. The goal Skill-biased theory seeks to explain how the rapid adoption of
was to ensure the high reliability of the extracted literature relative to the computer technology changes the tasks performed by workers as well as
research goals. the demands for human skills. The framework is based on two related
33 more papers were excluded resulting from the validation activities.
premises: that computers substitute for workers in routine tasks that
7 Motivated by the research questions, we pre-identified two broad themes:
theoretical perspectives and empirical findings. We read and evaluated follow explicit rules that can be fed into computer programs; and com­
abstracts and contents of the final 68 papers with this resolve in mind. plements workers in non-routine, complex tasks which has no explicit
We first read through the abstract and contents of the 68 papers that made it rules and requires more flexibility and creativity [24]. This framework
the final selection; in the process, we identified three sub-themes across has been used to explain the emergence of labour polarisations, which is
theoretical perspectives and Empirical findings. The categorisations that
produce these were summarized in Table 3
due in part to the reduced cost of automating routine tasks that can be
8 Using the deductive procedure, 3 sub-themes were identified under codified into computer programs. Among others, the framework enables
theoretical perspectives and 3 sub-themes were identified under empirical researchers to use tasks, rather than occupations themselves, as the units
findings. Moreover, we summarized the key findings from all 68 papers (see of analysis in studies examining the impact of digital transformations on
Table 3)
the labour market [9]. This is because occupations comprise multiple,
9 For clarity, we developed Figs. 2 and 3 that conceptualize the problem
domain drawing from the outcome of our thematic analysis not single, tasks. Thus, in this framework, tasks are classified into two
10 Section 5 and 6 discussed our findings, the implications, and main categories: routine and non-routine. Within these categories they
recommendations are further sub-divided into manual and non-manual; cognitive and
interactive tasks.
Another skill-biased classification model, proposed by Ref. [4];
of a structure of interrelated components. These include a consideration
classified tasks into three categories: perception and manipulation tasks;
of institutional, organisational and social innovations that should
creative intelligence; and social intelligence. Perception and manipula­
accompany technological innovations, in order to optimise the benefits,
tion tasks require finger and manual dexterity, and the ability to work in

Table 2
Emerging sub-themes and literature distributions across these themes (Source: authors).
Methodology Qualitative Quantitative Mixed Total

p f P f p f p f

Theme 1: Theoretical Perspectives

Socio-technical systems 22.06 15.00 0.00 0.00 7.35 5.00 29.41 20.00
Skill-biased technological change 35.29 24.00 1.47 1.00 1.47 1.00 38.24 26.00
Political economy of automation and digital transformation 26.47 18.00 2.94 2.00 2.94 2.00 32.35 22.00
Total 83.82 57.00 4.41 3.00 11.77 8.00 100.00 68.00
Theme 2: Research Outcomes
Technological Unemployment 36.76 25.00 0.00 0.00 2.94 2.00 39.70 27.00
Job Polarization 27.94 19.00 1.47 1.00 4.41 3.00 33.83 23.00
Skill-based Education 19.12 13.00 2.94 2.00 4.41 3.00 26.47 18.00
Total 83.82 57.00 4.41 3.00 11.77 8.00 100.00 68.00

*p = Percent * f = Frequency or count.

O. Kolade and A. Owoseni Technology in Society 71 (2022) 102086

Table 3 Table 3 (continued )

Thematic overview of findings. Theoretical Key findings Authors
Theoretical Key findings Authors perspectives
5.0 needs and opportunities: a)
Skill-biased 1. Industry 4.0 technologies [23,24]; Bai et al. (2020) lifelong learning and
technological comprise physical and digital [25–28]; transdisciplinary education; b)
change components. These digital sustainability, resilience and
technologies increasingly human-centric design modules;
substitute for low-skill routine c)hands-on data fluency and
tasks at progressively lower management; human agent-
costs. As a result, over time, machine interactions; and e)
human labour has re-allocated creativity-focused fluency.
to more complex, non-routine 9. Supporting technologies for [15,39,40]; Kolade et al.
occupations. Industry 5.0 include: edge (2015)
2.Digital transformation not [3,9] computing, digital twins,
only make tasks substitutable collaborative robots, Internet
but also offers new products of everything, blockchains,
and services to the market. The bionics, cyber-physical
industrial performance of systems, virtual reality, and
Industry 4.0 technologies can 6G/beyond networks. Potential
be assessed using three metrics: applications include intelligent
product, operational and side- healthcare, cloud
effects manufacturing, circular
3. Human labour has so far [4,8]; Simon (2019); economy, supply chain
prevailed due to its inventive Wesche & Sonderegger management and
capacity and new skills (2019). manufacturing production.
acquisition. While Socio-technical 1. The socio-technical systems [16,41,42]
computerization is entering systems framework comprises of six
more cognitive and affective elements: goals, people,
domains, social intelligence buildings/infrastructure,
and communication skills will technology, culture, processes/
remain predominantly human procedures. Socio-technical
areas, and AI will not outsmart systems theory highlights the
complex knowledge work impact of technologies on both
because “knowing” is difficult organisations and employees.
to code. It also highlights how
4.The economic impact of ICT [29–32] consumers engage in digital
can be understood in terms of: ecosystems.
structural change in existing 2.Industry 4.0 is not a single [43,44]
industries, emergence of new technology but an integrated
industries and manufacturing sociotechnical concept
systems such as 3D printing, bringing together
the location of production, and technological, social and
the effects of education, labour organisational aspects.
policies on employment 3.Technology does not advance [45,46]; Bayne & Parker
outcomes, and new forms of independently of human (2012).
economic activities often agency, and its impacts are not
referred to as the gig economy unavoidable. The future of
or crowdwork work will be shaped by
5. Digital transformations has [5,7]; Nam (2019) [30, automated and collaborative
disproportionately benefited 33]; (Nam, 2019) communication between
high wage workers while machines, humans and systems
displacing low-skilled workers. replacing traditional
This has created mass management, planning and
unemployment, greater control activities.
inequality and has increased 4.Socio-technical systems [1,47]; Gfrank et al.
the gap between returns to enables a more judicious (2019).
labour and returns to capital. consideration of non-
6. The emergence of service Nam (2019) [34]; technological innovations that
robots and artificial general should accompany
tasks has extended the debate technological innovations. Non
about displacement of human technology enablers of industry
workers beyond areas of 4.0, e.g. organisational
manual routine work to non- enablers and business models
routine tasks. need to be jointly implemented
7. In developed countries, Trusson & Woods (2017) in order for technology to bring
employees with IT system about major productivity gain.
knowledge that has been 5.Soft skills seem to be the new [48];
gradually acquired over the essential for the workforce of
system’s lifecycle are the future, not least because
increasingly at risk of they distinguish humans from
replacement through machines.
outsourcing. 6. Cyberslacking is a new O’Neil et al. (2014)
8. Strategies that can help [35–38] phenomenon in office
schools and higher education environment in which
institutions re-design their employees are distracted by
programmes to meet Industry non-work internet browsing
(continued on next page)

O. Kolade and A. Owoseni Technology in Society 71 (2022) 102086

Table 3 (continued ) Table 3 (continued )

Theoretical Key findings Authors Theoretical Key findings Authors
perspectives perspectives

when they should be but rather absorbs the fourth

accomplishing work tasks. industrial revolution concept
7.Automation vs [49–52] according to market
augmentation: automation conforming logics that allow
involves handing over human government to limit its
tasks to machine with little or responsibility for shaping the
no further human involvement, future, while continuing to
while augmentation is herald its potential.
conceived as a co-evolutionary 5. Three simultaneous tectonic [50]
process in which humans learn shift accounting for the
from machine and machine changing world of work are: 1)
from humans. This co- a demographic shift, including
evolution relationships are an ageing population; 2)The
essential to high performance economic shift of digital
of human-machine teams. globalisation that creates
8. The three defining elements [11]; European massive global commodity
of Industry 5.0 are: human- Commission (2021a); markets; 3)A technological
centricity, sustainability and European Commission shift, driven by the internet,
resilience. This shifts the focus (2021b); [12,13]. internet platforms, and bio-
from what humans can do with Grabuskas et al. (2022); algorithmic capitalism.
technology, to what technology [15]. 6. Industry 5.0 is not only Oriova (2021) [18,59],
can do for humans. It important in terms of
prioritises social and planetary personalization of products but
challenges, and highlights also with regard to
circularity as a key imperative personalization of labour
of technological innovations relations with employees.
and the need for resilient Personalization of labour
supply and value chains. These relations increases human
are critical for achieving value, labour productivity
sustainable development goals. growth and employee trust
9. Five major themes of [2,53,54]. through human-machine
Industry 5.0 address supply interactions. While Industry
chain evaluation and 4.0 is technology-driven,
optimization, enterprise Industry 5.0 is value-driven.
innovation and digitisation,
smart and sustainable
manufacturing, transformation cramped work-spaces and awkward positions. Creative intelligence en­
driven by IoT, AI, and Big Data, tails originality-the ability to come up with new or unusual ideas to solve
and Human-machine
problems; and aptitude in fine arts to compose and perform works of
Political economy 1. Capitalism gives to digital [17,55] music, dance, visual arts, etc. Finally, social intelligence comprises so­
of digital technologies a particular form, cial perceptiveness, negotiation and persuasion, among others. Given
transformation different from what obtains in the foregoing [4], found that perception and manipulation tasks fall
collectivist societies. Digital
within the high-risk category that will be heavily substituted. On the
technologies reinforce the class
antagonisms of capitalist other hand, tasks related to creative and social intelligence are low risk
production. Capitalist to substitution and replacement, because they tend to be non-routine
production is not necessarily and less amenable to computer coding. Nevertheless, the pace of tech­
conducive to the expansion of nological progress indicates that these categories of tasks are not entirely
digital technologies.
2. Automation alone cannot [10]
immune to substitution. Already, there are sophisticated algorithms that
solve the problems of work use pattern recognition to perform non-routine tasks, and robots with
unless and until the question of enhanced senses and dexterity. Other scholars, extending the skill biased
ownership is resolved. Under approach, have proposed a model of routine-biased technological
capitalist ownership,
change. This model seeks to distinguish routines from skills [27]. The
technology is seen as an
instrument for expanding model enables scholars to locate specific points and tasks, even within
production and consumption, low-skilled jobs, where incidences of computer replacement are high.
while at the same time Broadly speaking, routine tasks tend to be frequent in the middle of the
exploiting and alienating task and wage continuum of occupations. However, routine is a difficult
3. Implementation of universal [56]; Srineck & Willaims
concept to pin down.
basic income and automation (2015); A new modification of the skill-biased technological change (SBTC)
can ease the compulsion to approach is the class-based technological change (CBTC). The CBTC
work under the present framework, like the SBTC approach, begins with computer-based tech­
relations of production. This
nology as the key driver that has transformed work into more
post-work prospectus (PWP)
comprise 4 key elements: full knowledge-intensive activity. However, while the SBTC highlights the
automation, reduction of the productivity-enhancing mechanism that accounts for polarization and
working week, provision of wage inequality across occupations and between tasks, the CBTC model
universal basic income, and the focuses on the power-enhancing mechanism that explains the differ­
diminishment of the work
ences among occupations with respect to their access to, and control of,
4. Governance and policy [12,57,58]. information on production processes [7]. The SBTC framework is based
framing should not be neutral on three underlying assumptions: 1.) Between-occupation earnings is an
outcome of social relationships among occupations; 2.) occupational

O. Kolade and A. Owoseni Technology in Society 71 (2022) 102086

Fig. 2. Profile of publications accessed in the systematic literature review (Source: authors).

power partly results from the location of occupations within the eco­ human workers who would either be altogether replaced or pushed
nomic system and production relations; and 3.) The resource advantage down the pecking order in terms of wages and renumerations. Thus, the
of structurally powerful occupations gives them greater bargaining analysis of the future and impact of digital technologies will not be
power to obtain higher wages [7]. identified two main categories of complete without grappling with the question of ownership [10,55].
structurally powerful occupations at the core of information flows: those Under a capitalist ownership, it is argued, technology is conceived as an
“who have the technology to re-organise aggregate and transfer (Com­ instrument for expansion of production and consumption, alongside
puter programmer, information systems specialists), and those who exploitation and alienation of workers.
know how to translate, interpret, and manipulate the data (managers After identifying what they consider to be the big flaws in the
and engineers)” (pp.10). existing analytical models, the critical theorists propose a different
framework beginning with shared or collective ownership of technol­
ogy. According to this perspective, technology is presented as a “posi­
3.3. The political economy of automation and digital transformation tive” force that can liberate rather than enslave human workers. Thus,
full automation should be embraced as a route to a future of less and
Several scholars have approached the subject of automation and better work, and more leisure. However, in order to achieve this, there is
digital transformation from a critical theory perspective. Their contri­ need for fundamental reform and changes in ownership. In other words,
butions can be summarized in two distinct but related strands. The first the future of work will be shaped not so much by technological change
is a critique of existing frameworks deployed by other scholars in the as it is by the ownership of technology. Technology takes on distinctly
analyses of the impact and future of digital transformation. In effect, different roles and produces different impacts under collectivist
scholars like [17] argues that, rather than being neutral, digital tech­ ownership, compared with capitalist ownership [55].
nologies are products of unequal power-created and harnessed under Other scholars have proposed a new Post-work-Prospectus (PWP)
conditions in which power resides with capital, not labour. Under the that analyses the future of work within the rubrics of the relationships
capitalist mode of production, the primary objective of digital technol­ between social production, social forms, and social relations that
ogies is the enhancement of surplus value, invariably to the detriment of

O. Kolade and A. Owoseni Technology in Society 71 (2022) 102086

Fig. 3. Overview of theoretical perspectives (Source: authors).

Fig. 4. Summary of findings (Source: authors).

underpin work [56]. Under this framework, it is argued that escape from destruction through which new technologies, such as robotics, artificial
work may not necessarily open the path to post-capitalism but may intelligence and 3-D printing eliminate existing jobs than they create
indeed prevent it. This runs contrary to the narrative of technological new ones. Scholars and practitioners have warned that advances in
determinism prominent in the work of other scholars [50,57]. digital technologies will lead to a future of machine-driven dramatic
increase in productivity and jobless growth where more and workers are
4. Findings substituted or displaced by automation (Frey and Osborne, 2017a; [50,
58]. With the emergence of driverless cars, pilotless drones and various
In the work-sphere, digital technologies have had significant and automated retail systems, computers are redefining the boundaries of
often disruptive impacts on activities such as buying, selling, collabo­ tasks and occupations previously thought to be unlikely or difficult to be
rating, teaching, learning, and manufacturing. Following a detailed displaced by technology [33]. The phenomenon of technological un­
analysis of 68 outputs, we identified three key themes: Technological employment has been explored through the perspectives of the effects of
unemployment, job polarization and skill-based education, and we ICT on structural change, and digitisation and routineness.
created a narrative of how these themes interplay (See Fig. 3.).
4.1.1. Effects of ICT on structural change
Unlike other forms of technological changes before it, ICT has had
4.1. Technological unemployment significant structural impacts on the labour market. This is due to its
high flexibility and unprecedented ways through which it has boosted
Technology unemployment refers to the process of creative

O. Kolade and A. Owoseni Technology in Society 71 (2022) 102086

the mobility of capital and labour. Drawing on the framework proposed non-routine cognitive: interpersonal (NRCI) [26]. On the other hand,
by Ref. [29]; these impacts can be analyzed in terms of structural digitalization refers rather loosely to the acquisition and deployment of
changes in existing industries, digital innovations in new and emerging ICT technologies. More specifically, the level of digitalization is
industries, and the location and production of work. measured by the digital use index, which captures the levels of use of ICT
hardware and software such as computers and emails; and digital task Structural changes in existing industries. ICT has had significant index, which profiles occupations and organisations in terms of pro­
impacts on the marginal productivity of capital and labour. This in turn portion and volume of digital tasks such as software programming and
has made production less factor intensive, to the detriment of labour database administration. While a lot of low-skilled occupations are
[29]. As advances in, and reduced cost of, new technologies such as increasingly routinised and highly susceptible to automation, highly
robotics and other autonomous systems increase productivity, workers skilled occupations typically entail a lower level of routineness but
are either made redundant, forced to accept low wages as they compete higher level of digitalization [23]. These include highly skilled profes­
for jobs [45], and/or compel to retrain in order to take advantage of new sional occupations such as software developers, software or network
job opportunities requiring human-robots cooperation [34]. Further­ technicians, and designers [26].
more, new technologies have had disruptive impact on employment As technology drives down wages paid for workers engaged in
opportunities in existing industries through the increasing proliferation routine tasks, low-skill workers have re-allocated their labour supply to
of substitute products and services. Substitute can be “delayed” or service occupations which are relatively more difficult to automate [23].
“instant”. Delayed substitutes, exemplified by Amazon’s services However, the emergence of service robots has extended the debate about
launched in 1995, give existing market players enough time to adjust displacement of human workers beyond areas of manual routine work to
and respond through necessary technological upgrades and employee non-routine tasks [34]. In a model proposed by Ref. [34] to map the
training to mitigate the impact of disruption on jobs. In contrast, players evolution of automation and robotization, the authors identified three
such as Uber and Airbnb have disrupted the market with instant sub­ scenarios: a)original company model based on production factors such
stitutes that offer significantly cheaper services by bypassing high as work done by employees, capital, as well as knowledge and
transaction costs, but also having more drastic impacts on jobs [29]. know-how; b) a second model where human jobs reduced and auto­
mated robots working with people increased; c) the third wave of Digital innovations in new and emerging industries. In addition to automation (predicted for the 2030s) where approximately 90% of jobs
having disruptive impacts on existing industries, digital technologies may be replaced by autonomous robots. Others have argued that the
have also enabled the creation of new industries, companies and jobs. future of work will not be shaped by complete displacement of human
This is especially evident in areas such as cloud technology, data science, workers by machine, but more by flexible regimes by which majority of
security services, and online streaming services which has experienced occupations will be dominated by the use of internet-based “intelligent
exponential growth in the post covid-19 landscape [29,62]. These have technologies”, new forms of work through digital platforms, and novel
the potentials both to create new jobs and have multiplier effects. For human-machine augmentation [50]. In other words, the workers of the
example, the App Economy, which began when Apple launched App future will be those who are equipped with the right digital skills to
Store in 2008, has had a major impact on the job market. In the US, the partner with robots and machines. Whereas automation involves
employment contribution of the App Economy has grown from 466,000 handing over human tasks to machine with little or no further human
in 2012 to 2.52 million as of August 2020 [63]. In the EU, the number of involvement, augmentation implies continued close interaction between
jobs generated in the app economy is estimated between 1.3 and 1.7 humans and machines. Augmentation is conceived as a co-evolutionary
million, accounting for a total of €187 billion in revenue generated process in which humans learn from machine and machine from humans
across all sectors of the economy [32]. App Economy jobs include core [49].
jobs that use ICT skills to develop, support or maintain mobile appli­
cations; indirect jobs based on non-IT roles such as sales, marketing, 4.2. Job polarization
human resources and administrative roles that support core app econ­
omy jobs; or spillover jobs “supported either by the goods and services Job polarization refers to a phenomenon where the large-scale
purchased by the enterprise, or by the income flowing to core and in­ computerization of routine tasks in low-skill occupations leads to fall
direct app economy workers” [64]. However, questions remain about in wages in low-skill labour performing routine tasks relative to low-skill
the actual distribution of income among employees in the app economy, labour performing manual skills, while high skill labour remains in good
with at least one study suggesting that majority of app developers do not production. In other jobs, occupations become highly polarised ac­
earn nearly enough to make app development a full-time job. In the EU, cording to levels of skills and routines [23,27]. One of the key arguments
across the estimated 1.7 million jobs, only €5.7 billion of the total €187 of Skill-biased Technological Change (SBTC) is that, while computers
billion generated – or 3% – are from paid downloads, subscriptions, and and digitisation have transformed work into knowledge intensive, and
in-app purchases [32]. more productive, activity, they have also mainly an disproportionately
benefitted highly skilled workers already in high-wage occupations [7]. Location and production of work. While outsourcing is not a The emergence of new technologies has in effect precipitated
new thing, advances in ICT have significantly enhanced the mobility of re-bundling of tasks by employers, with the result that certain groups of
labour. In several sub-sectors of the services industry, ICT has also workers are disproportionately allocated the most or least rewarding
altered the dynamics relating to location of production, as tech com­ tasks [62]. Furthermore, computerization is linked to information
panies seek to move to cities with more educated population [29]. asymmetry and occupational structural power. Three key assumptions
underpin the analysis of job quality and wage inequality through
4.1.2. Digitalization and routineness structural lens: 1) Between-occupation earnings is an outcome of social
Routineness is defined as the extent to which an occupation, or more relationships; 2. Occupational power partly results from the location of
specifically tasks within an occupation, can be automatable or codifi­ occupations within the economic system and production relations; 3.
able. It has been classified into three dimensions: abstract task intensity, Resource asymmetry favour structurally powerful occupations [65].
manual task intensity, and routine task intensity [25]. The profile and Occupations differ in their access to, and control of, information on
levels, in decreasing order, of routine tasks in the routine task intensity production process. Computerization therefore accentuates the struc­
index are routine cognitive (RC), routine manual (RM), non-routine tural advantage and bargaining power of occupations at the core of in­
manual (NRM), non-routine cognitive: analytical (NRCA), and formation flows. These include those who have the technology to
reorganise, aggregate and transfer (computer programmer, information

O. Kolade and A. Owoseni Technology in Society 71 (2022) 102086

systems specialists), and those who know how to translate, interpret, knowledge worker to either use ICTs as tools or partner with robots and
and manipulate the data (managers and engineers) [7]. AI systems [5,68]. Thus, the future of education lies in the development
[28] used an European Union Labour Survey to classify occupations of human creative capacities [5,37]. Creativity, it is argued, is key to
into high-paying, middling, and low-paying categories. The high-paying understanding the differences between human and machine capacities.
occupations include corporate managers; physical, mathematical, and It is not just about making new combinations, but about making com­
engineering professionals; life science and health professionals; man­ binations that are “profoundly novel”. The transcendence processes of
agers of small enterprises; physical, mathematical, and engineering creativity are based on the moods of enthusiasm and disturbance-one
associate professionals; other associate professionals; and life science opens up new possibilities, the other threatens existing understandings
and health associate professionals. The “middling” occupations and accustomed practices [5].
comprise stationary plant and related operators; metal, machinery, and In line with this [68], identified two categories of 21st century skills,
related trade work; drivers and mobile plant operators; office and comprising seven core skills and five contextual skills for the knowledge
customer service clerks; and machine operators and assemblers. Finally, worker. The core skills are technical, information management,
the low-paying occupations highlighted are labourers in mining, con­ communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and problem
struction, manufacturing, and transport; personal and protective service solving; and the five contextual skills are ethical awareness, cultural
workers; and sales and service elementary occupations. The study found awareness, flexibility, self-direction and lifelong learning [37]. also
that technological change in western Europe precipitated increased proposed a creativity-focused technology fluency (CFTF) approach to
shares of employment for high-paid professionals and managers and technology education to prioritise “competencies such as managing
low-paid routine workers. Conversely, the authors observed a drastic complexity, thinking critically, envisaging possibilities, tolerating un­
shrinking of “middling” occupations, both within industries and be­ certainty, displaying self-efficacy, and communicating skillfully” (pg
tween industries. This pattern of job polarization could illuminate, at 186). Thus, the education sector is likely to see a shift from a focus on
least in part, recent debates about the shrinking of the middle class in development of skills, dominant in the 20th century, to the development
Western countries. of unique human capacities such as judgement, will, creativity and
innovation [5]. In other words, future education will focus more on
4.3. Education for employment 5.0 development of those human capabilities that are less likely to be
perfectly reproduced by autonomous systems.
In its 2018 Future of Jobs report, the World Economic Forum noted Fig. 5 provides a mapping of key themes dominant in the reviewed
that at least 54% of current workers will require significant re-skilling literature across three periods: 2011–2014; 2015–2017; and 2018–2020
and up-skilling [62]. The emergence of autonomous intelligent sys­ (see Fig. 5). As the figure shows, in the 2011–2014 period, much of the
tems disrupting the world of work poses a wide range of problems that scholarly literature focused on technological displacement of workers in
will create greater inequalities and an increasing gap between the low-skilled, routine tasks that are easily automated. Scholars also
returns to labour and returns to capital. A number of scholars have explored the theme of workers’ re-allocation of labour into service oc­
argued that, as automation expands in scope, self-employment will cupations, where cognitive and creative skills are more important. There
become the new normal, and the knowledge worker will take the central are also discussions around socio-technical approach to environmental
stage in the emergent knowledge economy. Knowledge workers are in­ sustainability, and the phenomenon of cyber-slacking and its impact of
dividuals who use information to develop innovative outcomes. Within workers’ efficiency in the workplace. In the 2015–2017 period, scholars
organisations, they take on boundary-spanning roles and contribute to were giving more attention to the incursion of digital technologies into
tacit knowledge transfer within organisations [66]. They are walking cognitive domains, beyond automation of routine tasks into robotics and
assets with the necessary flexibility to organise how they deliver out­ artificial intelligence. Separately, other scholars were interrogating the
comes and targets within organisations, and the autonomy to offer ser­ political economy of technology ownership, and the power asymmetry it
vices to others without compromising proprietary knowledge. precipitates relative to ordinary workers. This also feeds into the dis­
Furthermore, as workers seek to upgrade their skills in response to cussions about opportunities, challenges and controversies associated
Industry 4.0 requirements, there will be new questions about the rising with the emergence of the gig economy. In the 2018–2020, period
cost of traditional education platforms, and the disruptive prospects of scholars moved forward the conversation about ownership and power to
new platforms such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and vir­ discuss and interrogate the postwork prospectus and the prospects for a
tual academies [33]. Scholars have proposed a new model of education “work-less” utopia. Further, the boom of multi-sided digital platforms
to match the dynamic changes in labour requirements in the fourth in­ attracted the attention of researchers, in terms of how they have created
dustrial revolution. This model, under the label, Education 4.0, has been new types of jobs in the sharing economy. Finally, scholars explored the
defined as a “period in the current period in which Higher Education incursion of digital technologies into more creative domains, where
institutions apply new learning methods, innovative didactic and man­ digital technologies are imitating affective human functions, beyond
agement tools, and smart and sustainable infrastructure mainly com­ cognitive human capabilities explored in the 2015–2017 period. In
plemented by new and emerging ICTs to improve knowledge generation response, many scholars argue that affective and creative human capa­
and in-formation transfer processes” [38]; pg 4). Other scholars have bilities are the last frontier of human advantage over technologies, and a
noted that the imperative and benefits of a new model of education cut new model of education should focus attention on the development of
across all tiers of education, including primary and secondary levels. these unique human capabilities. Table 3 provides a thematic overview
This is especially, but not exclusively relevant in science, technology and of the findings of the authors in the selected 68 papers.
engineering (STEM) subjects, as well as technical and vocational edu­
cation (TVET), where curricula need to be revamped and teachers need 5. Discussion
to up-skilled to integrate digital competencies in lessons plans and de­
livery [36]. The work of the future and the future of work.
Some of the key skills needed to promote organisation’s digital This review highlights wide-ranging and far-reaching impacts of
transformation are: artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, robotization, digital transformation on the future of employment. These impacts are
internet of things, augmented reality, digitalization; and these skills are captured in terms of the different dimensions and ways in which tech­
acquired via learning contexts such as mobile technologies, tablets, and nological innovations have shaped the relationship between humans
smartphone applications [67]. However, as the debate about automa­ and machines. They also highlight the impacts of digital transformation
tion and augmentation rages, scholars have pointed out that the skills of at individual, corporate and societal levels. At the individual and
the future are not limited to those digital skills that enable the corporate levels, the pace of digital transformation has accentuated the

O. Kolade and A. Owoseni Technology in Society 71 (2022) 102086

Who pays for workers to be re-trained, re-skilled and up-skilled for

Industry 4.0 realities? Many employers have recognised the need to
make employee training a key part of their organisational strategy to
achieve and maintain competitive advantage [62]. This aspirational
position taken by many employers is however complicated by the reality
of increasing mobility of labour and employee turn-over rate in the In­
dustry 4.0 landscape. These present wide-ranging implications for em­
ployers’ investment in workers’ training and expected returns to
investment. In contrast, many employers are taking advantage of new
opportunities provided by the advent of the “gig economy” and the
growing popularity of the concept of open talent.
The gig economy is defined as a labour market characterised by short
term contract and tasks (“gigs”) undertaken by freelance workers on
demand, as opposed to permanent jobs. It has been driven primarily by
online platforms that use digital technologies to match workers with
clients on a per-task basis, and have been hailed as a boom to produc­
tivity spearheaded by flexible workers [69]. Other scholars have high­
lighted the implications of the gig economy for traditional labour
regulations and employment standards, arguing that the gig economy
will precipitate a race to the bottom for workers left at the mercy of a
hyper-competitive global market [70]. Among other benefits, the gig
economy offers employers to transfer the costs of re-skilling and
up-skilling to the independent, “self-employed” worker taking a gig. It
enables employers to shop freely from the vast global pool of open
A labour market left to run on the laissez faire logic of the gig eco­
nomic would arguably present big risks for workers, in terms of job se­
curity, especially older workers displaced by automation and the advent
of new technologies [71]. In one sense, it can be argued that because
skills tend to be habit forming, established, older workers may be less
likely to be receptive and adaptable to learning new digital skills. They
are however more likely to be amenable and more responsive to op­
portunities and interventions aimed at developing and enhancing those
peculiar and original human capabilities such as creativity and
judgement-unlikely to be reproduced by autonomous systems. This,
along with the reality of population ageing, accentuate the need for
Fig. 5. Timelines of key themes (Source: authors).
targeted policy interventions funded by national governments and other
stakeholders to bridge ongoing skill-gaps precipitated by technological
increasing importance of the knowledge worker as arrowheads of in­ change. Such interventions should be multi-faceted, focusing not only
novations and conduits of tacit knowledge transfer within organisations. on the imperative of bridging digital skills-gap within the economy but
They also raise new questions about autonomy and precarity. At the also enhancing and improving original human creative skills and capa­
societal level, digital transformation has raised the stakes about the bilities that would continue to be required in the Employment 5.0
tradeoffs between efficient production and sustainable development, landscape.
and the potential social upheavals that can result as a result of large- These concerns about the future of work are at the heart of the call
scale technological unemployment and job polarization. for a shift to Industry 5.0, with its core elements of human-centricity,
With regards to the world of work, machines have emerged as either sustainability, and resilience [75]. The human-centric imperative em­
job stealers, human tools, human collaborators, or even as human su­ phasizes the use of technology as tools to serve human needs, while
pervisors. The emergence of “job-stealing” robots is especially pro­ mitigating the fears of humans becoming enslaved by machines. Thus,
nounced in jobs and occupations with a high level of routine, predictable any technological change that precipitates or aggravates unemployment
and often repetitive tasks-for which computers codes can be written to and wage inequality invariably fails the test of human-centricity, even if
perform the tasks. These include increasing number of jobs and occu­ it drives increased efficiency in production. In a similar vein, the sus­
pations in the manufacturing, transport and logistic industries. For these tainability imperative forces stakeholders to account for the planetary
occupations, the imperative of increased productivity and the drive for and environmental impact of technological innovations. This therefore
better competitiveness means that the odds are stacked against human creates incentives for innovations that promotes circular economy out­
workers as companies aim to cut costs and maximize profit. comes and principles. Finally, the resilience imperative prioritises in­
While the advent of job-stealing, autonomous robots is a real and novations that make the global economy more adaptive to disruption
present danger to human workers, a sizeable fraction of jobs in the In­ and more responsive to new opportunities precipitated by rapid changes
dustry 4.0 landscape will entail various forms of interaction and in production systems and the world of work.
collaboration between human workers and technologies. Nevertheless, The education sector also needs to grapple and keep pace with the
the resulting new division of labour between humans and machines disruption in the 21st century world of work. Curricula at the basic and
throw up different kinds of challenges for human workers. The un­ secondary levels of education need to be overhauled, with ICT featuring
precedented pace of technological change in the 21st century implies not just as a separate subject but as a lynchpin of other subjects where it
that, for humans to use technology as tools or collaborate with robots should be embedded. Furthermore, with the gradual erosion of tradi­
and AI systems, they need to embrace the challenge to continually re- tional forms of employment and the emergence of the gig economy,
skill and up-skill themselves. The fancy technology of today go soon education and training at both basic and higher levels should be oriented
into obsolescence, leaving human workers to play catch up. more towards the production of entrepreneurial skilled worker, rather

O. Kolade and A. Owoseni Technology in Society 71 (2022) 102086

than turnout of graduate jobseekers who are more attuned to the re­ In addition, 3D technologies provide advantages in term of their low
quirements of a static labour market. Universities need to re-invent initial investment costs, use of low-cost materials, reduced waste in the
themselves by embracing a more entrepreneurial outlook and a technique, its flexibility for use of different materials, and its relatively
boundary spanning approach that enables more effective interdisci­ high reliability [31]. Further, in terms of inventory, the technology is
plinary collaboration for knowledge production and learning enrich­ oriented towards the economies of one, thereby favouring micro and
ment in the contexts of application-otherwise referred to as mode 2 small enterprises, as opposed to the traditional economies of scale in
knowledge. subtractive manufacturing. In other words, they provide ordinary
In order for the education sector to meet the challenges of Employ­ workers with the opportunity to become technology owners and man­
ment 5.0, there is a need for an overhaul of the system of training for ufacturers. Furthermore, technologies such as 3D printing disrupt the
teachers. In addition to embedding digital skills throughout the training dominant logic of mass production and the associated advantage of
curricula in the formal training courses, more resources in funding and automation in the manufacturing sector. Instead, it brings human
time allocation need to be injected into the programmes for continuing creativity and flexibility back into play in the manufacturing sector,
staff development. Furthermore, industry stakeholders need to be more where local producers can create more bespoke, customised products at
fully integrated and actively involved, not just for curriculum delivery, lower cost-both in terms of production and distribution logistics.
but also for curriculum design and development. Work placements and Another pertinent example in this regard is the opportunity presented by
industry experience programmes need to be approached differently, to the emergence of blockchain technologies for “ordinary” users, con­
match the demands of the changing landscape of Employment 4.0. For sumers and micro-entrepreneur to be co-owners, not just users, of
example, government procurement can be used creatively to support the multisided digital platforms [72]. Owners of traditional multi-sided
introduction of school pupils to the gig economy. In the same vein, platforms, such as Amazon, capture most of their value through mone­
summative assessments need to account better for skill portfolios of tization of users’ data via adverts and transfers to third parties. They also
pupils, along with the existing system for testing knowledge acquired. maximize profit from these network externalities in other ways, for
On the other hand, formative assessment needs to be based on more example through direct or indirect fees imposed on users accessing
comprehensive frameworks for evaluating and incentivising creativity “additional services’ on the platform [40]. Unlike these platforms,
and originality-those capabilities that are less likely to be replicated by which are based on centralized systems, blockchains employs a decen­
autonomous robots. tralised, open-source system by which data can be shared, verified and
We now address the pressing issue of technology ownership. One of monitored across multiple nodes using a consensus mechanism. This
the major fears expressed by skeptics and critics is that digital trans­ enables platform members to capture value via sharing and monetiza­
formation will exacerbate joblessness and inequality by transferring tion of data, easier and cheaper access to new products and services with
disproportionately much more power into the hands of capitalist owners lower transaction costs accruing from platform membership [73].
of new technologies. In effect, it is argued that capitalist owners of It can therefore be argued that, in many ways, the trajectory of
technologies would appropriate the surplus value created by digital technological progress in many sectors of the Industry 4.0 landscape is
technologies, to the severe detriment of displaced workers left at the likely to lead to more devolution of ownership powers and opportunities
margins of Industry 4.0 economy. Thus, the utopian dream of a “work- from big corporations to micro-enterprises, worker-owners, and pro­
less” future with ostensibly lots of time left for leisure is a nightmare ducer consumers (so called prosumers). In effect, technology-considered
“jobless” scenario for the low-skilled worker displaced by automation in its physical and virtual forms-is a dynamic, double-edged contrivance
and disadvantaged by the structure of technology ownership. There are that has the capabilities to exacerbate inequalities, as well as mitigate, if
two key points to make about this. not eliminate, them. Digital technologies can be deployed to correct the
The first is that national governments and multilateral institutions, asymmetry of power and control it precipitated, if deployed appropri­
spurred on by an engaged citizenry, need to step in with the right policy ately. Furthermore, while technology ownership is important, what
instruments and interventions to address this problem. These can matters equally, perhaps even more so, are the technical know-hows, the
include appropriate tax regimes to harness the gains of Industry 4.0 creative abilities, the right institutional and market conditions, and the
technologies and invest back into re-skilling and up-skilling programmes sheer force of the will, to capture value from them. Workers can use
for displaced and vulnerable workers. Such funds can also be pulled back capabilities and competencies, along with progressively lower cost of
into revamping and improving technology infrastructure in the bid to access, to make technology work for them in the new knowledge
tackle “digital poverty” and enable more citizens-including under- economy.
served communities-to participate more actively and benefit more from Thus, a key element of the nascent concept of Industry 5.0 is the
the new digital economy. These interventions are necessary, not only to prioritization of human-centricity as a core value that should drive the
respond to productivity and growth opportunities presented by Industry future of technology use (Gurdur et al., 2021). In other words, Industry
4.0, but also to forestall large-scale social upheavals driven by displaced 5.0 entails a shift in focus from the production value of technology to the
workers left to fend themselves on the margins. In many developed human value of technological innovations. This includes the need to
countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, there are design technology around the requirements of the human worker, and
currents of discontents among workers on the wrong end of disruptive therefore necessitates limited adjustment of the human worker to
digital innovations [52]. These include large numbers of workers in technology [74]. While the technology of the future, in effect, prioritises
rural and sub-urban areas who are increasingly disillusioned by the the dignity of the worker over productivity of labour, stakeholders have
failure of governments to act quickly and adequately to tackle the argued that human-centricity need not be a zero-sum game, with respect
detrimental impacts of automation on workers. to efficient production and competitiveness-in the long run.
The second point interrogates the notion that digital transformation The work of the future will also be dominated by increasingly
inherently benefits only rich capitalists. The trajectory of technology autonomous workers harnessing tacit knowledge and co-opting auto­
development in many sectors indicate that technologies are getting as mated systems to create and capture value. This autonomy, however,
much cheaper and more accessible by the general public, as they are needs to be understood in context. For workers whose skills are
getting sophisticated. This presents increasingly greater and better op­ continually under threat of replacement by automation, autonomy and
portunities for individual workers to become technology owners. A good independence invariably implies precarity, especially within the context
example is the advent of 3D printers for additive manufacturing, with of the gig economy. In order to survive and thrive, the autonomous
major disruptive impacts in the global production and supply chain in worker in this context will be highly skilled and committed to a process
the manufacturing sector. The cost of 3D printers has continued to go of continuing up-skilling in order to remain at the forefront of a fast-
down, with some brands available for as low as a few hundred pounds. changing technology landscape. Their digital competences can enable

O. Kolade and A. Owoseni Technology in Society 71 (2022) 102086

them to harness digital systems either as partners or tools under the new industrial world. We argue that an integrated, unified theoretical
division of labour between humans and automated systems. Autonomy framework, bringing these three perspectives together, offer the most
may hold a different meaning for highly sought knowledge workers. promising and productive pathway to future research to elucidate the
Their non-technical, original human capabilities play a critical role, not complex challenges and multi-dimensional opportunities that lies ahead
just because those can hardly be replicated by automated systems, but under Employment 5.0. Secondly, and in furtherance of the first
also because those distinct human capabilities, such as creative and the contribution, we draw attention to the importance of value-driven pol­
will, are essential for creating and capturing values through new com­ icy, co-produced by the citizen-worker, to the future of technology and
binations of technological products and services. the future of employment. This is exemplified by ongoing policy efforts
Finally, the future of work will arguably be shaped even more by in Europe and Japan regarding Industry 5.0 and Employment 5.0,
institutional and policy innovations than technological innovations. respectively.
This will inevitably entail new forms of political organisation and Bringing all these together, we identify three key implications and
activism by autonomous workers and micro-enterprise owners to tackle recommendations for research, policy and practice. Firstly, we observe
the asymmetry of power and create a more favourable institutional that there is limited research on the impact of digital transformation in
space for value creation and value capture. This will enable them to developing countries contexts. This is a fertile ground for research about
access opportunities and capture value for themselves in a future where the peculiar challenges of technological unemployment in weak insti­
surplus value will be created more by robots and technologies for the tutional contexts where workers are more vulnerable. Also, against the
benefit of the worker-owner. The devolution of technology ownership, backdrop of technology lock-in in developed countries, there are op­
and the completion of the global transition from a market economy to portunities for researchers to interrogate and investigate potential
knowledge economy has the potential to shift the locus of economic growth and employment opportunities, say for technological leapfrog­
power from big corporations to highly skilled, creative autonomous ging, presented by the advent of Industry 4.0. There is also room, in both
workers. In turn this can help create a more equal world of opportunities developed and developing countries context, to examine the impact and
and welfare for citizens. It can also contribute to the realisation of a future direction of new models of contracting and employment typified
work-less, but not jobless, future where workers can have more time for by the gig economy, within the new framework of Industry 5.0 and
leisure. However, this will require significant policy interventions, new Society 5.0 [30]. Secondly, in terms of policy, scholars and stakeholders
political alignments and new institutional arrangements. Among others, need to focus attention on evidence-based interventions to tackle
governments will need to invest heavily in technology infrastructures, worsening inequality exacerbated by disruptive digital transformation,
and also inject funds and resources for mass re-training and up-skilling and how these can be implemented through the formal education sys­
of the workforce. Furthermore, the imperative of a new kind of poli­ tems, but also through direct training and technical support for em­
tics is underlined by the turbulence and disruptions precipitated by ployees, autonomous workers, and micro-enterprise owners. The direct
disillusioned, left-behind workers in much of the advanced economies, support can be, among others, through more creative and innovative use
especially in Western countries. While the rising wave of nationalism, of public procurement. Future research can also interrogate the inertia
isolationism and anti-immigrant sentiments may not represent the way and inhibiting factors that are slowing policy reforms needed to shape
forward, they represent a clear sign that the much of the current political the future of technology use. Furthermore, in the light of the nascent
arrangements are no longer fit for purpose. Workers will play a key role character of industry 5.0 and Society 5.0, there is considerable scope for
in the emergence of a new political economy suited for Industry 4.0. scholars to interrogate alternative theoretical and analytical frameworks
that are viable and effective for policy making on the transformation of
6. Conclusion and recommendations for future research work. Finally, from the practitioner lense, the findings in this systematic
review highlights the opportunities for informed, conscious and skilled
This paper brings together recent body of scholarly work, mostly citizen-workers to shape the future of work. This can be achieved
within the past 10 years, on digital transformation and the future of through political organisation and activism to create new institutions
work. Through a systematic review of 68 publications- 46 journal arti­ and market for autonomous workers to thrive.
cles, 2 conference papers and 5 other outputs, we identified three broad
theoretical perspectives that scholars have brought to bear on the topic. Author statement
These are: socio-technical systems theory, skill-biased technological
change (with variants such as task-biased and routine-biased techno­ The authors declare that this manuscript is original, has not been
logical change), and the political economy of digital transformation. published before and is not currently being considered for publication
Through these theoretical lenses, researchers have provided insights on elsewhere.
several cross-cutting themes such as technological unemployment, job We confirm that the manuscript has been read and approved by all
polarization and the imperative of re-skilling/up-skilling. They have named authors and that there are no other persons who satisfied the
also highlighted issues underline contrasting ideological approach, criteria for authorship but are not listed. We further confirm that the
especially those relating to the debates around technological ownership order of authors listed in the manuscript has been approved by all of us.
and the utopia of a work-less future. We understand that the Corresponding Author is the sole contact for
The key contributions of this paper are in two parts. Firstly, we the editorial process. He is responsible for communicating with the other
highlight how the three theoretical perspectives shape the way scholars author about progress, submissions of revisions and final approval of
problematize issues relating to digital transformation. The respective proofs.
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Senior Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy and a member of the Institute for
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