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SULIT 12/1




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1. Tulis nama dan angka giliran anda.
2. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi LIMA bahagian.
3. Jawab SEMUA soalan.
4. Tulis jawapan anda pada ruang jawapan yang disediakan di dalam kertas soalan ini.
5. Serahkan kertas soalan ini kepada pengawas peperiksaan selepas tamat ujian.

Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa

Part Marks Marks

1 8
2 8
3 8
4 10
5 6

Name : .………………………………………….…. Class : ………………...

Teacher’s Name: ………………………………… English Set :………………….

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 11 halaman bercetak

PS3F2@BI2019 [Lihat Halaman Sebelah

SULIT 12/1

Part 1
[8 marks]

Questions 1 – 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question, mark the correct
answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

Find everything chocolatey here!
Chocolates, sweets, toffees and other
Baker’s confectioneries.

1. Choc Heaven will not sell

A. wafers
B. cereals
C. cakes

Hello Dad,
Please fetch me from the Ipoh commuter station tomorrow afternoon. The train is
expected to arrive at 2.30 p.m. I’ll be home for a two-week study break.

2. Celine is going home

A. for a fortnight
B. to have fun
C. at 2.30 p.m.

Police K – 9 Units gets extra

bite with additional 75 new

3. The police department gets

A. to train more dogs to bite criminals.
B. stronger with new dogs to help in fight various crimes.
C. new police trainers to train the dogs.

PS3F2@BI2019 [Lihat Halaman Sebelah
SULIT 12/1

4. The students in the picture

A. ignore the rule on how to board a bus.
B. like to rush because they are late.
C. queue up while waiting for the bus.

Subject Payment Received

Dear Marion,
We are sending you this email to confirm that we have received your payment of RM35.00 for a pair of
Sonic earphones (Order Number : 01146). Your order should arrive within seven days. If you have any
questions, please call our Customer Service Department on 03-6556 6556.
Thank you!

Happy Shop

5. The email informs Marion that she

A. will be receiving her order within a week.
B. needs to pay RM35.00 for her Sonic earphones.
C. must call the Customer Service Department.

PS3F2@BI2019 [Lihat Halaman Sebelah
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6. The kitten is called

A. Sam
B. Didi
C. Bella

7. Jamming Music Centre is

A. located in Penang
B. offering piano lessons
C. open for three months only.

8. Ipoh Chicken Rice is

A. located in Ipoh
B. closing after 15 December
C. giving a discount to its customers

PS3F2@BI2019 [Lihat Halaman Sebelah
SULIT 12/1

[8 marks]

Part 2
[8 marks]

Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.

For each question, write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Dear GrandMa,
How are you? I miss (0) yourself very much.
I’m sorry that I’ve taken so long to reply your letter. I (9)am very busy with the orientation course
last week. Now that I’m free, I’ll (10) told you more about my life here. The hostel that I’m staying at is
(11) a old building. It was built 50 years ago.
I’ve made some new friends as well. They’re nice (12) but helpful. My classes will begin next
Monday. I heard that some of the teachers are very strict. My friends are worried (13) and I think it’s good
to have strict teachers. You always (14) tells me that strict teachers make us work harder so that we can
become better. I promise that I will make you (15) proudly ,GrandMa.
That’s all for now. Please (16) sending my regards to GrandPa. Hope to hear from you soon.

0 including

PS3F2@BI2019 [Lihat Halaman Sebelah
SULIT 12/1

Part 3
[8 marks]

Read the text below and answer questions 17 to 24.

Candy Floss

Candy floss – a sweet fluffy stuff that just melts in your mouth used to be popular in carnivals, festivals
and funfairs. Adults and children can be mesmerized as they watch the candy maker spins a confection of very
thin strings of sugar wrapped around a stick into large cloud-like balls. Sometimes colouring and flavouring are
added to make them look more delightful and appealing.
Depending where you live, candy floss can be known by different names, in Great Britain, it is called
floss candy but in the United States of America it is known as cotton candy. Australians known it as fairy floss
and in Italy, it is called a zucchero filato or sugar thread. The sweet, finely spun sugar may resemble hair and
thus called ‘halwa rambut’ by the Malays in Malaysia.
Cotton candy is the result of a process where the sugar is caramelized. During earlier times, making
spun sugar was a lengthy, expensive process which meant only the very wealthy could afford these candies. It
was only in the late 1800s when a machine that made spun sugar was first designed. Consequently, candy floss
had become easily and cheaply available.
The presence of modern technology has enabled the mass production of cotton candy and you can now
find it being sold in malls and supermarkets. However, the fun and magical feeling of savouring cotton candy
while walking
Questions 17 –through
24 a noisy fair, watching a Ferris wheel or mounting a horse on a merry-go-round will be

PS3F2@BI2019 [Lihat Halaman Sebelah
SULIT 12/1

Complete the following table.

Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer. For each question, write
your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Candy Floss
Describe the candy.
17. __________________________________________________
Popular places to find them.
18. __________________________________________________
These are necessary to make the
candy floss more delightful and 19.__________________________________________________
In Australia
20. __________________________________________________
Other names
In Italy
21. __________________________________________________

The time when a machine making

spun sugar was introduced 22. __________________________________________________

What (feeling) will be absent

when eating a candy floss at a 23. __________________________________________________
24. __________________________________________________

[8 marks]

PS3F2@BI2019 [Lihat Halaman Sebelah
SULIT 12/1

Part 4
[10 marks]

Read the diary entry and answer questions 25 to 34.

28th October 2019

Today is my birthday. I am officially 14 years old. Yay! The birthday

presents were the best part of the day.

Mum and Dad gave me RM100.00. As usual they advised me to deposit it in my

savings account. Grandpa and Grandma sent me a T-shirt with a matching cap. Pretty
cool, I can live with all the pink hearts, I guess.

Aiman got me a new phone case. That was a surprise. He always bought me the
usual chocolate bar as he constantly had the same excuse, he is broke! I really like the
case as it glows in the dark. So, you don’t need to switch on the lights to find your
phone and we can save the electricity. Aiman always knew that I keep on misplacing

Song and Ina, my best friends, bought me a diary. That will come in useful soon.
Anyway, there’s not much space left in this one.

Aunt Aminah, gave me a branded lipstick. Must be quite expensive. She may be
Mum’s best friend but she doesn’t realize how Mum dislikes a 14-year-old girl wearing
make-up. So, I am thinking to give it to my eldest sister.

My favourite present is the set of six corner bookmarks that Devi made herself.
To make the bookmark, she learnt from a video. I think they are extra special because
my dear friend took the time to make them for me. Devi is not crazy of arts and
crafts, so I really appreciate her effort. The bookmarks are funny- looking and well
made. I will use them to mark pages of homework from textbooks.

It has been a great day. I feel so loved, thanks to my beloved family and

PS3F2@BI2019 [Lihat Halaman Sebelah
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Questions 25 – 32
Answer the questions below.
Choose no more than five words and/or a number from the text for each answer. For each question, write your
answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

25. The best part of the writer’s day is ___________________________________________________________

[1 mark]
26. The writer always received ______________________________________________________ from Aiman.
[1 mark]
27. Aiman’s gift can save electricity because _____________________________________________________ .
[1 mark]
28. The writer has a habit of ___________________________________________________________________
[1 mark]
29. The writer loved the diary given by Song and Ina as the old diary has _______________________________

[1 mark]
30. The writer might give away the branded lipstick Aunt Aminah gave because Mum does not like

[1 mark]
31. Devi _______________________________________________________ to make the present for the writer.
[1 mark]
32. The writer will use the markers to indicate _____________________________________________________
[1 mark]

Questions 33 and 34

Fill in the table below with a word from the text.

Write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Meaning Word
33. save
_________________________ [1 mark]
34. pricey
_________________________ [1 mark]

PS3F2@BI2019 [Lihat Halaman Sebelah
SULIT 12/1

[10 marks]

Part 5
[6 marks]
Questions 35 – 40
You are going to read a blog article about a bad experience.
Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A – H) to fit each gap (35 – 40).
There are two extra sentences that you do not need to use. For each question, mark the correct answer (A – H)
on your answer sheet.


As a girl, I have been warned to take care of myself all the time. Advice on how to keep safe is freely
given by parents, friends and elder siblings. I just pray that no unpleasant and appalling incidents will
happen to me.
However, instead of me, it happened to my neighbour (Mrs Devi) and her daughter (Suzy). 35.

One morning, as they were walking home from the park where they had their morning walk, a
motorcycle stopped. 36. Feeling suspicious about the person, Mrs Devi pulled her

daughter’s hand trying to distance themselves from the motorcycle. However, the man quickly snatched
Suzy’s gold chain and sped away. It happened so fast that the two ladies were shocked and could not
even scream for help.
A man from a nearby house saw the act and quickly rushed out. 37. Other neighbours

noticed the commotion and came out to help Mrs Devi and Suzy. A lady neighbour took them to her
home and let the mother and daughter calmed themselves. She also called Mrs Devi’s husband
and informed him about the unfortunate event. Mr Raju arrived not long after that. 38.

The man who witnessed the incident also went along. They gave an account of what had happened that
morning. Nevertheless, all three could not give a clear description of the thief.
They just hoped that in case he committed a future crime, he would be identified.
Suzy was grateful that she did not suffer any injuries although she regretted missing the chain.
40. She now feared wearing jewellery in public. While it was empting for her to say she

would not want to be kind or helpful to strangers in the future, Mrs Devi told her daughter that she
should not blame herself for someone else’s crime.

[6 marks]

PS3F2@BI2019 [Lihat Halaman Sebelah
SULIT 12/1

A He shouted for help and managed to get hold of the motorcycle as the man was getting away.

B He took his wife and daughter to lodge a report at the police station.

C It was a gift from her late grandmother and valued at around three thousand ringgit.

D The man was asking for directions to his friend’s house.

E Hence the police told them that nothing much could be done.

F Mrs Devi and her daughter are like best friends. They used to do many things together.

G It was too late to get the plate number of the motorcycle as the motorcyclist had turned into a


H The police said that they would try their best to catch the snatch thief.


Disediakan oleh, Disemak oleh, Disahkan oleh,

_____________________ ______________________ _____________________

Guru Bahasa Inggeris Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris Pengetua
SMK Seri Bintang Selatan SMK Seri Bintang Selatan

PS3F2@BI2019 [Lihat Halaman Sebelah

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