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The Effect of Mobile Device on the Study Habits and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students.



Hemar Paul P. Abian

Richmond Cezar O. Panes

Jona A. Opino

Rizalyn Joy L. Palmares

John Rey P. Padernal

April 2023

Chapter 1

Background of the study:

Mobile devices has been an almost essential part of daily life. A nationwide survey conducted years ago shows that mobile

devices are the most necessary medium of communication for adolescent. It has virtually affected the society’s accessibility ,

security , safety and coordination of business and social activities hence become a part of culture of the whole world.

School and families are the traditional agents of socialization. With the expansion of educational system as a result of the need

for highly skilled workers lead to the school system taking increasing larger responsibilities in socialization. Surprisingly , research on

the influence of Mobile devices on schools today has not been given much attention.

Although the mobile phone has been conspicuously proliferated in the past decades, little is known about its influence; especially its

effect on student learning and academic performance. Although there is a growing interest in mobile devices and their correlates

and consequences for children, effects vary across related studies and the magnitude of the overall effect remains unclear. The

purpose of this study is to further examine any relationships that may exist between mobile phone use and educational achievement.

The operational definition of cell phone use to guide the implementation of this study is: any measure of mobile phone use, whether

considered normative or problematic, that quantifies the extent to which a person uses a phone, feels an emotional or other

dependence on a phone, or categorizes the types of uses and situations in which use occurs. Studies examining use for the express

purpose of educational improvement are not included, as the aim of this study is to ascertain the effects of normal smartphone use.

The operational definition of academic achievement to guide the implementation of this study is: any measure that quantifies the
extent to which a student or group of students is performing or feels he or she is performing to a satisfactory level, including but not

limited to letter grades and test scores, knowledge and skill acquisition, and self-reported measures of academic ability or difficulty.

The use of mobile technologies has recently received great attention in language learning. Most research evaluates the effects of

employing mobile devices in language learning and explores the design of mobile-learning interventions that can maximize the

benefits of new technologies.

As cell phone technology continues its rapid development, the device appears capable of contributing to student learning and

improved academic performance. The recent rapid increase in cell phones has influenced multiple aspects of our daily lives,

particularly those of Students.

Cell phones are undeniably convenient, helpful tools for study and can be a hurtful source of distraction depending on the attitude

and use pattern of a student. Therefore, the aims of the current study is to determine the influence of the mobile phone usage on

academic performance among grade 10 students.

In this study, we will examine the effects of mobile phone usage, during class lecture, on student learning.

Student of the Problem

This study aimed to know the effects of mobile devices on the study habits and academic performance of grade 10 students (of

man-it integrated school . Specifically , it attempts to answer the following questions.

1. What are the good effects of a mobile devices that can help the grade 10 students (of man-it integrated school)?
2. What are the negative effects of mobile devices to the academic performance and study habits of grade 10 students?

3. How can a mobile devices improves the study habit and the academics performance of grade-10 students?

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