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Day by day the world is losing its grip on a huge and serious issue like climate change

Day by day the world is losing its grip on a huge and serious issue like climate change and due to which
the world is on the brink of extinction. Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and
weather patterns. A number of internal and external factors are responsible for climate change such
as volcanic eruption, deforestation and so on.  Apart from natural forces, human activities have
also contributed to this change. Along with natural forces, human activities have also contributed
to this change.  Human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to
burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. One-third of all animal and plant species on the planet
could face extinction by 2070 due to climate change, a new study warns. Among many aspects,
global climate change affects increased greenhouse gases, sea level rise, and prolonged droughts
in some regions.

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