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Praise and gratitude I pray to the presence of Allah SWT who has given

strength and fluency in completing an English course paper entitled "Global

Warming" and can be completed as planned.

In addition to adding insight and knowledge of the author, this paper is

structured so that it can be useful for all in adding insight into global warming.

There is no ivory that is not cracked. The author realizes that this paper is

still far from being perfect, both in terms of form and material. Constructive criticism

from readers is highly expected by the authors for the improvement of subsequent




FOREWORD ............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

CHAPTER 1 .............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
A. BACKGROUND ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
B. PROBLEM STATEMENT ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
C. THE PURPOSE OF WRITING .................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................................. 3
A. DEFINITION ................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
B. CAUSE OF PROBLEM ................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
C. STAGES ........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
D. SIGNS ............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
E. STRATEGY AND PREVENTION ............................................................................ 11
CHAPTER III ........................................................................................................................ 13
COVER PAPER......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
A. CONCLUSION .............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
B. SUGGESTION .......................................................................................................... 15


Global Warming is an increase in the average temperature of the Earth's

atmosphere, seas, and land. All energy sources on Earth come from the sun. When

energy arrives at the earth's surface, energy changes from hot sunlight which

functions to warm the earth. Some of it is absorbed by the earth's atmosphere, some is

reflected back and the rest goes to the earth. However, some of the heat is trapped in

the earth's atmosphere due to the buildup of gases such as water vapor and carbon

dioxide. These gases absorb and reflect back the energy emitted by the earth so that

the heat generated remains stored on the earth's surface. This happens repeatedly so

as to cause an increase in the earth's temperature1.

Rising temperatures make the Arctic ice sheet continue to thin. This poses a

threat to polar bears and seals. Without ice caps polar bears have to swim very far in

search of food and there is a possibility of drowning due to exhaustion. Similarly,

seals will lose their resting place. Meanwhile, coral reefs and other marine biota that

cannot tolerate warm sea water can also experience extinction.

1Aditya S,


The effect of Global Warming on animals and plants will also have an impact on

humans. Human life depends on the marine ecosystem, directly or indirectly. For

example, salt, seafood, to tourism life. When the sea begins to be damaged, then

humans will lose their livelihood.

Warmer temperatures will make plants change the direction of growth. They will look

for new areas because their old habitat is too hot. However, the construction of cities

or agricultural lands by humans will obstruct. Meanwhile, insects that are also

affected by Global Warming will quickly attack food crops such as rice so that they

will fail.

What is more dangerous is what happens to the ground. The high levels of carbon

dioxide absorbed make the level of molecules in the soil change. In addition to

affecting the warmth of the earth, this can also interfere with the process of plant

growth. The worst possibility is when the land becomes unplantable.

Geothermal changes that also damage crop yields will cause hunger and malnutrition

in humans. Extremely changing weather and rising sea levels can cause natural

disasters such as storms, floods, fires. This can cause various disease outbreaks and

trauma to humans. Not to mention polluted water, ferocious mosquito insects to air

pollution, all can cause serious health problems because of this.All actions or human

actions themselves will be unsatisfied and thirsty and greedy in life

From the consequences of human activities with environmental pollution, forest fires

are not only detrimental to human health. Animals in the forest also suffer the same

fate. Forests are home to wildlife. If their houses are burned and damaged, their

sustainability in nature will be threatened. Forest fires that keep happening over and

over every year cause a number of animals to leave their habitat due to factors,

namely disturbed habitat and no food supply. So, the animals are looking for a

comfortable location and sufficient food supplies. , Banda Aceh, the loss of elephant

habitat, and in Riau, forest and land fires that occur continuously threaten the

acceleration of the extinction of protected animals such as elephants and tigers.

In residential and industrial environments, the main problem that still remains

unsolved is the problem of municipal waste and industrial waste. Hazardous materials

produced as waste by industrial activities are increasing and there is no successful

way to deal with them. Waste that is dumped into rivers, into the sea, into layers

2 Tempo Nasional,

animals-out-of-habitat/full&view=ok, On September 21 2015,20:56.

3.Republic, 1/14/10/15/ndh4s556-

monkey-and-elephant-pun-out-of-the-forest, On October 15, 2014, 02:00 am


deeper earth. That way of disposal endanger the survival of life. City waste, both in

the form of solid waste and in the form of liquid waste or gas waste is increasing.

Overcoming this problem is still facing difficulties, especially in the collection of the

waste and in obtaining a safe disposal site. Community participation in urban waste

management efforts needs to be further enhanced4.

As a result of the industrial waste disposal also causes the surrounding environment

or into the river flow causing disruption of the river flow ecosystem, starting from the

non-fulfillment of B3 standard water quality (colorless, odorless, and non-toxic),

reduced numbers of fish and aquatic animals, environmental emergence slums to the

emergence of health problems and others.

For example, the case of waste pollution that occurred in the Talang Kelapa area,

residents' wells were polluted by waste originating from a company in Banyuasin,

namely PT Tirta Frensido Jaya (Mayora Group) to this day there has been no

resolution because the company has no ethics with residents' complaints, then

Residents directly go to the Regent to convey their problems 5.

4News Sumatra,

stubborn-pt-mayora-group-regent-banyuasin-response-complaint-citizens, On

November 14, 2018.

5News People South Sumatra,

kbrs-dinas-lingkungan-live.html, On July 30, 2017


Based on the description above, the writer formulates the main points of the problem

as follows:

1. What are the sanctions against perpetrators of criminal acts environmental

pollution according to Law No 32 of 2009 concerning the protection and management

of the environment?

2. How is the review of Islamic law regarding the perpetrators of the crime?

environmental pollution?


1.Research Objectives

Based on the explanation above, the objectives of this research are:

a. To find out the sanctions against perpetrators of criminal acts

environmental pollution according to Law No.32 of 2009 concerning

protection and management environment.

b. To find out the review of Islamic law regarding the perpetrators

environmental pollution crime.

2. Research Uses

The writer hopes that this research will be useful as follows:


a. To add references and as a source of information and knowledge for

students, lecturers, and various other groups who need it information on

environmental pollution is reviewed in Islamic law and criminal law in


b. To help minimize the crime of environmental pollution and invite

especially us as intellectual students to be able to add or instill a better

personality, both in front of Allah SWT and among the community.


A. Definition

Global warming is the process of increasing the average temperature of the Earth's

atmosphere, sea and land. The global average temperature on the Earth's surface has

increased by 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) over the last hundred years. Global

Warming will be followed by Climate Change, such as increased rainfall in some

parts of the world causing flooding and erosion. Meanwhile, in other parts of the

world will experience a prolonged dry season due to rising temperatures.

Based on the image above, the average temperature of the air on Earth's surface

increased by 0.75ºC in the last century, but has doubled in the last 50 years.

The UN agency, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), projects

that by 2100 the world's average temperature is likely to increase from 1.8ºC to 4ºC

and the worst case scenario could reach 6.4ºC unless the world takes action to limit

greenhouse gas emissions. Apparently, the number is not that big. However, please


note that during the last Ice Age about 11,500 years ago, the world's average

temperature was only 5ºC lower than today's air temperature, and at that time almost

the entire continent of Europe was covered by a thick layer of ice. If this warming

trend continues then the 11 hottest years in history have all occurred in just the last 12


B. Cause of Problem
The earth is getting hotter as a result of the sun being more turbulent. In this century,

sunspots often appear due to explosions of hydrogen energy. Based on research, it

turns out that the more the number of spots, the

higher the heat energy emitted by the sun which

will also affect the heat on earth.

It is hypothesized that variations from the Sun,

possibly amplified by feedback from clouds,

could have contributed to the current warming.

The difference between this mechanism and warming due to the greenhouse effect is

that increased solar activity will heat the stratosphere, whereas the greenhouse effect

will cool the stratosphere. Cooling of the lower stratosphere has been observed since

at least 1960, which would not have occurred if solar activity had been a major

contributor to the current warming. (Depletion of the ozone layer can also have this

cooling effect but this depletion occurred starting in the late 1970s.) The phenomenon

of solar radiation combined with volcanic activity may have had a warming effect

from pre-industrial times to the 1950s, as well as a cooling effect since the 1950s. .

There are some research results which suggest that the contribution of the Sun may

have been neglected in global warming. Two Duke University scientists estimate that

the Sun may have contributed to a 45-50% increase in global average temperature

over the 1900-2000 period, and about 25-35% between 1980 and 2000. Stott and

colleagues suggest that climate models are the guide. currently overestimating the

effect of greenhouse gases compared to the effect of the Sun; they also suggest that

the cooling effect of volcanic ash and sulfate aerosols has also been underestimated.

However, they conclude that even with increasing climate sensitivity to the influence

of the Sun, much of the warming that has occurred in recent decades is due to

greenhouse gases

Evidence of the occurrence of the Greenhouse Effect as follows:

1. First, based on physics, some gases have the ability to retain heat. There is nothing

to doubt about this statement.

2. Second, measurements made since the 1950s show that the concentration of

Greenhouse Gases has steadily increased, and this increase is related to the emission

of Greenhouse Gases from industry and other human activities.

3. Third, research shows that the air trapped inside the iceberg is 250,000 years old.

Meaning: The concentration of Greenhouse Gases in the air is different in the past

and present. This difference indicates a change in temperature. Greenhouse Gas

Concentration has been proven to increase since pre-industrial times.


C. Stages
The stages of the causes of global warming is also influenced by the various feedback

processes it produces. An example is the evaporation of water. In the case of warming

due to increased greenhouse gases such as CO2, warming will initially cause more

water to evaporate into the atmosphere. Because water vapor itself is a greenhouse

gas, heating will continue and increase the amount of water vapor in the air until an

equilibrium concentration of water vapor is reached. The resulting greenhouse effect

is greater than the effect of CO2 gas itself. (Although this feedback increases the

absolute water content of the air, the relative humidity of the air is almost constant or

even decreases somewhat as the air warms). This feedback only has a gradual effect

because CO2 has a long life in the atmosphere.

The feedback effect due to cloud influence is currently the object of research. When

viewed from below, the clouds will reflect infrared radiation back to the surface,

thereby increasing the heating effect. Conversely, when viewed from above, the cloud

will reflect sunlight and infrared radiation into space, thereby increasing the cooling


Ozone layer leak

Ozone was discovered by Christian Friedrich Schonbein in 1840. Ozone is a

molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms symbolized by the symbol O3. Although

ozone can be found in small amounts in all layers of the atmosphere, due to chemical

processes and radiation, its presence is not very significant. Almost about 90 percent

of the amount of ozone in the atmosphere is in the top layer known as the

stratosphere, which is located about 15-50 km above the earth's surface. The region

containing the greatest concentration of ozone is known as the ozone layer. Ozone

consists of three oxygen molecules and is very harmful to human health. Naturally,

ozone is produced by mixing ultraviolet light with the earth's atmosphere and

forming an ozone layer at an altitude of 50 kilometers.

Forest Logging
With the deforestation in the world which reaches 30 million hectares every year, it

clearly contributes to the worsening of the situation. Forests that have been

protecting various types of animals from the threat of global warming should be able

to help reduce global warming. But, in reality on the ground the problem is very

acute. Namely the amazon forest, which nearly 70% of its area has been cleared by

humans in the context of producing meat products. While in Indonesia itself, the

problem of deforestation is caused by the clearing of new land with the aim of

opening plantations, the desire to earn income from the sale of wood or forest

products which if done illegally requires very high costs. This is influenced by the

level of public awareness of the environment. which is still very low.


In the latest report of the United Nations Panel on Climate Change, it was

stated that the average global temperature has risen by 1.3°F (equivalent to

0.72°C) in the last 100 years. Sea level has increased by an average of 0.175

centimeters every year since 1961. This fact inevitably has an impact on living

things and the environment. The effects of global warming include:

Climate Change

It is important to understand the difference between climate and weather.

Climate is a general weather pattern that occurs over a long period of time,

between 30-100 years. Example: tropical climate, sub-tropical, hot climate,

cold climate. Weather is a daily condition of natural phenomena, such as

temperature, rainfall, air pressure and wind, which occur and change in a short

time. Example: sunny cloudy, rainstorm, etc.

Scientists predict that during global warming, the Northern part of the

Northern Hemisphere (Northern ) will heat up more than the rest of the Earth.

As a result, the icebergs will melt and the land will shrink. Warm areas will

become more humid as more water evaporates from the oceans. Scientists

aren't quite sure whether the humidity will actually increase or decrease

warming even further. This is because water vapor is a greenhouse gas, so its

presence will increase the insulation effect on the atmosphere. However, more

water vapor will also form more clouds, so it will reflect sunlight back into

outer space, where this will reduce the heating process. High humidity will

increase precipitation, on average, by about 1 percent for every degree

Fahrenheit of warming. Rainfall worldwide has increased by 1 percent in the


last hundred years. Storms will become more frequent. In addition, water will

evaporate more quickly from the soil. As a result some areas will become

drier than before. The wind will be blowing harder and maybe in a different

pattern. A hurricane, which derives its strength from the evaporation of water,

will become larger. In contrast to the warming that occurs, some periods of

extreme cold may occur. Weather patterns become less predictable and more


D. Signs

Other signs climate change impacts:

1. The loss of various types of biodiversity

2. Increased frequency and intensity of thunderstorms, hurricanes, and floods

3. Melting of polar ice caps and glaciers

4. Increasing the amount of dry land that has the potential to become desert due to

prolonged drought

5. Rising sea levels to cause widespread flooding. In 2100 it is estimated that sea

level will rise by 15 - 95 cm.

6. Rising sea temperatures cause coral bleaching and damage to coral reefs

around the world

7. Increased frequency of forest fires

8. The spread of tropical diseases, such as malaria, to new areas due to the

increasing population of insects (mosquitoes)

9. Certain areas became congested and overcrowded due to the flow of refugees.

Limit CO2 emissions to reduce greenhouse gas production

There are two effective techniques for limiting carbon emissions, namely

replacing oil energy with other energy sources that do not emit carbon and

secondly using oil energy as efficiently as possible. Alternative energies that can

be used include wind, sunlight, nuclear energy, and geothermal. Windmills can

convert wind energy into electrical energy. Sunlight can also be converted into

electrical energy or heat sources that can be used such as water heaters, solar

cookers, etc. Geothermal energy can be used to generate electricity. Alternative

energy sources are indeed more expensive than oil energy but further research

will help to further reduce costs.

CO2 emissions could be reduced if cars could be more fuel efficient. Scientists

and engineers have been working to create engines that are fuel efficient.

Inventions have developed tools to replace combustion engines or use smaller

engines. An electric battery-powered car has entered the market, but is still

equipped with a small oil-fueled engine. Fuel cells, which are devices that can

convert chemical energy into electrical energy, can be developed for future cars.

In addition, we can mitigate the effects of global warming by mitigating and

adapting to climate change.

E. Strategy and Prevention

There are two main approaches to slowing the increase in greenhouse gases that cause

global warming. First, it prevents carbon dioxide from being released into the

atmosphere by storing the gas or its carbon components elsewhere. This method is called

carbon sequestration (removing carbon). Secondly, reducing the production of

greenhouse gases.

Removing carbon (carbon sequestration) can be done in two ways, namely:

1). Underground or groundwater storage

Underground or underground water can be used to inject CO2 emissions into the earth's

crust or into the oceans. The layer of earth that can be used is the natural storage of oil

and natural gas in oil mines. By pumping CO2 into oil storage areas in the bowels of the

earth, it will help make it easier to extract the remaining oil or gas. This could cover the

cost of hiding carbon. Deep seams of salt and coal can also hide carbon dioxide. The

oceans can also store a lot of carbon dioxide, but scientists have not been able to

determine its effect on the marine environment.

2). Storage in living plants

Green plants absorb CO2 from the air to grow. The combination of carbon from CO2

with hydrogen is needed to form simple sugars that are stored in tissues. After the plant

dies, the body will decompose and release CO2. Ecosystems with abundant vegetation

such as forests or plantations can hold more carbon, but future generations of humans

must keep the ecosystem intact, otherwise the carbon stored in plants will be released

back into the atmosphere.



• Global warming is the process of increasing the average temperature of the

atmosphere, oceans, and landmass of the earth.

• The global average temperature at the Earth's surface has increased by 0.74 ± 0.18

°C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) over the past hundred years.

• Global warming is caused by the sun, Greenhouse Effect (ERK), cosmic rays,

feedback effects, ozone layer leakage, deforestation.

• The greenhouse effect will cause global warming when there are excess greenhouse

gases in the atmosphere and will result in global warming because as the

concentration of these gases increases in the atmosphere, more heat is trapped


• Greenhouse effect occurs naturally because it allows the survival of all creatures on


• Another cause of global warming is the effect of the various feedback processes it

produces. An example is the evaporation of water. The resulting greenhouse effect is

greater than the effect of CO2 gas itself.

• Global warming also has an impact, including climate change, sea level rise, the

impact of global warming on health, and the impact on socio-economics.

• Due to global warming, when the atmosphere warms, the surface layer of the oceans

will also warm, so that its volume will expand and raise sea level.


• The impact of global warming will obviously increase global temperature. This

increase in temperature will not always provide benefits for humans, especially in

terms of food production.

• Global warming will also have an impact on human health because global warming

will affect the conditions in which humans live. Changes to these environmental

conditions will affect health.

• Global warming will also have an impact on social and economic conditions. For

example, if there is an increase in sea level in Indonesia, the loss of small islands is a

direct threat, not only affecting socio-economic conditions and ecosystems but also

geopolitics, considering that the outermost islands are an important step in

determining territorial boundaries with other countries.

• There are two main approaches to slowing the increase in greenhouse gases that

cause global warming. First, it prevents carbon dioxide from being released into the

atmosphere by storing the gas or its carbon components elsewhere. This method is

called carbon sequestration (removing carbon). Secondly, reducing the production of

greenhouse gases.

• Removing carbon (carbon sequestration) can be done in two ways, namely

underground or groundwater storage and storage in living plants

• While there are two effective techniques to limit carbon emissions, namely

replacing oil energy with other energy sources that do not emit carbon and secondly

using oil energy as efficiently as possible.

• Alternative energies that can be used include wind, sunlight, nuclear energy, and



There are many things that can be done as citizens of Earth to take part in

overcoming the Global Warming and Climate Change that is being

experienced by Earth, starting with small things that everyone can do from

the house where we live, including the following: i, including:

Save energy, by:

 Turn off electrical equipment when not in use.

 Only use electrical appliances when we need them.

 Do not use equipment that uses electricity; if it can be easily done by hand,

such as opening cans, bottles etc.

 Connect the lights in the yard with a timer or solar photocell.

 Use fluorescent lamps and energy-saving lamps to save electricity. This type

of energy-saving lamp will cut 80% of wasted electricity than incandescent


 Turn off electrical appliances and use minimal lighting at night when going to


 Turn off the water heater before you leave to go on vacation.

 Cleaning and removing unnecessary items/food from the refrigerator every


 Do not open the refrigerator door too often and for a long time, because it

will waste electricity


 Planting trees

The trees that we plant in our yard, no matter how small the yard, will

certainly play a role in neutralizing CO2 in the air as well as refreshing and

nourishing us. Don't hesitate to start planting trees and continue to add to

your collection of plants in your yard, for example ornamental plants,

flowers, fruit or live pharmacies, vegetables and herbs, no problem. If most of

the earth's citizens do it, it will provide very significant benefits for reducing

CO2 in the air and ultimately global warming can be reduced.

 Do not wash dishes with running water continuously.

 Do not brush your teeth, also with a running water faucet, because a lot of

water will be wasted in 1 minute wasted about 10 liters.

 Take a shower using a dip that is measured and necessary, rather than using a

shower faucet with running water or soaking in a 'bath-tub'. Similarly, to

wash a car, it is enough to use a bucket and a dipper instead of using a hose

with running water.

 Use rinse water for washing rice, fruits and vegetables as well as for watering


 Collect rainwater and use it for watering plants, cleaning floors etc.

 Open the window, so that the wind can blow in to cool and refresh the room

in your home, instead of using artificial air conditioners that waste electricity

such as air conditioners. If you continue to use the AC, don't forget to clean

the AC regularly, it will save electricity. Don't forget to set the 'timer' on the

air conditioner to stop before dawn. Exhaust fans can also be used to help

exchange fresh air in the room, if the wind circulation is not optimal.

 If you want to build a house, don't forget to take advantage of the air

circulation, the wind and natural light from the sun optimally. In countries

that care deeply about the Earth, such as Sweden, Denmark and Japan, the

use of electricity has begun to utilize windmills and solar panels, hopefully

in Indonesia it can be implemented as well, considering that electricity from

PLN is not yet able to reach all corners of the region, especially the regions.


 By doing one of the above, we can all save the earth from destruction, stop

global warming is impossible, reducing the impact of global warming is a

possible answer.
1.Aditya S,

2.Tempo Nasional,

animals-out-of-habitat/full&view=ok,On September 21 2015,20:56.

3.Republic, 1/14/10/15/ndh4s556-

monkey-and-elephant-pun-out-of-the-forest, On October 15, 2014, 02:00 am

4News Sumatra,

stubborn-pt-mayora-group-regent-banyuasin-response-complaint-citizens, On

November 14, 2018.

5News People South Sumatra,

kbrs-dinas-lingkungan-live.html, On July 30, 2017

6.Fisiska Indonesia. 2014. Hukum

Diakses pada Minggu, 12 April 2015. Pukul 23:44 WITA


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