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A Book review on Jacqueline’s Davies “The Lemonade War”

By Princess Katheleen Kate Socorin Lajato

The Story or Novel titled “The Lemonade War” is all about Evan Treski and the
other characters.Evan Treski is people smart. He is good at talking to people, even
grownups. His younger sister Jessie, on the other hand is smart but not especially
good at understanding people. He knows that feelings are her weakest subject. So
when their lemonade war begins, there is no telling who will win or if their fight will
never end.

It all started when Evan lay on his back in the dark, throwing the baseball up in
the dark. He threw the baseball up in a straightline and catched in his barehands. His
legs flopped in a V. his arms stretched up to the ceiling and he thought that if he
missed to catch it he’d probably break his nose. It made the game interesting enough
to keep going.

The Siblings Evan and Jessie sell a lemonade. At first, their business didn’t
went go on what they expected will happen. A lot of problems went their way but
they did not give up and they continued to sell a lemonade.
Actually, Evan and Jessie are not close to each other. Evan don’t want to be around
with her sister, he wants to be alone and that made Jessie confused. Many month’s
passed, the situation changed. Evan and Jessie became close and had the same
mindset, and they created a lemonade business together.

Overall, “The Lemonade War” was an engaging novel and it was super
interesting. It gives a lot of moral lessons especially to those who have siblings and to
those whoo love Lemonade. The most interesting part that I’ve read in this novel was
when one of Jessie’s Friends stole money from their Lemonade business. It made me
realized that not all of our friends were not real to us. We should not trust anybody
that quickly. We should be mature enough how to trust somebody, not just because
they are good to us. Lastly, I love this Novel.

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