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This is 162.6125.

  Good evening and welcome to the weekly Net of REACT NCR Godspeed Group. My name is your
Group Chief JOHNNY BRAVO. I’ll be your net control station for this evening’s net.

This net is for fellowship, news, distribution of announcements, and for testing the participant’s equipment via the check-in
process. Members and visitors are welcome and encouraged to check in and participate.

Stations with emergency or priority traffic may break in at any point.

Let us Pray. Lord Almighty, we praise you name above all name! Thank you for the blessing of this having a community of
friends in REACT. Thank you for all the blessings that we are receiving. We ask for forgiveness for all our shortcomings
and we ask for continued guidance and deliverance especially in the midst of new variants of COVID 19 virus. Protect all
of us Lord especially the most vulnerable. Please grant all our prayers and the prayers of all our love ones and friends. In
the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit Amen.

We shall now commence out net call or 151. This is a weekly 151 every Saturday from 6pm to 8pm in the evening.

Let us start. You may now check in. Please state your call sign and location, announcements of information if there is any.
For all Godspeed 41s with base radio or 112, please relay to the controller the check in of 41s with 111 or portables.

We are now calling for Godspeed stations to check-in for the recognition of your station

Any visitor who would like to join Godspeed net call?

For emergency traffic, please break and you shall be prioritized.

Any other Godspeed stations who would like to join the net, please check in now.

Does anybody have any additional information for the Net or are there any stations wishing after-net contacts?

One reminder: The schedule of our Net Control Station is every Saturday from 6pm to 8pm in the evening.

This concludes the 151 of Godspeed for today.

This is Johnny Bravo, your Net Control. Please join us again next week. The net is now closed at 8:00pm local time, and
the frequency shall return to regular use.

Good evening from your Chief of REACT Godspeed Group

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