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Conjunction And Clauses

Written To Fulfill Course Assigment Of

Advanced Grammar And Structure

Lecturer : Eka Yuniasih, M.Pd

By Group 2 :

Marchelia Anila 2101050017

Yeni Agustin 2101052019





Praise the presence of Allah SWT who always gives His grace and
guidance so that we can finish the paper the title “Conjuction And Clauses”
on time. This paper is prepared to fulfill the Teaching English as Foreign
Lenguage course assignment. We thank you to Miss Eka Yuniasih, M.Pd as
the lecturer and also the classmate which supporting us.

We hope that this paper can be useful for us in particular and for
readers in general, namely as reading material and additional knowledge.
We realize that in preparation of this paper there are still many
shortcomings and mistakes. Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestion
from readers are expected to improve this paper in the future.

Metro, Oktocber 2022

The Authors


COVER. ..................................................................................................... i

PREFACE. ................................................................................................. ii

TABLES OF CONTENS. ......................................................................... iii


A. Background. .................................................................................... 1
B. Formulation Of The Problem. ......................................................... 1
C. Perpose. ........................................................................................... 1


1. Definition, Function And Example Of Conjuction. ........................ 2

2. Definition, Function And Example Of Clauses. ............................. 9


A. Conclusion. ..................................................................................... 10
B. Sugesst . .......................................................................................... 10

BIBLIOGRAPHY. .................................................................................... 11



A. Background

Our knowledge and insight is for the advancement of our nation and
country, because we will be able to read English literature, listen to foreign radio
broadcasts, and watch other science films. Thus, in the end we can master
knowledge in all fields.

Language in general has rules or we often call it their respective grammatical

terms, as well as English, there are many rules that must be considered in its use,
especially in the field of writing. Therefore, the author tries to present four rules
of the many rules of the English language, in addition to fulfilling the coursework,
it is also intended that this short article can add to our knowledge of the English

B. Formulation Of The Problem

1. What the definition, function and example of conjuction
2. What the definition, function and example of clauses

C. Perpose

From the identification of the problems above, the author certainly aims
to explain or explain these points, according to the knowledge we have obtained,
both from source books and from our teachers. Hopefully all of them will benefit
us. If there are errors in writing or words in this paper, the author apologizes



1. Definition, Function And Example Of Conjunction

A conjunction is a word that connects two groups of words or two

words in a sentence. Conjunctions combine sentences, words, and clauses into
one, such as and (dan,tambah), but (tetapi, kecuali, meskipun begitu), if
(jika,kalau,meskipun begitu), or (atau) , that (jika,kalau,jikalau,apakah), for
(untuk), else (kalau tidak), because (karena,sebab), after (sesudah,setelah), though
(meskipun,walaupun), although (meskipun walaupun) , till (sampai,sehingga),
before (sebelum,daripada), unless (kecuali kalau), as (ketika waktu,karena),
when(kalau bagaimana, ketika,walaupun), than (dari,daripada), since
(karena,sejak), and lest (kalau,agar tidak,bahwa,kalau).

Example sentences:

I like Hera and Evi,

I love Hera and Evi.

He will do well if he studies hard.

Conjunctions are divided into four types, namely compound conjunctions

(combined conjunctions). correlative conjunctions (correlative conjunctions),
subordinating conjunctions (subordinate conjunctions), and coordinating
conjunctions (equivalent conjunctions).

A. Coordinating Conjunction

Coordinating conjunctions are conjunctions used to link together two clauses or

statements that are equal. The two clauses or statements when separated each
have the same important position as the main sentence.

Example of sentences:

She was working and her brother was sleeping.

He was working and his brother was sleeping.

The word "and" connects two sentences, "she was working" and "her brother was
sleeping". Second the sentences are equivalent.

Example of sentences

Rony and Tony came.

The word "and" connects "Rony" and "Toni". These two words have the same
relationship with "came":

Coordinating conjunctions can be further divided into five types based on their
use in sentences as follows.

1. Cumulative conjunction (conjunctive, cumulative) or additive conjunction

(additive conjunction) or copulative conjunction (conjunction that combines).

Cumulative conjunctions are conjunctions used to join/connect statements. This

conjunction only adds one statement to another without stating a difference or
choice, such as and (and, plus), so (therefore, so that both and (not only...but also;
at the same time), too (also) , as well as (and also; neither...nor), no les than (not
less than, equal to), and not only but also (not only not only...but also)

Example of sentences

Take this and leave the rest.

Take this and leave the rest.

She is my mother so I love her. She is my mother that's why I love her.

2. Adversative conjunction (adversative conjunction)

Adversative conjunctions are conjunctions that are used to express a difference

(contrast) between two statements in a sentence, such as but (but), however (will
still nevertheless (however, even so / so), on the Contrary (on the other hand), on
the other hand (on the other hand), only (unfortunately, only), still (even though,
even though), even though (while, on the contrary, even though), and yet (but, but,
even so).

Example of sentences:

The book is interesting, only too long.

The book is very interesting, just too long. I was angry yet I kept my cool.

I was angry, but I remained calm.

3. alternative conjunction

Disjunctive conjunction (disjunctive conjunction) or alternative

Disjunctive conjunctions are conjunctions that express a choice between two

choices. This conjunction offers a choice between one statement and another,
such as either,or (baik,maupun,atau), else (kalau tidak), neither,nor
(tidak,bujan,ataupun or else (kalau tidak), or (kalau tidak), otherwise (kalau tidak),
and or (apakah atau)

Example of sentences

Go quickly else you will not reach on time. Hurry up or else you won't make it
on time.

4. Illative conjunction

Illative conjunction adalah konjungsi yang menyatakan suatu dugaan atau

kesimpulan dari pernyataan sebelumnya. Konjungsi ini membantu menyimpulkan
satu pernyataan dari pernyataan yang lain, seperti accordingly (jadi, karena itu,
maka), consequently (maka dan itu, karenanya, sebagai akibat), for (karena),
hence (sebab itu, karena itu, karenanya), on that account (oleh sebab itu), sinca
(karena), so (oleh sebab itu), dan therefore (oleh karena itu).

Contoh kalimat:

loved Kiki for she is very beautiful.

I Saya mencintai Kiki karena ia sangat cantik. Since you have money, you can
help me.

Karena kau punya uang, kau bisa menolongku.

5. Explanatory conjunction (konjungsi penjelas) Explanatory conjunction adalah

konjungsi yang membantu menjelaskan dengan lebih jelas satu pernyataan dengan
memakai pernyataan yang lain, seperti as (seperti), by way of example (misalnya,
umpamanya), for example (misalnya, umpamanya), let us say (misalkan), namely
(yaitu, yakni), say (kira kira, misalnya), that is to say (yaitu, artinya, maksudnya),
dan that is (yaitu).

Contoh kalimal:

I know many varieties as red, black, white.

Saya tahu banyak keanekaragaman seperti merah, hitam, putih.

She has three sisters, namely Darnalis, Rina and Diah. la punya tiga saudara
perempuan yaitu Damalis, Rina, dan Diah

B. Subordinating Conjunction (Konjungsi Subordinat)

Subordinating conjunction adalah konjungsi yang digunakan untuk

menghubungkan dua klausa yang tidak sederajat, yaitu antara induk kalimat dan
anak kalimat, anak kalimat bergantung pada induk kalimat, seperti after, because,
if, that, though, till, although, before, yet, in order to (agar, supaya), how as long
as (asalkan, asal saja, selama, jikalau), as if (seoal-olah, seakan-akan), dan as
though (seolah-olah, seakan-akan), since, until , while, than, where, when, as, dan

Contoh kalimat:

Since you are late, you cannot come in. Karena kau telat, kau tidak boleh masuk.

He hid because he had not done his work. la bersembunyi karena ia belum
mengerjakan pekerjaannya.

Subordinating conjunction dikelompokkan atas 8 jenis :

1. Subordinating conjunction of time yang menyatakan waktu, seperti "after",


"till", "since", "when", and "while".

Contoh kalimat:

She began her work after we had gone.

la memulai pekerjaannya setelah kami pergi. Santi had gone before I spoke to

Santi telah pergi sebelum saya berbicara dengannya

2. Subordinating conjunction of purpose yang menyatakan maksud/tujuan, seperti


Contoh kalimat:

We eat that we may live.

Kita makan agar kita bisa hidup.

Thousands died so that Indonesia may get freedom. Ribuan orang mati (agar)
supaya Indonesia bisa merdeka.

3. Subordinating conjunction of place yang menyatakan tempat.

Contoh kalimat:

The pup follows me wherever I go.

Anak anjing itu mengikutiku ke mana saja aku pergi. Return this to the shop from
where you bought.

Kembalikan ini pada toko dari tempat kau membelinya.

4. Subordinating conjunction of cause or reason yang menyatakan sebab atau
alasan. Contoh kalimat:

As he was not there, I left the packet with the neighbour. Karena ia tidak ada di
sana, saya tinggalkan paket itu pada tetangganya.

I was upset very much because Jakob was angry with me. Saya sangat bingung
karena Jakob marah pada saya.

5. Subordinating conjunction of contrast or concession yang menyatakan

perbedaan atau konsesi.

Contoh kalimat Although they are brothers, they are always fighting

Meskipun mereka kakak beradik, mereka selalu berkelahi.

. 6. Subordinating conjunction of comparison yang menyatakan perbandingan.

Contoh kalimat:

She is taller than you.

la lebih tinggi daripada kamu.

Hera walks as beautifully as a film star.

Hera berjalan dengan indah seperti bintang film,

7. Subordinating conjunction of condition yang menyatakan syarat, seperti If,


provided. Contoh kalimat:

If he comes here, I shall talk to him.

Kalau la datang ke sini, saya akan berbicara dengannya. You can take the book
provided you return it by tomorrow

Kau boleh bawa buku itu asalkan kau kembalikan besok.

8. Subordinating conjunction of result or consequence yang menyatakan hasil

Contoh kalimat:

He is very busy so he has no time to relax

la sangat sibuk oleh karena itu ia tidak ada waktu untuk bersantai.

She talked so fast that I could not understand her words.

la berbicara dengan cepat sekali sehingga saya tidak bisa mengerti kata-katanya.

C. Correlative Conjunction (Konjungsi Korelatif)

Correlative conjunctions adalah kata sambung yang digunakan secara

berpasangan, seperti as...50 (seperti sebagaimana...begitulah/demikian), as as
(sama...dengan/seperti), both...and (tidak hanya... tetapi juga, dan juga), either...or
(atau; baik...maupun), hrdly...when (baru saja...lalu/waktu; begitu... maka),
neither...nor ( tidak/bukan...ataupun), no sooner...than (ketika...segera; baru
saja...lalu), not only... but also (tidak/bukan hanya...tetapi juga), scarcely ...when
(baru saja...laluwaktu begitu...maka), so...that (dengan maksud bahwa; demkian...
sehingga), such as (yang demikian...karena), such... that (begitulah... sehingga),
though...yet (meskipun/walaupun...namun tetapi), dan whether...or

Contoh kalimat:

Either the dog or the cat has eaten it. Anjing itu atau kucing itu yang telah

He can speak neither English nor Mandarin.

la tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris ataupun Mandarin.

D. Compound Conjunction (Konjungsi Gabungan)

Compound conjunction adalah kelompok kata atau frase yang digunakan

sebagai kata sambung. seperti as it/though (seolah-olah, seakan-akan, seperti), as
soon as (segera setelah, demi), as well as (dan juga; baik...maupun; seperti), even
if (sekalipun, sungguhpun) , in order that (agar, supaya), in as much as.

2.Definition, function, and example of Clauses

a clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. There are two

types of clauses:

a. Independent Clause - expresses a complete thought and has a subject

and verb. It is the main thought of a sentence and can be used alone as

a simple sentence.


Mrs. Smith bakes wonderful pies.

During the rainstorm, the children were frightened by the thunder.

She enjoys playing the piano.

b. Dependent Clause – has a subject and verb but cannot be used as a

simple sentence. A dependent clause is introduced by a dependent word

(subordinating conjunction).

Example :

After we finished the game

Although we finished the game

As we finished the game

Before we finished the game

If we finished the game

Since we finished the game

That we finished the game

When we finished the game

While we finished the game



A. Conclusion

From the paper, it can be concluded that Conjunctions are conjunctions

that connect parts of speech in sentences: words with words, phrases with phrases,
or clauses with clauses that have an equal or similar position. These equivalent
words can be in the form of a relationship between a noun and a noun, an adverb
with an adverb, an adjective with an adjective, a verb with a verb, also a phrase
with a phrase, and a clause with a clause. There are three types of conjunctions,
namely: coordinating conjunctions (simple conjunctions), correlative
conjunctions, and subordinating conjunctions. Besides these three types, there are
adverbs that are used as conjunctions, namely conjunctive adverbs. Conjunction
or or connector is a word used to connect/combine words with other words,
phrases with other phrases, or clauses with other clauses.

while a clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb

that have a relationship. This relationship is crucial; a clause conveys
information about what that subject is or is doing, rather than simply being a
random grouping of words.

B. Suggest

We should study English more so that we know and understand,

and can use it, because English is an international language.



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